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1953 comp. 5 pcs of letters, various franking, good condition U:A5
1946 MĚCHOLUPY / EXPULSION OF GERMANS confirmation, postmark Work Camp Měcholupy, warped paper, stains U:A4
1946 RÝNOVICE comp. 3 pcs of letters addressed to POW camp in/at Rýnovicích by/on/at Jablonec n. N., from that 1x as Registered, with issue Portraits, provisional pmk POLEVSKO, ŠTĚTÍ and JEZVÉ; good condition U:A5
1952 Pof.627-628, Kollár, 627 with plate variety 3/1 - vert. line, with signatures SCHMIDT and SVOLINSKÝ. interesting U:A5
1948-51 comp. 2 pcs of PC, CDV90/3 and 96, both to Germany, CDS ČESKÁ LÍPA/ 21.IX.49 and SKALICE by/on/at Č. LÍPY/ 20.II.51, censorship marks ČESKÁ LÍPA No.1 and 4, sought U:A5
1947 comp. 2 pcs of letters Us censorship, both sent to Germany, from that 1x to Baden Badenu in French zone with cancel. Local people's committee / Hradec Králové and CDS HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 3/ 4.VIII.47, 1x with red postmark Censorship / Duchcov and CDS DUCHCOV/ 3.XI.47; good condition U:A5
1956 JUDAICA blank letter with postmark Jewish religious community in Plzen, MC PLZEŇ/ 9.IV.56, incl. invitation-cards on/for mourning tryznu U:A5
1946 TRACING SERVICE air-mail letter sent to Red Cross to Geneva, Inter Arma Caritas, dohledávání prisoners after/around II. world. war, CDS ŠMÍDEBERK/ 14.XI.46; good condition U:A5
1949 DEAD LETTER OFF. BRNO unpaid letter to Germany, CDS BRNO/ 21.VII.49, undelivered, sent back, burdened with postage-due Pof.D77 2CZK, off. opened, bulk postage charge Dead letter off., recording stamp, nice U:A5
1951 PERSECUTION OF CHRISTIANS Reg letter with multicolor franking special stamps sent to cirkevního představitele to Podolinského monastery, sent back with by hand writen poznámkou: "Vystehovany without udanej address", CDS PRAGUE 14/ 10.X.51, arrival postmark PODOLINEC/ 12.X.51; bumped margins envelope/-s, interesting contemporary document! U:A5
1946 RETURNED MAILING Reg and airmail letter to England franked by stmp.., CDS ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN/ 9.III.46, sent back by mistake to Polish Těšín, on reverse CDS CIESZYN 1/ 15.4.46, redirected to Český Těšín with arrival CDS ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN/ 16.IV.46; signs of usage, interesting document! U:A5
1960 REGISTERED LABELS whole 50-stamps sheet Reg labels PRAGUE 1 - printing error control-numbers (12937 instead 12837), interesting U:A4
1960? REGISTERED LABELS selection of 32 pcs of whole 50-stamps sheets Reg labels, various post offices, mint never hinged, suitable as research material U:Z
1946-48 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL comp. 5 pcs of correspondence cards, various camps, censorship, interesting U:O5