1980? CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. 4 pcs of whole 50-stamps sheets Reg labels from post ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN 1, KARVINÁ 6, HAVÍŘOV 4 and 21, mint never hinged, suitable as research material
1896-1914 RED CROSS comp. 3 pcs of membership cards Country auxiliary club/association Red Cross for Kingdom of Bohemia + 1x Us envelope with additional-printing Red Cross Braunau; all in perfect quality
1914-18RED CROSS comp. 4 pcs of Un cards for Red Cross, Red Cross card USA for searching prisoners, Hungarian double PC for correspondence with prisoners, Austrian FP card with additional-printed Surtax stamp. Red Cross, additional printing on Ppc Nové tickets Austrian Red Cross; good condition
1886-1903 comp. 12 pcs of PC with railway pmk from Czech region, for example. FP 24, 37, 9, 38, 43, 84, POST AMBULANCE 24; part worse quality postmarks
1891-1913 comp. 5 pcs of entires with railway pmk, i.a. PETSCHAU–PLADEN (Bečov–Blatno), LIEBAU–JOSEFSTADT (Lubawka–Josefov) and oths., standard quality
1940-45 comp. 9 pcs of letters with railway pmk, i.a. VELKÉ KARLOVICE–VSETÍN, LOUNY–VRAŇANY–PRAHA, STRAKONICE–BOHUMILICE, ROKYCANY–MIROŠOV and oths., standard quality
1943commercial Reg letter with Pof.26, 54, 83 4x, with railway bianco Reg label and railway pmk No.777/ MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA–KOJETÍN–PŘEROV/ 8.II.43, addressed to to Valašského Meziříčí, good condition
1939 PC CDV2, Hlinka 50h, to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated with stamp Alb.23, 27, forerunner cncl train post 810 NITRA–BRATISLAVA/ distinctive character "a"/ 28.VI.39, good condition
1939 letter abroad, with mixed franking of stmp.., forerunner cncl train post 807 ŽILINA–BRATISLAVA/ distinctive character "b"/ 17.VII.39, very decorative
1939 letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Alb.30 2x, forerunner cncl train post 807 ŽILINA–BRATISLAVA/ distinctive character "a"/ 23.XI.39, nice postal imprint
1939 letter to Bohemia-Moravia, with Alb.4 10x, 9 2x, 24, forerunner cncl train post 970 POPRAD–ŽILINA/ distinctive character "a"/ 22.IV.39, good condition
1939 commercial PC to Bohemia-Moravia, with Alb.4, 24, forerunner cncl train post 906 BREZNO N. HRONOM–ZVOLEN/ distinctive character "a"/ 9.V.39, good condition
1939correspondence card to Bohemia-Moravia, with Alb.26 2x, 30, forerunner cncl train post 981 MEDZILABORCE–KOŠICE/ distinctive character "a"/ 8.VII.39, excellent quality
1940letter to Bratislava with franking on reverse, CDS railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting HORNIAŠTUBŇA–PRIEVIDZA/ distinctive character "a"/ 17.IX.40, very good condition
1940 letter to Bohemia-Moravia with Alb.30, 38, 43, train post 3 BRATISLAVA–LOVINOBAŇA/ distinctive character "b"/ 14.VI.40, German censorship, good condition
1941 letter to Bohemia-Moravia with multicolor franking, with postmark railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting ŠTRBSKÉ PLESO–POPRAD/ distinctive character "a"/ 26.XII.41, marks of censorship, very decorative
1941letter to FP 6, with Tiso 70h, train post 38 ZVOLEN–BREZNO N. H./ distinctive character "a"/ 13.VII.41, censorship, rare, stain in right upper corner also over stmp., viewing of quality recommended
1941postcard with Tiso 50h, CDS railroad forwarding with reduced on board sorting BREZOVÁ P. BRADLOM–JABLONICA/ 4.VII.41, supplemented with label Slovakotour 15h, very rare
1942 postcard to Bratislava with Tiso 70h, train post 6 BRATISLAVA–ŽILINA/ distinctive character "a"/ 28.IX.42, supplemented with label Slovakotour 20h, good condition
1942postcard with Tiso 70h, train post 18 RAJEC N. RAJČIANKOU–ŽILINA/ distinctive character "a"/ 8.IX.42, supplemented with label Slovakotour 20h, light stains
1943 postcard to Bohemia-Moravia, with Hlinka 1,30 Koruna, train post 37 ZVOLEN–MARGECANY/ distinctive character "a"/ 24.VI.43, German censorship, good condition
1944 commercial letter to Bohemia-Moravia with Bojnice 2 Koruna, train post 23 ČADCA–ŽILINA/ distinctive character "a"/ 17.XI.44, German censorship, nice
1944 postcard with Prince Mojmír 70h, train post 46 PREŠOV–ŽILINA/ distinctive character "b"/ 1.VI.44, supplemented with label Slovakotour 15h, good condition
1906-15 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk, 1x postal-agency BINSDORF + CDS ARNSDORF b. TETSCHEN (Gebauer. 0112/1); 1x postal-agency MÜHLLACKEN, without CDS, red postmark of Red Cross in/at spa Mühllacken in Upper Austria, good condition
1922postal-agency SENOHRADZ blue framed pmk Postal Agency Senohrad, print also over stmp 50h T. G. Masaryk, without CDS, nice view village, good condition, cat. Gebauer 60€
1939 postal-agency SCHÖNAU über Grulich (Geb.1309/3), framed pmk on/for return card, CDS SCHILDBERG (b.Grulich)/ 28.6.39, service pmk with eagle, good print, overall good condition