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1968-2008 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 2., 3., 4., 5., 9., 11., 13., 14, 15., 17. (I. and II. pack), 20. and 25. part, good condition U:K
1998 Tovačovský Oldřich: Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 5. part, SO1920 (overprint), issued Pofis, Prague; as new U:Z
1939-80 3 philatelic publication : H.Kaufmann : Monograph stamps with overprint Slovak Rep. 1939 + J.Franěk : Catalogue Slovak stamps + part Monograph, bound in/at jedněch cover; F. Novotný : Catalogue p.stat Czechoslovakia, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Slovakia + Listing special postmark 1918-45, unbound; German (GDR (East Germany)) issue catalogue p.stat CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 + CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., 1918-80, spring folder, all publication in/at nice status, nett 0,55kg U:O5
1996 Beneš, Tošnerová: Post in ghetto Terezín 1941–1945, issued PROFIL, Prague, 343 sides, perfect condition, without insert U:Z
1945-50 Czechoslovak philately, annual volumes I-VI., bound in 4 books, year/volume 1949 nevázaný (uncounted), well preserved, total 3,5kg of material U:Z
1938-44 ČESKÝ FILATELISTA, journal bounded separately after/around volumes, 7 books, the first and last year/volume large format, well preserved, nett 3,7kg U:Z
1936-40 FILATELISTICKÁ REVUE, annual volumes VII-IX., in two books, bound in/at canvas + nástupní journal NATIONAL SBĚRATEL, year/volume X-XI., in two books, 1x in/at canvas, all řídil F. Novotný, 3x very good condition, 1x signs of age, sought journals, nett 3,35kg U:Z
1946-48 Philatelic sheets, the best postwar journal, 3 annual volumes, separately bound, vydáváno in Brno, red. B.Skandera, by/on/at 2. and 3. year on/for cover stains, vnitřky well preserved, sought journal, nett 1,55kg U:Z
1967-91 Philatelic notebooks, insert journal Philately, complete, bound in/at canvas in 7 books, year/volume 1992 already only 20 continuation, nevázané, various authors, nice, nett 4,6kg U:Z
1935-96 Hirsch - Franěk : Czechoslovak stamps, Monograph, bound in/at canvas, nice; V.Nebeský : Czechoslovak. special and slogan pmk, 6 books bounded together, bound in/at canvas, nice, J.Špaček : Privátní added-print on/for Czechosl. and Czech p.stat, paperback, very fine, issued. Trojan, nett 1,8kg U:Z
1940 Charles Basika: Hundred years post. stamps 1840–1940, within self-publishing, Prague, 32 sides + picture insert, with signature of author, very good condition U:O5
1972-04 Kassay, Pásztor: Košice-issue stamps, 358 sides, nice, in addition also with trial ing.Čtvrtečky : Kosice MS (insert Philately), 60 sides, free sheets, nice, in addition nepočítaný article P.Pažouta : Rozlišení Košice miniature sheets U:Z
1998-2001 team of authors: Catalogue POFIS, Czechoslovak p.stat 1918–1992, issued Pofis, Prague, I. and II. part, good condition, sought! U:Z
1969-71 MERKUR, philatelic journal, annual volumes I.-III., bound together, vydávala Merkurfila Brno, faded backbone, inside very fine, nett 1,75kg U:Z
1987-06 Pressfil : Catalogue special Reg labels Czech Republic 1993-2006, Pressfil : Catalogue stamps and p.stat Czech Republic 1993-2006, Dr.Šablatúra : Falošné Hradčany, Ing.Petrásek: postal stationery forms for free post. traffic, Ing.Leiš : Postage print, higher purchase price, nice or very fine, nett 1,1kg U:Z
1948 BULLETINS view of fees, format A3, good condition U:A4
1925 Ročenka Czechoslovak stamp collectors, issued Federation of Czech Philatelists Prague, pocket format, good condition U:O5
1944-69 comp. 10 pcs of expert guides, i.a. philatelic dictionary, 5x catalogue CZECHOSLOVAKIA and BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 2x USA, etc.. U:O5
1972 comp. 2 pcs of bulletins, Kassay, Pásztor: Košice-issue stamps, issued ZK Labour Unions, VSŽ Košice, 358 page., good condition; Novotný: Special manual for collector Czechoslovak stamps, Pofis, Prague, 708 sides, cover with signs of usage, otherwise very fine U:Z
1939-45 SLOVAK FILATELISTA, Slovak journal, annual volumes 1939-41 bound in two books, other number free, complete to č.2/1945, well preserved, sought, nett 2,1kg U:Z
1939-45 TRIBUNA FILATELISTŮ, journal bounded in 4 books, in/at last book together Tribuna stamp collectors 1944, sole number Rozhledy stamp collectors and Czechoslovak philately 1945, well preserved, nett 2,65kg U:Z
1930-33 TRIBUNA FILATELISTŮ, annual volumes X-XIII., bound after/around two volumes in two books, various binding, well preserved, nett 1,8kg U:Z
1936-38 TRIBUNA FILATELISTŮ, annual volumes XVI-XVIII., journal bounded after/around volumes, 3 book/-s, various vazby, well preserved, nett 2,1kg U:Z
1987-08 Reporter P.stat, complete issue all year, nice quality, for celináře přínosné, nett 3,65kg U:Z
