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1912 Mi.111 (SG.114), George V., cat. Gibbons £95 U:A5
1921-31 Mi.114-124, 127-131 (SG.117-130), George V., cat. Gibbons £320 U:A5
1965 Mi.214-215 ITU, c.v.. 40€ U:A5
1885-91 Mi.40, 48, 49 (SG.41, 48-49), overprint, cat. Gibbons £57 U:A5
1891 Mi.51, overprint, cat. Gibbons £130, nice postmark U:A5
1904-06 set 10 pcs of stamps (SG.77-86), cat. Gibbons £420 U:A5
1863-96 comp. 9 pcs of stamps issue Queen Victoria (SG.9b, 28, 33-35, 37-39, 39a), cat. Gibbons £320, č.39a without gum U:A5
1930 Reg letter addressed to to Plzen, fanciful stmp + fanciful postmark Beijing, Simbirsk 4/ USSR, Warsawa 9, Hranice 2 and Prague, interesting CURIOSITY, well preserved U:A4
1941 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with multicolor franking 10 pcs of postage stmp, from that 1 pcs of on reverse, CDS SHANGHAI/ 24.3.41, bianco Reg label with straight line postmark SHANGHAI, German censorship, format 27,5x15cm, good condition U:A4
1947 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia with multicolor franking 14 pcs of stamps in front also on reverse, CDS SHANGHAI/ 6.8.47, bianco Reg label with straight line postmark SHANGHAI, arrival PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES/ 16.8I.47, worse quality, We recommend it examination U:A5
1949-53 selection of 49 issues, complete set, some more times same, officially issued without gum, nice quality U:A4
1958 FDC Mi.407-709, Sputnik, to Czechoslovakia, special postmark and CDS from 30.10.1958, bumped corners U:A5
1929 postcard to Czechoslovakia, franked with. Japanese stamp. 6Sn, CDS MOUKDEN/ I.J.P.O./ 2.12.29, transported Japanese post in China, in addition very interesting address, sound condition U:A5
1968 Reg postcard to Czechoslovakia with Mi.849, 993, Mao-Ce-tung, CDS illegible, good condition U:A5
1957 Reg and airmail letter and postcard, sent from Shanghai to Czechoslovakia, richer franking postage stmp U:A5
1878-1893 selection of 28 pcs of stamps China and town post with Šanghaji U:A5
1955-81 comp. 7 pcs of letters to Czechoslovakia, from that 1x as Registered, nice frankings, interesting U:A5
1949 INFLATION Reg and airmail letter to Czechoslovakia two-sided franked by multicolor franking $101.200, CDS SHANGHAI/ 22.4.49, decorative U:A5
1939 Mi.745, Royal wedding, corner str-of-4, highest value, mint never hinged! U:A5
1948 Mi.Bl.19, miniature sheet 100. anniv of death painter/-s K. Hokusai, issued without gum, sound condition, c.v.. 36€ U:A5
1915 Mi.126, Coronation emperor Yoshihito, highest value 10Y, 2 clear cancel., c.v.. 35€ U:A5
1923 Mi.163-166, 168, 169, Emergency issue issued after/around catastrophic earthquake without gum, incomplete set, 6 various values, c.v.. 255€ U:A5
1927 Mi.183, 50. Anniv UPU, highest value 10Sn, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1930 Mi.188 II., 189 II., 190 II., Postage 4Sn, 8Sn and 20Sn, wmk No.1 (cat. JSDA No.156-158), on reverse 2 hinge / label, c.v.. Michel 180€ U:A5
1929 Mi.195-198, 204, Airmail, complete set incl. additionally issued values 8½Sen in y 1934, clear cancel., c.v.. 135€ U:A5
1949-52 Mi.476-493, Personalities of Cultural Life, incomplete set, missing 1 cheap stamp. Mi.481 (1,70€), clear daily postmark, c.v.. 48€ U:A5
1951 Mi.546-547, 6. National athletic games, as blk-of-4, vertical folds in gum, marked by Pofis., c.v.. 32€ U:A5
1948 Mi.Bl.20, Bl.21 and Bl.22, comp. 3 pcs of miniature sheets to philatelic exhibitions in/at Tokyu, Aomori and Fukushima, issued without gum, good quality, c.v.. 72€ U:A5
1948 Mi.Bl.25, miniature sheet Exhibition Nagano, issued without gum, c.v.. 55€ U:A5
1900-1914 comp. 10 pcs of stamps issued for Japanese post offices in China, contains Mi.3, 4, 5, 11, 13, 14, 18, 42, 44 and 47, from that 2 pcs of on small cut-squares, interesting, cat. min. 104€ U:A5
1871-76 selection of 25 pcs of signed (for example. "mo-zo", "san-ko") also nesignovaných forgeries classical stamp, various varieties papers, forged postmark, interesting comparison material to/at research purposes U:A5
1948 Mi.428, Week of Philately, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1948-91 Mi.Bl.20, Bl.147 - numbered miniature sheet, Mi.403, 432-433, 450, 451, 459, 470, 500 (hinged, 572-573, total c.v.. 115€ U:A5
1949 Mi.Bl.31, miniature sheet National park Fuji-Hakone, c.v.. 65€, incl. cover U:A5
1939 Mi.Bl.4, miniature sheet National park D´ASO, with original covers, miniature sheet with in upper part in/at length ca. 3cm přilepil to destičkám, interesting price, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1964 Mi.Bl.67-72, Summer Olympic Games, also with 9 pcs of FDC, 1x light fold in margin U:A5
1938-52 selection of National Parks, contains Mi.272-275, 292-395, 302-305, 442-445, 452-455, 502-505, 539-542, 602-605, c.v.. 310€, on stmp Mi.294 - stain in gum U:A5
1967-82 comp. of stamps, various motives, placed on stock-book sheet A4 U:A4
1955 airmail letter sent to member Czechosl. delegation in/at Repatriation committee in/at Kesong (DKNS), franked with. Czechosl. stamp. issue Profession 75h, Pof.780, CDS PLZEŇ 5/ 13.VI.55, passed through censorship at the post office, same CDS with signature, on reverse arrival postmark PHYONG YANG/ 23.6.55; good condition U:A5
1958 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with Mi.136, 140, 144, Sputnik, CDS PHYONGYANG/ 14.10.58, sender Czechosl. embassy, business division, crosswise fold U:A5
1955 comp. 2 pcs of entires to Czechoslovakia, airmail letter with Mi.19, 53 4x, 87, CDS from 23.5.55, and postcard with Mi.1162, CDS from 16.7.74, good condition U:A5
1968 Mi.622-626, Armed Forces, str-of-5, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1983 Mi.Bl.496B, miniature sheet Philakorea 84, imperforated, sought, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1986 Mi.Bl.4, miniature sheet AMERIPEX ’86, c.v.. 500€ U:A5