Mail Auction 27 / Philately / Occupations

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100169 - 1938 ASCH  propaganda Ppc sent in the place, with Mi.1 II, C
1938 ASCH propaganda Ppc sent in the place, with Mi.1 II, Coat of arms, thin overprint 50h (!), CDS AŠ 1/ CP/ 30.IX.38, propaganda overprint, exp. by Mahr., Brunel, very fine, extraordinary usage thin overprint and distinctive characters CP
Starting price: CZK
102206 - 1938 NIXDORF postcard franked with. 50h Beneš with Rumburk
1938 NIXDORF postcard franked with. 50h Beneš with Rumburk overprint Wir sind frei!, CDS NIXDORF 1/ 11.X.38; excellent quality, non-philatelic - rare!
Starting price: CZK
98248 - 1938 German PC Mi.P226, provisory straight line postmark NEU
1938 German PC Mi.P226, provisory straight line postmark NEU-ULLERSDORF (Nové Losiny ), on reverse hand-made 17.Nov.1938, burdened by postage-due, mounted Czechosl. Postage due stamp Pof.DL57 and DL61, CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 19.XI.38, non-philatelic correspondence, interesting, from exhibit, good condition
Starting price: CZK
98249 - 1938? German PC Mi.P226, uprated with stamp 6Pf Hundenburg,
1938? German PC Mi.P226, uprated with stamp 6Pf Hundenburg, provisory straight line postmark EIDLITZ (Údlice), on reverse hand-made 30.X., Czechosl. censorship, non-philatelic correspondence, from exhibit, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
98247 - 1939 German PC Mi.P226, provisional frame 2-lines cancel. OB
1939 German PC Mi.P226, provisional frame 2-lines cancel. OBER-LANGENAU/ über HOHENELBE (Riesengeb.), (= Horní Lánov by/on/at Vrchlabí), supplemented with date-stamp 10.Feb., on reverse hand-made 10.2.39, non-philatelic correspondence, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
98251 - 1938 letter with 12Pf Hindenburg, provisional framed pmk POR
1938 letter with 12Pf Hindenburg, provisional framed pmk PORUBA/ über TROPPAU (Ostrava 35) very well readable, addressed to to Sudetenland (Litoměřice), non-philatelic correspondence, sender: L.H., mill, Poruba bei Schönbrunn, good condition
Starting price: CZK
98253 - 1938 letter with 20Pf Hindenburg, propagandistic provisory f
1938 letter with 20Pf Hindenburg, propagandistic provisory four-line cancel. "Deutsches (German) Postamt (Post-office) ARNAU/Elbe/ Unsser Führer befreite (liberated) die/ Wiesenstadt/ am 9.X.1938" (Hostinné), addressed to Léčebnému fund in Prague, envelope R light cut, correspondence from first days after occupation, good condition
Starting price: CZK
98252 - 1938 letter with 4+4+12Pf Hindenburg, provisional double cir
1938 letter with 4+4+12Pf Hindenburg, provisional double circle pmk POSTAMT/ DEUTSCH (GERMAN) GABEL/ 13.NOV.1938 (Jablonné v./P.), addressed to Léčebnému fund in Prague, good condition
Starting price: CZK
98255 - 1938 letter with 6+6Pf Hindenburg, propagandistic round canc
1938 letter with 6+6Pf Hindenburg, propagandistic round cancel. POSTAMT/ SUDETENDEUTSCHLAND/ 1938 with eagle, Czechosl. red framed pmk CENSUROVÁNO, sent to Field post No.28, odesílatelka: M.M., Loděnice by/on/at Pohořelic, good condition
Starting price: CZK
98254 - 1938 Express letter with 10+30+30Pf Hindenburg, provisory st
1938 Express letter with 10+30+30Pf Hindenburg, provisory straight line postmark DEUTSCH-KRALUP (green), supplemented with censored cancel., on reverse 4 various transit and arrival postmark., for example. nationalized CDS ZOLLAMT KOMOTAU/ 3.XI.38, non-philatelic correspondence, signs of usage., on stmp 10Pf brown spot R, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
