Mail Auction 29 / Philately / Occupations

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110342 - 1938 REICHENBRG-MAFFERSDORF  Mi.Bl.1, Bratislava 1937 with o
1938 REICHENBRG-MAFFERSDORF Mi.Bl.1, Bratislava 1937 with overprint "Wir sind frei!", with additionally mounted stmp Hindenburg 3Pf, certificate Brunel 2009, original gum, light warped paper in margin
Starting price: CZK
113680 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.27-35, comp. 12 pcs of stamps with overprin
1938 RUMBURG Mi.27-35, comp. 12 pcs of stamps with overprint Wir sind frei!, all exp. Brunel, value 100h/20h - light broken
Starting price: CZK
110341 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.49/49I, Doss-Alto with overprint Wir sind f
1938 RUMBURG Mi.49/49I, Doss-Alto with overprint Wir sind frei!, horizontal pair, combination types, certificate Brunel 2009
Starting price: CZK
111909 - 1938 RUMBURG  selection of 42 pcs of stamps, from that 7x on
1938 RUMBURG selection of 42 pcs of stamps, from that 7x on cut-squares, + block of four, placed on stock-book sheet, c.v.. 3700CZK, unexamined
Starting price: CZK
105948 - 1938 forerunner Czechosl. PC CDV65 Coat of arms, 2 pieces, 1
1938 forerunner Czechosl. PC CDV65 Coat of arms, 2 pieces, 1x with additional-printing "Wir sind frei!" and 1x cachet with CDS Asch 1/ 21.IX.38, postally Un, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
109590 - 1938-40 comp. 4 pcs of PC 6Pf Hindenburg and 1 commercial ca
1938-40 comp. 4 pcs of PC 6Pf Hindenburg and 1 commercial card, 2x uprated, CDS HERMANNSTADT, IRITZ, REICHENAU, train post WIEN - GRUSBACH, NIKOLSBURG, good condition
Starting price: CZK
112070 - 1938 newspaper wrapper in the place with Pof.NV15 - str-of-3
1938 newspaper wrapper in the place with Pof.NV15 - str-of-3, nationalized CDS NIKLASDORF/ 6.X.38, 2x propagandistic cancel. with swastika, interesting contemporary document
Starting price: CZK
114091 - 1938 SALEFEL A. ELBE  + LOBOSITZ provisional postmark with s
1938 SALEFEL A. ELBE + LOBOSITZ provisional postmark with swastika on/for Czechosl. double forerunner PC 50h Coat of arms, CDV66, two-sided Us - philatelically motivated, uprated with stamp Hindenburg, supplemented with propagandistic postmarks as "Endlich frei von der Tschechei!"; hinged, rare double PC!
Starting price: CZK
112219 - 1938 comp. 14 pcs of entires and miniature sheet, i.a. sloga
1938 comp. 14 pcs of entires and miniature sheet, i.a. slogan pmk ZLABINGS, cachet LUFTSCHIFF (airship) GRAF ZEPPELIN and oths., part exp. by Mahr., very interesting
Starting price: CZK
114088 - 1938 comp. 2 pcs of forerunner Czechosl. PC Coat of arms 50h
1938 comp. 2 pcs of forerunner Czechosl. PC Coat of arms 50h, 2x CDV65 uprated by. 1x Czechosl. stamp. 10h Coat of arms 1x 1Pf Hindenburg (torn) broken out cancel SAUBSDORF, 1x provisional postmark POSTAMT JÄGENSDORF + double PC CDV66 in both directions Us, philatelically motivated, provisional postmark with swastika SALEFEL A.E. and propagandistic cancel. "Endlich frei von der Tschechei!", other part
Starting price: CZK
114121 - 1938 comp. 3 pcs of Un philatelically influenced cards with
1938 comp. 3 pcs of Un philatelically influenced cards with propagandistic added-print and postmarks, mounted Czechosl. stamp. with overprints swastika, and date 1.Okt. 1938 and Wir sind frei!, CDS and cachets ARNSDORF BEI HAIDA and BÖHMISCH KAMNITZ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
112072 - 1938 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc sent by soldiers during occupation o
1938 comp. 3 pcs of Ppc sent by soldiers during occupation of Sudetenland, 1x CDS FP/b No. 294, 2x postage due, good quality
Starting price: CZK
