FORGERIES forgeries to defraud the collectors, selection of values 10h, 20h and 30h as blk-of-4 on common paper without gum (light stains), in addition pair 10h with offset and single piece 20h, for study purposes
1919 commercial PC to Wien (Vienna), franked with stamp. Pof.2 5x, CDS RAKOVNÍK thin/light and illegible, that's why in Vienna přerazítkovány stamps, curiosity, good condition
1919Reg letter with return receipt to Vienna with Pof.11 and 20, CDS PRAGUE 5/ 9.10.19, postal rate II, exact franking (25+50+50h), rare, light wrinkled margins and smudge ink, good condition
1919 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters addressed to Bosnia in/at postal rate I, 1 pcs of with Pof.2 2x, 5, 12, other letter with 400h Pof.24 with by hand writen note. "6 Brife9,-", both with CDS PARSCHNITZ/ 24.II.19 and line censorship postmark; good condition
1919comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters addressed in/at postal rate I to Poland, multicolor frankings stamp. values 3h, 5, 10h and 25h, 1x nationalized CDS KARLÍN/ 13/1 19 and R postmark, other letter with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 12.I.19, both letters overfranked, on/for both handwritten note. "F.h. 45h"; good condition
1920 letter sent insufficiently franked from Austrian Aigenu to Vimperk, there burdened by postage-due in výší 95h, mounted provisional Postage due stamp Hradčany 15h with overprint PORTO, Pof.7A (block of four with lower margin + pair) supplemented with Postage due stamp Ornament 5h, Pof.DL1, cancelled by postmark VIMPERK/ 13.V.20; envelope with tearing in upper also lower margins and with vertical fold
1920 front side banking valuable letter, franked with. total 13 pcs stamp. Pofis. 26, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 7.VI.20, on reverse underglued other envelope, after all interesting, decorative
1919 ordinary letter to Austria, franked with stamp. Pof.28B, CDS NEUTITSCHEIN/ NOVÝ JIČÍN/ 11.XI.19, i. e. 8 days after validity (!), 1x vert. fold, viewing of quality recommended
1919 comp. 4 pcs of philatelically influenced entires, 2x Reg and Express, 1x R, 1x uprated Austrian PC Crown 10h - after valid time, evidently tolerated, very good condition
Pof.34, 38, comp. 2 pcs of 100-stamps sheets without margins, 5h plate 2, 15h plate 1b, cat. only joined subtypes of overprint Ia, IIa 1370CZK, folded in perforation
Pof.38, Charles, comp. 2 pcs of 100-stamps sheets without margins, plate 1a+b, cat. only joined subtypes of overprint Ia, IIa 940CZK, folded in perforation