103270 - 1938 commercial letter to Prague with Hindenburg 10Pf pair,
1938 commercial letter to Prague with Hindenburg 10Pf pair, unofficial overprint - swastika, broken out cancel BODENBACH 7.XI.38, censorship, warped paper, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
103177 - 1938 commercial letter with 12Pf Hindenburg, provisory strai
1938 commercial letter with 12Pf Hindenburg, provisory straight line postmark RÜCKERSDORF (Řasnice), addressed to to Prague, censorship mark., in/at address sender "Czechoslovakia" crossed out, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
101255 - 1938 pictorial postcard with promotional added print, with m
1938 pictorial postcard with promotional added print, with mounted Czechosl. newspaper stamp. Pof.NV15 with overprint "swastika", framed pmk POSTAMT/ BÜRGSTEIN, date-stamp 11.Okt.1938 and two advertising cachets, postally Un, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
103427 - 1938 comp. 5 pcs of entires, 2x German PC, from that 1x upra
1938 comp. 5 pcs of entires, 2x German PC, from that 1x uprated, 2x Czechosl. PC, commercial PC with additional-printing, interesting postmarks, censorship, interesting
Starting price: CZK
102209 - 1938 comp. 5 pcs of Ppc sent by soldiers during occupation o
1938 comp. 5 pcs of Ppc sent by soldiers during occupation of Sudetenland, 2x cancel. FIELD-POST with taktickým number 20 (20. infantry Division) and 294 (1. leichte Division), 1x mixed franking with Czechosl. stamp., CDS HOHENAU / 10.X.38, 1x military unit postmarks.; various quality
Starting price: CZK
100952 - 1938 comp. of 7 pieces postally Un entires, special and prov
1938 comp. of 7 pieces postally Un entires, special and provisional postmarks (Gablonz, Warnsdorf, Ruppersdorf, Eichwald, Znaim, Maffersdorf, Freiberg), well preserved, nice print
Starting price: CZK
99956 - 1938 comp. 9 pcs of letters with provisory postmarks, i.a. S
1938 comp. 9 pcs of letters with provisory postmarks, i.a. STERNBERG, TESCHEN 2, MÄRISCH ROTWASSER, TRAUTENAU, standard quality
Starting price: CZK
103776 - 1938 STERNBERG  unpaid card addressed to office for war dama
1938 STERNBERG unpaid card addressed to office for war damaged in Brno, provisional red cancel. DEUTSCHE.REICHS.POST/ STERNBERG (Moravia)/ 9.10.38/ swastika, mounted Czechosl. Postage due stamp Pof.DL62, CDS BRNO/ 20.X.38, for postage due refused and returned, mailing wrinkled, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
100038 - 1938-43 comp. 6 pcs of entires, printed matter with provisor
1938-43 comp. 6 pcs of entires, printed matter with provisory postmark SCHILLERSDORF, provisional postmark ORLAU, commercial additional printing Leo Groda, Hultschin, commercial additional printing paper factory WÜSTSEIBERSDORF (Pusté Žibřidovice ), 2x Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS KATHARAIN ÜBER TROPPAU, 1x broken corner, 1x filling holes
Starting price: CZK
100042 - 1938-44 comp. 11 pcs of entires, i.a. blank form with CDS OD
1938-44 comp. 11 pcs of entires, i.a. blank form with CDS ODRAU, 3x Reg letter with CDS KRZESCHITZ, DEUTSCH JAßNIK, TROPPAU, provisional postmarks GÖRKAU and REICHSTADT, various condition, 3x filling holes, also with 12 pcs of PC
Starting price: CZK
98256 - 1939 letter with 12Pf Hindenburg, provisional 2-lines cancel
1939 letter with 12Pf Hindenburg, provisional 2-lines cancel. OBER TANNWALD/ (Isergebirge) supplemented with date-stamp 2.II.1939 (Tanvald 3), commercial correspondence, envelope in the middle vertical folded and in UR corner 1,5cm torn, still preserved
Starting price: CZK
98250 - 1939 letter with 20Pf Hindenburg, provisional three-line can
