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2009 Pof.PL596, Kepler 17CZK, double impression inscriptions (Johannes Kepler), in addition wrong vlisovaný hologram (shifted significantly up outside vyražený hole), kuriózní, very exceptional and still nepublikovaná defect! U:A5
2009 Pof.PL600, Jehuda Löw 21CZK, 1x production flaw on pos. 6 - circle L from star, 1x light print black also brown color U:A5
2009 Pof.602, Firemen CTIF, block of four, production flaw pos. 29/L and 35/L yellow rings by/on/at "CZK" U:A5
2009 Pof.602, Firemen CTIF, corner blk-of-4, production flaw on pos. 45/P - big green stain above "R" (REPUBLIC) U:A5
2009 Pof.618, Christmas 10CZK, horizontal pair, significantly smudge rose through/over whole numeral U:A5
2009 Oldřich and Božena 34CZK, 2x miniature sheet, name state stínován up and downward U:A5
1994 FORGERIES forgery postage stmp 3CZK Brno, 3x block of four forgery to defraud the post, 2x so-called. "Strakonice", 1x "Prague", c.v.. 1600CZK, for study purposes U:A5
1994-2002 FORGERIES comp. 5 pcs of unused forgeries postage stmp to defraud the post, contains P35, P52, P118, P140 and P330, interesting, mint never hinged, for study purposes U:A5
1996 FORGERIES comp. 2 pcs of bloks of four, Historical Architectural Styles, stmp Zodiac - blíženci 17CZK, for study purposes U:A5
1996 FORGERIES Historical Architectural Styles - classicism 4CZK, forgery to defraud the post, selection of block of four and marginal Pr, for study purposes U:A5
2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), comp. 4 pcs of stamp., 3x 0,40CZK, from that 1x variant II, 1x variant I and 1x variant I with production flaw yellow stain below castle, then 1x 2CZK variant I with * U:A5
2005 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, selection of 2x line 7,50 - 38CZK, total 10 pcs of stamp., 1x line with significant print postage values, 1x line with thin/light print postage values U:A5
2005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, print values *11.00Kč in violet color U:A5
2005 Pof.AT3, Jindřichův Hradec, print values *7.50Kč in violet color U:A5
1993 ZS5, HÚP (Economic Postcentral) Prague, with stamp. Pof.14, c.v.. 900CZK U:A5
2000 Pof.ZSt10, Traditions Czech stamp. production - For Children-issue 38 (Pof.243), significant incomplete-printings pos. 7-8 U:A5
1993 CDV1X, Říp in frame, 2 pieces, paper white and yellowy, torza postmarks, on reverse mounted competitive coupons, in front well preserved, c.v.. 1600CZK, cheaply offered U:A5
1993-95 CDV1 + CDV3A-F, Říp 2CZK, comp. of 7 pieces, nice, c.v.. 2430CZK U:A5
1993-95 CDV3/A-F, Říp, complete set, type 3C on paper without opticaly clearing agent also optically cleared (contrary to poznámce in catalogue thin place klasicky), very fine, c.v.. ca. 2400CZK U:A5
1996 CSO2, Tradition of Stamp Production, incl. PF, c.v.. 1000CZK U:A4
1996-99 CSO2, 4, 5, comp. 3 pcs of envelopes, c.v.. 2500CZK, 4 - very light stain U:A4
1997 CSO3, PRAGA '98, comp. 2 pcs of envelopes, 1x Un, 1x described and postally Un, c.v.. 1100CZK U:A4
1999 CSO5, Prague architecture, incl. PF, c.v.. 700CZK U:A4
2001 CSO7, Joseph Lada, very fine, c.v.. 600CZK U:A4
1994 P1 Regen 1994, PC CDV2 with additional-printing and special postmark, Un, c.v.. 800CZK U:A5
1997 comp. 3 pcs of mailbag receipts with label APOST type 2 Kroměříž U:A5
1998 PT8b, Exhibition PRAGA, unnumbered (!), c.v.. 3500CZK, superb U:A5
2002 PT14a+b, Tradition of Stamp Production, comp. 2 pcs of commemorative prints, c.v.. 500CZK, very fine U:A5
1994 PTR1, Contemporary Art, c.v.. 6000CZK U:A5
1998 PTR5, EUROPA - myths and legends, comp. 2 pcs of black-prints, c.v.. 1400CZK U:A5
1993 PAL1, Presidential Election Czech Republic, comp. 2 pcs of first day sheets (white and grey paper), special postmark 26.1.1993, stmp on cut-square with special postmark 20.1.1993 and signature of engraver Herčík U:A4
1997 PAL4, Jewish Monuments, c.v.. 800CZK U:A5
1991-99 comp. 4 pcs of entires franked/paid forgeries postage stmp to defraud the post, contains 2x P118 and 2x P140, interesting and well preserved U:A5
1994 BLANK FORMS 2 documents/attributes to reklamaci mailing, Pokyn to return reklamační rate with stamp. 20CZK, Pof.18 and Confirmation, CDS BRNO 1/ 25.11.93 U:A5
2002-09 comp. 10 pcs of letters with various controlling cancel. from Government, addressed to for 5 various premiérů U:A4
1993 comp. 3 pcs of envelopes, 2x envelope with stamp. Pof.1, 1x FDC, 1x special postmark Presidential Election 26.1.1993 and POB1 with stamp. Prague castle 1985 - 2 black postmark 012 HRAD 1.1.93, unusual (!) U:A5
1990 COIN LETTERS comp. 3 pcs of, issued on the occasion of Anniv T. G. Masaryk (coin/-s 10CZK), 100. dostihu Pardubice Steeplechase (coin/-s 100Kč-Ag) and 100. anniv of birth B. Martinů (coin/-s 100Kč-Ag), all numbered, nice quality U:A4
1993-98 disparate selection of, PTM6, PAL2 2x, 5 2x, CAE1 4x, c.v.. 1120CZK U:O4