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1945 Pof.Sl1, 50h green, light, plate variety - interrupted tail of lion (on/for this shade rare), pair, dark with retouch; Sl6, 5 Koruna purple brown, horizontal pair, expressive paper crease, cat. only defects min. 400CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.Sl6, 5 Koruna fialověhnědá, horizontal pair, L stmp with vertical paper crease, in this issue very rare, nice U:A5
1946-1947 comp. 4 pcs of entires with mixed frankings official and postage stmp issues London-issue Pof.388, 395, Portraits Pof.421, Beneš Pof.443, 446; good condition 1946-47 Police comp. 3 pcs of letters from various stations Police, 1x franked with stamp. Pof.SL5, station RATAJE (S.)., 2 pcs without frankings JESENÍK and NÁMESTOVO, interesting, nice U:A5
1946-48 comp. 2 pcs of reply forms, from that 1 pcs of with Pof.SL2, CDS NOVÉ ZÁMKY/ 28.III.46, 1-známková franking and 1 pcs of with mixed franking special and service stmp Pof.476 2x + SL13, CDS KOŠICE 1/ 25.VI.48, good condition U:A5
1947 reply form with Pof.SL1, SL6, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 23.IV.47, stmp 50h with plate variety - interrupted tail of lion, sought, c.v.. 900CZK U:A5
1947-48 comp. 7 pcs of court obílek small format, from that 3x with mixed franking postage and service stmp, Pof.414, 424, 443, 2x mailing as Registered, other usually, various franking service stmp., all various CDS BRATISLAVA; good condition, sought mixed franking! U:A4
1947-48 comp. 9 pcs of court summons small format from that 1x letter franked with. i.a. service stmp 50h with plate variety interrupted tail lva(!), 2x with mixed franking postage and service stmp, Pof.424, 443, 3x mailing as Registered, other usually, various franking service stmp., mainly various CDS BRATISLAVA; good condition, sought mixed franking! U:A4