1939 letter with 20Pf Hindenburg, provisional three-line cancel. GROSS-HEILENDORF/ über HOHENSTADT (Moravia)/ Land, without date (Postřelmov) + CDS HOHENSTADT (MARCH)/ 13.2.39, small format, non-philatelic correspondence, cancel. well readable, good condition
Starting price: CZK
100819 - 1939 comp. 2 pcs of entires, letter with provisory postmark
1939 comp. 2 pcs of entires, letter with provisory postmark FRANKSTADT (Nový Malín ), PC with postal agency pmk KRUMPISCH (Chromeč), c.v.. Geb.0425/4, nice imprints
Starting price: CZK
103367 - 1940-43 comp. 4 pcs of entires, 3x Reg letter, CDS SCHÖLIND
1940-43 comp. 4 pcs of entires, 3x Reg letter, CDS SCHÖLINDE / 23.3.43, BÖHMISCH LEIPA / 12.3.43, AUSIG 1 / 12.6.42, 1x C.O.D. dispatch-note, all multicolor frankings, standard quality
Starting price: CZK
89754 - 1944 passport for taking-delivery postal stamps in/at novink
1944 passport for taking-delivery postal stamps in/at novinkové service, German printed matter, format A5, mounted pair stamp. Mi.796, CDS MORCHENSTERN, on reverse certificate of pickup - print with various date, cross fold, after all good condition
Starting price: CZK
104083 - 1945 postal order to Hradec Králové, CDS MLADÁ BOLESLAV/
1945 postal order to Hradec Králové, CDS MLADÁ BOLESLAV/ 5.V.45, recipient not found, back, interesting
Starting price: CZK
101829 - 1938 CDV 65, on reverse used 12 pcs of Czechosl. stamps, eve
1938 CDV 65, on reverse used 12 pcs of Czechosl. stamps, every cancelled CDS KARWINA 1/ 10.X.38, First Day occupation Karviná, from hictorical viewpoint interesting
Starting price: CZK
102551 - 1938 Pof.345Ms, Exhibition in Košice, vert. gutter, Hungari
1938 Pof.345Ms, Exhibition in Košice, vert. gutter, Hungarian additional printing ISMÉT MAGYAROK VAGYUNK/ 1938.nov.11, cachet KASSA/ VISSZATÉRT, interesting
Starting price: CZK
103082 - 1938 propaganda Ppc to occupation Košice sent as Registered
1938 propaganda Ppc to occupation Košice sent as Registered in the place, franked with Hungarian stmp Mi.551 + Czechosl. stamp. Pof.341, M345 (Košice), 3x cachet VISSZATÉRT KASSA, CDS KASSA 2/ 11.XI.38, Hungarian Reg label, arrival KASSA 1/ 14.XI.38 on reverse, in front daktyloskopické print from postmark color, good condition
Starting price: CZK
101447 - 1938-39 comp. 14 pcs of entires, various postmark as VISSZAT
1938-39 comp. 14 pcs of entires, various postmark as VISSZATÉRT RIMASZOMBÁT, LOSONCZ, Hungarian CDS as UNGVÁR etc.., various franking mainly Hungarian stamp., part philatelically motivated, standard quality
Starting price: CZK
103760 - 1940 TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE  postcard franked with Hungaria
1940 TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE postcard franked with Hungarian stmps with CDS NAGYSZÖLLÖS/ 40.III.18. (Sevluš), addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia; small spots in/at postcard
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 27 / Philately / Occupations - Information

V této kategorii zařazujeme položky poštovní historie z období 1938 a dělíme jej na Německý zábor - Sudety, Polský zábor a Maďarský zábor na Slovensku.

Do kategorie Protektorát Čechy a Morava zařazujeme emise poštovních známek z období 1939 - 1945. Mnohé emise poštovních známek vycházely v tomto období v atraktivních tiskových úpravách jako varianty kuponů, desková čísla a značky, tisk na okrajích, meziarší u doplatních poštovních známek, varianty zoubkování, odlišné úpravy zmenšených přepážkových archů atd. V té době byla velmi používaná příležitostná razítka. Generální sbírka obsahuje 182 poštovních známek.