1851-60selection of 19 pcs of classical stamp, it contains e.g. 8 pcs of Papal States, Tuscany Mi.10 (!), Sardinia Mi.11d, etc.., several pcs closer margin but overall good quality, c.v.. 2800€
1869letter sent from Rome before/(in front of) France to Vienna, with Mi.21, 22 and 24, dumb cancel. + CDS ROMA/ 15.APR.69, black framed pmk "over-printing plate", transit blue ST. MICHEL/ ÉPONT/ 18.AVRL.69 in front, decorative tricolour franking, stamp. 5c with 2 folds before mounting, viewing of quality recommended, after all interesting
1852-53comp. 3 pcs of classical stamp, contains Mi.1a - R close margin, Mi.6a - small thin place, exp. Pfenninger, rare stamp and Mi.8 - R close margin, good condition, c.v.. 1150€
1851-63selection of 18 pcs of classical stamp., it contains e.g. Tuscany, Sardinia, Parma and oths., various quality, mostly but good condition, c.v.. 2700€
1861 comp. 2 pcs of stamps issue I, contains Mi.1a, ½Tor yellow-green, on small cut-square + Mi.5a, 5Gr carmine red, wide margins, chosen pieces without in this issue usual thin places etc.., both stamp. with well readable CDS NAPOLI, c.v.. 225€
1932Mi.391-407, Garibaldi, complete set 17 pieces, by/on/at two stamps small spots in gum (391, 395), č.406 partial fold in paper, other nice, popular set, c.v.. 300€
1934 Mi.479-487, World Championship in football, complete set 9 pieces, airmail stmp nice quality, other with thin/light hint hinged (5 pieces), catalogue value for MNH 750€
1918-40 3x censored letter, 1x to Netherlands with military censorship, 1x Netherlands through/over Germany, censorship Italian and German, 1x Ex letter to Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia, censorship OKW, interesting, good condition
1941 Reg letter to Vienna with Mi.330 2x, 625-626, CDS SPALATO (DALMAZIA)/ 3.7.41, Yugoslav Reg label, Italian and German censorship, nice imprints, decorative
1942 Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia franked by multicolor franking.., CDS NAPOLI/ 17.11.42, transit pmk, arrival KROMĚŘÍŽ/ 27.XI.42, German censorship, decorative
1943LOCAL ISSUE / NAPLES FDC with Mi.1, 2 and 3 with overprint "GOVERNO/ MILITARE/ ALLEATO, special postmark NAPOLI/ 10.12.43, supplemented with round cancel. "InaugurazioneServizo Postale", without address, sound condition
1943CROATIA c.v.. Sassone 11a, 14a, Italian postage stmp 30c and 1,25L with double red overprint "N.D./ HRVATSKA/ U" and nominal value "3,50kuna", prepared but unissued local issue for Split, quite mint never hinged, new photo-certificate PredragZrinjščak from y 2009, Sassone 3200€, at our place absolutely rare occurrence!
1941LJUBLJANA Mi.1-17, complete set jugoslávských stamp. with overprint "Co. Ci.", all values exp. + certificate VelimirErcegovič from y 1978, on stmp Mi.1 and Mi.2 quite small browny dots, c.v.. Michel 540€, c.v.. Sassone 1250€, on/for our auctions rare offer
1918-19VENEZIA GIULIA, TRENTINO selection of 88 pcs of Italian and Austrian stamp. with various overprints, contains i.a. Mi.19-26, Porto Mi.7 (exp. Bolaffi), also more times same, only 3 pcs of used, c.v.. ca. 630€
1972Mi.1451-1456, Summer Olympic Games München (Munich) 72, PLATE PROOF on chalky paper without gum and without perf, exp. + photo-certificate Zrinjščak
1948 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia two-sided franked by multicolor franking., on reverse Service stmp., CDS VARAŽDIN 5.VI.48, off. document, very interesting
1920Mi.17-18, Coat of arms, complete 100-stamps counter sheet, margins light wrinkled or narušené gum, stamps mostly good quality, a lot of plate flaws on/for both sheets, see inserted copy from Monograph Müller, good material for specialist, catalogue 120€ basic price/-s + 260Fr after/behind plate variety, We recommend it to examination