1946-48 Reporter our philately, journal published Klubem friends philately, 3 book/-s, every year/volume separately bounded, red. F. Novotný, nice, nett 1,9kg U:Z
1936-99 CATALOGUES selection of various catalogues and collector's guides Czechosl. origin, contains i.a., Novotný Specialized catalogue Czechoslovakia 1949, Philatelic handbooks Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eksteinův catalogue Czechoslovakia 1936, Catalogue Trojan Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, MC 1996, Catalogue Pofis CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 1999 etc.. U:K
1919 Reisser: Českoněmecký post. and telegraph dictionary / Böhmischdeutsches Post- and Telegraphen-Wörterbuch, within self-publishing, Prague, 1148 sides, good condition U:Z
1928 team of authors: Traffic místopisný lexikon Czechoslovak republic, issued by Post Office Department and telegraphs, Prague, 874 page., with signs of usage U:Z
1935 Prokop: Listing old coins, 58 sides text + 16 sides picture blackboard, signs of usage U:O4
1970-91 comp. 3 pcs of bulletins, Cach: Oldest Czech coin/-s I-IV (4 volumes); Hlinka: Atentáty on/for money; Hásková: Czech, Moravian and slezské coin/-s/ Prague groschen 1300–1526; good condition; II. pack without original envelope/-s U:Z
1940-86 comp. 6 pcs of bulletins, Chaura: Čištění coins and medals; Měřička: Czechoslovak medal, part I., 1918–1938; Měřička: Austrian, Austro-Hungarian military and civil záslužné and memorial medals; Měřička: Austrian, Austro-Hungarian military and civil medal; Měřička: Austrian memorial cross; Měřička: Dekorace from Austro-Prussian war in 1866; good condition U:Z
1972-91 comp. 7 pcs of bulletins, Šána: Čištění and protection coins and medals; Radoměrský: Nález coins from 15. century in Králův Dvůr by/on/at Beroun; Bobek: Mincovnictví olomouckých biskupů in středověku; Polívka: Five century lobkowiczkých numismatických sights 1547–1958; Dietiker: BOHEMIA Catalogue der Habsburger Müntzen 1526 bis 1887; Herinek: Ergänzungen zu Österreischische Münzprägungen von 1740–1969; Novák: Coronation and coronation mint; good condition U:K
1983 Mixa: Starosti with papírovými penězi Czechoslovakia after/behind WWII., the first and second part, good condition U:O4
1981-2003 special journal Small sculpture, 19 year, annual volumes 1981-84 svázány, also with Štemberg: Numismatické reminder Country anniv. exhibition 1891, within self-publishing, Prague, 1991 U:Z
2005 MICHEL Deutschland-Spezial-Katalog 2005, pack II, from May 1945, prices in €, color, good condition U:Z
2006 MICHEL Deutschland-Spezial-Katalog 2006, pack II, from May 1945, prices in €, color, good condition U:Z
1984-91 MICHEL Österreich-Spezial 1991, Briefmarken-Katalog Deutschland (Germany) 1989/90, Bildpostkarten-Katalog Deutschland (Germany) 1991, Privatpostkarten-Katalog Deutschland (Germany) 1873-1945, comp. 4 pcs of catalogues, good condition U:Z
1881-1913 Archiv für Post and Telegraphie, Berlin, annual volumes 1881, 1906, 1908-09, 1913; good condition U:K
2002 Austria nett Catalogue, Poststamps, Vierländerkatalog, color catalogue 4 countries in German, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, good condition with signs of usage U:Z
1864 Gebühren and Stempelgesetz, issued, Sommer, Wien, 212 sides, regulations for franking, German, signs of usage U:O5
1997 K. H. Utz: Tarnstempel, stumme Stempel der Deutschen (German) Feldpost (Field-Post) 1939–45, total 374 state., as new U:O4
1888-1932 comp. 5 pcs of bulletins, 1x color tables, 4 old catalogues U:Z
1997 J. T. Whitney: Collect British Postmarks, issued B.P.S., Hemel Hempstead, 352 sides, very good condition U:O4
1940-94 selection of catalogues and guides, i.a. Stanley Gibbons: Stamps of the World 1980; Stanley Gibbons: Elizabethan 1975; Stanley Gibbons: Queen Elizabeth II, Pre-decimal Issues, 1990 and oths., good condition, in cardboard box U:K
1967 Stanley Gibbons: Colour Guide for Stamps Collectors, within self-publishing, London, sampler colors for philatelist, in good condition U:O5
2006 Milutin and Zoran Šafarovi: Catalogue stamps in territory of Serbia 1840-2006, I. part, 2. issue, 624 page., written by Latin alphabet, very good condition U:Z
1953-97 PHILATELY comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, Rentzmann: Alphabetisch-chronologische Tabellen der Münzherren and Verzeichniss der auf Münzen (coins) vorkommenden Heiligen; Welter: Die Reinigung and Erhaltung von Münzen (coins) and Medaillen; Lexikon der Numismatik; Spasski: Das russische Nünzsystem; Schlumberger: Goldmünzen Europas von 1800 bis heute; Göbl: Sasanidische Numismatik; Craig: Coins of the World 1750–1850; Jacobs, Vermeule: Japanese Coinage + special journal Small sculpture, 19 year, annual volumes 1981-84 svázány, also with Štemberg: Numismatické reminder Country anniv. exhibition 1891, within self-publishing, Prague, 1991; good condition U:K