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1945 CDV75, Banská Bystrica, sent as Reg, uprated with stamp Pof.378 2x, provisory straight line postmark POST OFFICE HORNÍ JIŘETÍN, nationalized German Reg label by nouzového postmark, in addition broken-out oval pmk "Horní Jiřetín / 16.VII.1945"; on reverse very interesting message postmaster, arrival postmark PRAGUE 12/ 17.VII.45 and light stripped paper of first hinge, good condition U:A5
1945 complete newspaper + half předního sheet titulu Off. newspaper, franked with. Bohemian and Moravian newspaper stmp 50h with nationalized CDS KUTNÁ HORA/ 9.VI.45 and 5h newspaper stamp. with provisory CDS POST OFFICE/ MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 3; good condition U:A4
1945 commercial letter as printed matter addressed to to Switzerland, with issues Partisan and War Heroes, Pof.403, 390, 394, provisional rubber hand stamp VERNEŘICE/ 1945 and dated cancel 6.XII.45; good condition, rare franking, decorative! U:A5
1945 Reg letter to Bratislava with issue Linden Leaves, provisional registry label, nationalized CDS LODĚNICE/ 25.VI.45, interesting U:A5
1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters without franking, from that 2x service letter post office. BRNO (1x as R), 1x cash paid, provisional line CDS KRUPKA + German with date 4.7.45, nice U:A5
1945 comp. 4 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks MIKULOV, LITOMĚŘICE 2x and train post BŘEZOVÁ–BOHDAŠÍN, 1x crosswise fold U:A5
1945 comp. 4 pcs of PC Linden Leaves sent as Registered, with provisory R label and postmarks, TIEFENBACH N. D., OPAVA 1, VRCHLABÍ, MALÁ MORÁVKA, all Us mailing with arrival CDS, quality! U:A5
1945 comp. 4 pcs of letters, with cancel. PROSTĚJOV 2x, OLOMOUC and SUŠICE, interesting U:A5
1945 comp. 6 pcs of entires franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. after/around freedom from that 2x after validity, various nationalized and revolutionary postmark as red SKALICA/ 8.V.45/ Vyhlásenie mieru, Reg letter SKALICE N. S. 2 days before the end of validity 14.V.45, last day of validity CDS PRAGUE/ 16.V.45, Reg letter with disallowed Bohemian and Moravian franking cash paid CDS BUDWEIS/ 19.V.45, straight line postmark MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 10 on/for Bohemian and Moravian PC; good condition, interesting selection of! U:A5
1945 comp. 7 pcs of entires franked with. Bohemian and Moravian stamp. after/around freedom from that 2x after validity, various nationalized and revolutionary postmark as FINIS GERMANIAE/ 10.V.45/ ZBRASLAV N. V., red SKALICA/ 8.V.45/ Vyhlásenie mieru, Reg letter SKALICE N. S. 2 days before the end of validity 14.V.45, Reg letter with disallowed Bohemian and Moravian franking cash paid CDS ČESKÁ TŘEBOVÁ/ 17.V.45, straight line postmark MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 10; good condition, interesting selection of! U:A5
1945 comp. 8 pcs of entires franked/paid cash, various supplemental postmark as Postage paid cash with CDS ŽILINA, franked/paid 30h with CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ after/behind Printed matter, Post paid with CDS ČERVENÝ KOSTELEC after/behind Reg letter, label Nedostatek stamps cash paid with CDS MNICHOV U MAR. LÁZNÍ after/behind Reg letter etc.., good condition U:A4
1945-46 comp. 12 pcs of Reg entires with provisory R label and several more interesting cancel., 1x train post, good condition U:A5
1945-46 comp. 3 pcs of whole Bohemian and Moravian parcel cards with issue Portraits, Pof.427, 426, 424, provisional postmarks MORAVSKÁ TŘEBOVÁ/ 20.12.45, NOVÝ JIČÍN/ 6.II.46 and nationalized CDS FRÝDEK/ 2.I.46; good condition U:A5
1945-46 comp. 4 pcs of entires, from that 2x service letter with provisory postmarks as Registered, 2x postcard - cash paid, various quality, stains in paper U:A5
1945-46 comp. 9 pcs of Reg letters with provisory R label and rubber postmarks, i.a. MELČ with Reg label train post, ŠIROKÉ TŘEBČICE, CHCEBUZ, HORNÍ BLATNÁ, MOST Registered and Express letter, ZBŮCH, DUCHCOV, SRBSKÁ KAMENICE; clear print, quality U:A5
1946 comp. 4 pcs of whole Czechosl. parcel cards with issue Portraits, i.a. Pof.428, 426, 424, provisional postmarks NĚMECKÝ RYCHNOV U NOVÝCH HRADŮ 1946, CHORNICE without date of printing , VIDNAVA 1946 sent Ex, MĚSTEČKO TRNÁVKA sent Pilně; nice pieces good condition U:A5
1946 service letter franked with. service stmp with provisory rubber postmark POST ÚRAD (off.)/ KLENOVÁ with date stamp 1.Jún.1946, bilingual service postmarks Ruthenian and Slovak; nice postmark, good condition U:A5