1854-76selection of 17 pcs of stamps, part hinged, part without gum, according to supplier c.v.. 1300€ for *, profitable offer after/behind symbolical price
1944 letter addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, with Mi.914, MC from 27.MAY.44 badly readable, on reverse CDS BARCELONA/ 1.JUN.44 + frame censorship mark Barcelona, censorship stripe and četná other censorship mark., good condition
1929 Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.179, 190, 233, CDS ZÜRICH 12.VIII.29, transit pmk WIEN, arrival BRNO, redirected to Velké Losiny, arrival postmark VELKÉ LOSINY 14.VIII.29, on reverse hints after sticking in album
1948 ZONE B, Mi.1 I, 1 II, 1 III, horizontal strip of 3, inscription in 3 various language varieties (I - slovinsky, II - Italian, III - chorvatsky), 2x fragment special postmark from of the First Day issue (!), sought by specialists, c.v.. 70€
1950ZONE B, Mi.Bl.1A + Mi.Bl.1B, two souvenir sheets 100 years railways, 1x perf and 1x imperforated, with thin/light print special postmark, c.v.. 400€
1862-1914selection of 26 pcs of mostly classical stamp., it contains e.g. Mi.18, 39, 76 *, 84, line nice čitelných numeral cancel., good quality, c.v.. 1500€
1928 airmail letter with Mi.155 and 156, CDS LIVERPOOL/ 24.SP.28, experimental air post on/for trace Liverpool - Belfast - Liverpool, commemorative envelope, stage Liverpool - Belfast, additional cancel. "Liverpool CivicWeek/ September 24-29 1928/ Experimental Airmail/ ToBelefast", arrival BELFAST/ 24.SP.28 on reverse, sound condition
1934 postcard with Mi.177, special postmark LONDON/ AIR POST EXHIBITION/ 12. MAY 34, exhibition label with coupon, blue cachet, addressed to to Czechoslovakia, decorative, sound condition
1934 SAMPLE WITHOUT VALUE commercial air-mail letter to Prague, with Mi.176 2x, 179 2x, CDS EDINBURGH9MR/34, red cachet, on reverse transit pmk BERLIN and arrival PRAGUE, filling holes
1937 card addressed to to Czechoslovakia with Mi.195, 1½p, with advertising coupon CastellBros., Ltd., MC SYDENHAM/ 20.JNE.1937, sought advertising coupons
1936-39 Mi.609-616, 675-683, Olympic Games and 2x Winter relief, comp. of stamps on first day sheet/-s with special postmark XI. Olympiade 10.7.36, and on cut-squares with special postmark WIEN 8.1.1939 and 29.1.1939, very light stains
1883-1900[COLLECTIONS] selection of 55 pcs of stamps with perfins on/for Kreuzers values, from that 8 pcs of eagle, chosen quality, in addition identification entire Prague f. Joseph Bruckner and sons with perfin "J.B./ & S." (Maxa J18), on sheet A4, nice