1919 front side official letter addressed to Vienna, franked with Austrian stmp 20h Charles with overprint "German-Austria (Deutschösterreich)" (Mi.234), CDS BRATELSBRUNN / IN MÄHREN/ 12.6.19 (BŘEZÍ by/on/at Mikulov), catalogues this stamp. as Czechosl. in parallel valid don't report, usage in/at June 1919 on/for south Moravia quite rare
1919 ordinary letter franked on back side parallel Hungarian stamp. Reaper 2f, Mi.190, blk-of-10 with margin, CDS TOTPRÓNA/ 919 Jan.15., addressed to to Turčianský St. Martin; good condition, nice postal imprints, right franking for postal rate I
Pof.RV85-98, 108-115, Budějovice issue (Horner's overprint), selection 23 pcs of stamps, from that 8 pcs on small cut-squares with CDS ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE, c.v.. 2000CZK
Pof.13Na, 30h dark violet, very wide margins, L by/on/at frame stamp. print other line, R hints printing color, for specialist interesting, 2 thin/light folds in paper, otherwise nice piece, c.v.. 5500CZK
Pof.11E IIp, 25h violet, line perforation 11½:10¾;, bar type II on pos. 50/ printing plate 1, exp. by Karasek + Škaloud, note by pencil on edge sheet, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1500CZK
1918-20comp. 10 pcs of various entires with Hradčany with postmarks from Slovak territory, contains i.a. 2x Reg letter franked on back side from I. and II. postal rate with CDS NÉMETLIPCSE, KASSA, larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note, 3x forerunner Hungarian CDV 10f, card with CDS MECZENZÉF, postcard with CDS LÉVA etc..; good condition, interesting selection of!
1919-20comp. 7 pcs of various letters with Hradčany, contains i.a. Registered and Express letter in/at II. postal rate, heavier Reg letter franked with. i.a. block of four stamp. 50h blue, Reg letter with mixed franking Hussite-issue + Pigeon-issue + issue Agriculture and Science, postcard franked by 3h 5x, etc.., mainly commercial envelope/-s, sent to šlechtu Coudenhove in/at Ronšperku; all with rukopisnými note. receiver, viewing of quality recommended
1920 comp. 6 pcs of entires sent abroad, contains i.a. 3x Printed matter from that 1x newspaper wrapper to Germany and franked with. pair stamp. Pof.4C, 1x ordinary letter to Austria franked on back side mixed franking Hussite-issue 80h, Pof.162, 15, CDS ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN/ 25.X.20; all good condition
1919-20 selection of 22 pcs of cut-squares and parcel dispatch card segments, from that 20 pcs of with stamp. Hradčany, all with Hungarian postmarks from that 5x single-circle i.a. GNÉZDA, KRLÁTKÖ, ÁRVA - POLHORA, SZEPESVÁRALJA etc..