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1825 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE / BRNO master craftsman certificate with veduta Brno, format 45x35cm, red seal, printed revenue; only light folds, very good condition U:A3s|
1828 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE / BRNO master craftsman certificate with veduta Brno, issued in the name of Sobotka, format 41x35cm, paper seal, imprinted stamp and controll imprinted stamp in upper margin; light folds, good condition U:X
1829 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE / BRNO decorated master craftsman certificate, format 50x40cm, red seal, 2x imprinted stamp, nice U:A3s|
1829 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE / ŽIDLOCHOVICE decorated master craftsman certificate, format 47x40cm, red seal, 2 imprinted stamps, very nice U:A3s|
1835 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE / DOLNÍ KOUNICE decorated master craftsman certificate, format 45x36cm, 2 imprinted stamps, red seal, good condition U:A3s|
1841 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE / ŽIDLOCHOVICE decorated vocational certificate, format 48x38cm, 2 imprinted stamps, red seal, good condition U:A3s|
1844 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE / BRNO decorated master craftsman certificate, format 43x38cm, seal, 2x imprinted stamp, nice U:A3s|
1846 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE in head beránek, imprinted and controll imprinted stamp, format 45x40cm, paper seal; good condition U:X
1847 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE / PRAVLOV vocational certificate for zámečníka in the name of Haschka, Pravlov (dist. Brno-province), decorated heading, imprinted and controll imprinted stamp, embossed mark, format 49x38cm, significant folds, torn U:A3s|
1848 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE / BRNO decorated vocational certificate, format 44x34cm, 2 imprinted stamps, red seal, good condition U:A3s|
1848 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE / NESLOVICE vocational certificate for shoemaker from community Neslovice (dist. Brno-province), decorated heading, imprinted and controll imprinted stamp, red seal, format 50x40cm, decorative U:A3s|
1910 APPRENTICESHIP DIPLOMA in the name of Ottomanská Otilie, Jičín, incl. original cover, nice, very fine U:A4
1928 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE for tesaře, Prague, format 64x50cm, underglued in margins, decorative U:X
1929 MEDICAL DIPLOMA in the name of Jasinicki, Charles University, signatures Slavík (rektor), Pešina and Císler, format 72x52cm, light stains, short tear in margin U:X
1854 AUSTRIA / BRNO yearly member card Wernerovy company for geologic průzkum Moravia and Silesia, paid 10 golden, format 20x13cm, folded, good condition U:A5
1859-88 AUSTRIA comp. 4 pcs of membership cards Jockey Club in/at Leidersdorfu, 1x member card Hospodářského club/association for kingdom Czech, 2 pcs of certificate of přijmu present on/for Auxiliary dobročinný club/association for war damaged in Vienna; all good condition U:A5
1902 AUSTRIA gun licence, issued by k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). District commission in Český Brod, revenue 1 Koruna 2x, good condition U:A4
1910 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY passport with Turkish vízem, superb U:A5
1918 AUSTRIA hunting licence, revenue 60h 4x, postmark District committee in Jindřichův Hradec, light stains U:A5
1900 RUSSIA working visa, documentary stamp 15kop 4x, red seal, significant folds U:A3s|
1921 RUSSIA personal pass in the name of Gončarov, issued Russian diplomatic mission in Constantinople, Russian - French version, personal photo, postmark, very interesting U:A3s|
1903 HUNTING shooting sheet from hunting near Dukovan in the name of countess Coudenhove, contains listing ulovené animals, interesting U:A5
1910 HUNTING shooting sheet from hunting near Miskolc (Hungary), contains listing ulovené animals and listing zúčastněných, i.a. Károly Khuen (organizer), baron Wamboldt, count Trauttmannsdorf, count Wilczek, count Kinsky and oths., partially torn in fold, very interesting U:A5
1914 HUNTING / PRAHA-CHUCHLE invitation to střelbě, 4 side/party, format A5, crosswise fold, light stains U:A4
1917 STEAMER TICKET Bordeaux–Buenos Aires, in the name of Vančura, Zábrdovice, nice U:A4
1920-59 Czechoslovakia / BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. 13 pcs of identity-card and passports, i.a. National Union, Sokol, railways, car club, tourists and oths., good condition U:A4
1928 ADMISSION TICKETS / SPORT entrance ticket for IX. olympiádu, Amsterdam, original holder - boxer Heřmánek (1907–1978), stain in in place perf U:A5
1929 MILITARIA driving licence in the name of Sedlář, Lhotka, Hlučín Region; very good condition U:A5
1930-31 MILITARIA / Czechoslovakia comp. 4 pcs of identity cards, various units U:A5
1931 IDENTITY CARDS member document co-operation DŘEVOŘEZ, Prague, interesting U:A5
1932 TICKETS comp. 3 pcs of tickets, long tracks, for collector interesting U:A5
1934 MILITARIA passport entitling to/at entry to space military training/exercise, issued in Brno; folds in corners U:A5
1935-45 IDENTITY CARDS comp. 3 pcs of identity-card, certificate of naturalization, identity card (very good condition), provisional identity card from y 1945, all from region Nový Jičín U:A5
1936 PASSPORT / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 contains Hungarian vízum, interesting U:A5
1936 JUDAICA / BIRTH CERTIFICATE extract from register in the name of Felix Altenstein, Jewish religious community in Brno, revenues, off. conversion to English, good condition, very interesting U:A3s|
1936 RAILWAYS passport for discount, very good condition U:A5
1940 JUDAICA certificate of withdrawing from Jewish religious community, service postmark Jewish Community Hradec Králové U:A4
1940 SCOUTING document Camper Book (compensation for zrušený scouting), very good condition U:A5
1941 JUDAICA certificate of non-Jewish origin in the name of Mary Horová-Sobotková, issued District off. in Plzen, interesting U:A4
1941 MILITARIA driving licence Wehrmacht, signs of usage U:A5
1942-44 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. 7 pcs of pass in the name of Lakomý, good condition U:A5
1943 SLOVAKIA promotion warrant in the name of Petro, signed defence minister F. Čatloš, interesting, original signature U:A3s|
1943-45 RATION CARDS comp. 7 pcs of complete sheets - bread, fats, máslo and umělý honey, meat, nice condition U:A5
1945 REPATRIATION 2 pcs of repatriačních passports Czech prisoner in Germany, 1x issued vedením Czechosl. group/-s shromaždiště in/at New Brandenburku with postmark Russian FP 96071, 1x issued in Prague Czechosl. repatriačním office; good condition, interesting contemporary documents/attributes! U:A5
1946 SCOUTING pověření in the name of Fr. Procházka, Dobřichovice, incl. ribbon U:A5
1948-71 RAILWAYS comp. 4 pcs of síťových tickets Czechoslovak State Railways, good condition U:A5
1955 MINING mining passport, revír Kladno U:A5