1910-1918 selection of 75 pcs of unused Austrian stamps, teoreticky as Czechosl. forerunner, it contains e.g. mint never hinged Flugposty (Mi.225-27), express 5h triangle (Mi.218) with 4 blank coupons, express 2h rectangle (Mi.219D) with line perforation 12½; : 11½; (c.v.. 150€), line stamp. in 2 color shades, on sheet A4
1918 Austrian postal order without L cut with Mi.186 3x, 188 2x in front + Mi.186, 188, 197 and 219 on reverse, CDS TESCHEN 1/ CIESZYN 1/ 18.12.18, arrival ZUCKMANTEL IN SCHLESIEN (Zlaté Hory)/ 20.XII.18, exp. by Karasek., interesting franking
1919 commercial letter franked with. mixed franking Austrian stamp. 12h Coat of arms, Mi.189 and Hradčany 10h, Pof.5, CDS KREIBITZ/ 22.I.19, incomplete print, addressed to to Austria; vertical folds, on reverse torn flap
1919 comp. 3 pcs of Hungarian dispatch-notes to Czechoslovakia, at the delivery place fee paid Austrian stamp. Charles 20h used as postage-due stamps, handwritten notice Porto, CDS ZVOLENĚVES, OBER ALTSTADT and ARNAU
1919court letter in the place without franking CDS PŘEROV/ 7.III.19, in the place with Mi.P58 10x (after validity, but allowed) and Pof.DL2, CDS PŘEROV/ 8.III.19, damaged corner, after all exceedingly interesting
1918 envelope with mounted complete sets Austrian stamp. Mi.185-199, all with overprint "ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ REPUBLIKA/" (Levec), CDS PRAGUE 1/ 12.11.18, without address, well preserved
1918Prague overprint III. (Levec), letter franked with Austrian stmp Mi.187, 189 and 190 with overprint "Czechoslovak/ Republic", CDS PRAGUE 1/ 22.XI.18, envelope in the middle 1x vertical folded, rare occurrence, good condition
1918 Registered and Express letter with Pof.RV43-57, Hluboka issue (Mareš's overprint), CDS ZLIV/ 7.XI.18, arrival NÁKŘÍ/ 8.XI.18 on reverse, format 22x14cm, exp. by Mahr BPP, well preserved
Pof.1, 1h brown, comp. 5 pcs of complete counter sheet with plate variety, all in the middle 1x vertical folded, otherwise good condition, cat. min. 2000CZK
Pof.26, 1000h violet with lower margin and control-numbers 200,- + Pof.7, 15h bricky red with wide margin and part/-s control-numbers, pos. 100, lightly hinged