Mail Auction 29 / Philately / Occupations / Hungarian Occupation

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113665 - 1938 comp. 2 pcs of postal cards franked with. mixed frankin
1938 comp. 2 pcs of postal cards franked with. mixed franking Czechosl. and Hungarian stamp. with CDS BEREGSZÁSZ and ÉRSEKÚJVÁR, supplemented with special cachets Visszatért 1938, addressed to to Hungary; good condition
Starting price: CZK
113759 - 1938-42 comp. 5 pcs of various entires from occupied Košice
1938-42 comp. 5 pcs of various entires from occupied Košice with CDS KASSA, 1x Reg letter, 1x Hungarian CDV, 1x redirected, 1x postcard with memorial cachet KASSA / VISSZATRT; good condition
Starting price: CZK
114364 - 1942 Reg letter sent from occupied Rožňava to Budapest, fr
1942 Reg letter sent from occupied Rožňava to Budapest, franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.608 2x, 602, CDS ROZSNYÓ/ 42 XI.6., 2x used envelope with official nádražními postmarks ROZSNYÓ/ M.Á.V./ 942 XI.6., on reverse arrival postmark BUDAPEST; several light yellowy stains in corner envelope/-s, nice non-philatelic entire
Starting price: CZK
109466 - 1943 comp. 2 pcs of Hungarian PC to Prague, CDS KOMÁROM, 1x
1943 comp. 2 pcs of Hungarian PC to Prague, CDS KOMÁROM, 1x uprated, German censorship, 1x folded, on reverse hints after sticking in album
Starting price: CZK
114370 - 1944 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA  R service letter sent from annexed
1944 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA R service letter sent from annexed Berehovo to Budapest, franked on back side stamp. Mi.743 5x, CDS BEREGSZÁSZ 44 II.12., Hungary - Ruthenian R label, official railway-station straight line postmark BEREGSZÁSZ in blue color, on reverse arrival BUDAPEST 44 II.24.; good condition, nice, rare non-philatelic entire!
Starting price: CZK
114372 - 1944 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA  R service letter sent from annexed
1944 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA R service letter sent from annexed Uzhhorod to Budapest, in case of emergency used commercial envelope franked on back side stamp. Mi.746 5x, CDS UNGVÁR/ 44 V.30., Hungary - Ruthenian R label, official railway-station oval pmk UNGVÁR/ M.Á.V./ 944 V.30., on reverse arrival BUDAPEST/ 44 VI.1.; good condition, nice, interesting non-philatelic entire!
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 29 / Philately / Occupations / Hungarian Occupation - Information

Po Mnichovské dohodě bylo 2. 11. 1938 dovršeno jednání mezi Česko-slovenskem a Německem o odstoupení jižních částí Slovenska a Podkarpatské Rusi hortyovskému Maďarsku - První vídeňská arbitráž.