111919 - 1938 comp. 5 pcs of entires with cancel. TEPLITZ-SCHONAU, GR
1938 comp. 5 pcs of entires with cancel. TEPLITZ-SCHONAU, GROTTAU and LANGENAU, interesting
Starting price: CZK
114362 - 1938 comp. 5 pcs of letters, from that 1x Reg with CDS AUSSI
1938 comp. 5 pcs of letters, from that 1x Reg with CDS AUSSIG, added-print Wir sind frei! and oths., various quality
Starting price: CZK
1938-39 BOHMISCH LEIPA, MARIENTHAL, KALSCHING I. B., FRÝDEK 2, BRAUNAU comp. 5 pcs of letters, 1x Reg, 3x commercial with provisory postmarks with swastika; nice print good condition
Starting price: CZK
114113 - 1938-39 comp. 10 pcs of entires with various provisory postm
1938-39 comp. 10 pcs of entires with various provisory postmarks occupied post offices, i.a. GROSS HEILENSDORF, POLITZ, MÜRAU, GIESHÜBL, GRADLITZ, MAFFERSDORF, GOSSENGRÜN etc., part commercial correspondence; good condition
Starting price: CZK
114116 - 1938-39 comp. 6 pcs of entires with various provisory postma
1938-39 comp. 6 pcs of entires with various provisory postmarks occupied post offices, i.a. GROSS TSCHOCHAU (Reg letter), GROSS BOROWITZ, POLETZ, GR. SICHDICHFÜN, GRÜNBERG - EIBENBERG; good condition, nice postal imprints
Starting price: CZK
96271 - 1939-43 comp. 8 pcs of entires, from that 6x as Registered w
1939-43 comp. 8 pcs of entires, from that 6x as Registered with Hindenburg and A. Hitler, CDS ZWITTAU, NESSELSDORF, JÄGENDORF, LANDSKRON etc.., part commercial correspondence, 2x letter with special postmark ZWITTAU, BENISCH; good condition, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
112142 - 1939-43 comp. 8 pcs of letters, special postmark and nice ad
1939-43 comp. 8 pcs of letters, special postmark and nice advertising added prints, i.a. Joseph Chobot, Horní Růžodol; Alfred Löw, Bodenbach and oths., good condition
Starting price: CZK
89754 - 1944 passport for taking-delivery postal stamps in/at novink
1944 passport for taking-delivery postal stamps in/at novinkové service, German printed matter, format A5, mounted pair stamp. Mi.796, CDS MORCHENSTERN, on reverse certificate of pickup - print with various date, cross fold, after all good condition
Starting price: CZK
114001 - 1944 Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia with Mi.786, 790, 900-901
1944 Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia with Mi.786, 790, 900-901, CDS KARWIN (OBERSCHLES.)/ 5.9.44, light stains in paper
Starting price: CZK
109468 - 1944 R service letter to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS PRACHATITZ/ 24
1944 R service letter to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS PRACHATITZ/ 24.2.44, broken corner
Starting price: CZK
112206 - 1919 Reg letter franked with. Polish stamp. Mi.70, Eagle 25h
1919 Reg letter franked with. Polish stamp. Mi.70, Eagle 25h, CDS TESCHEN/ CIESZYN 1/ 1/7/19, on reverse arrival DOLNÍ DOMASLAVICE, torn in R margin
Starting price: CZK
104039 - 1939 Polish pictorial PC Mi.P85 uprated with stamp Mi.317, C
1939 Polish pictorial PC Mi.P85 uprated with stamp Mi.317, CDS CIESZYN 2/ 23.IV.39 to Opava, torn in upper margin
Starting price: CZK
113665 - 1938 comp. 2 pcs of postal cards franked with. mixed frankin
1938 comp. 2 pcs of postal cards franked with. mixed franking Czechosl. and Hungarian stamp. with CDS BEREGSZÁSZ and ÉRSEKÚJVÁR, supplemented with special cachets Visszatért 1938, addressed to to Hungary; good condition
Starting price: CZK
113759 - 1938-42 comp. 5 pcs of various entires from occupied Košice
1938-42 comp. 5 pcs of various entires from occupied Košice with CDS KASSA, 1x Reg letter, 1x Hungarian CDV, 1x redirected, 1x postcard with memorial cachet KASSA / VISSZATRT; good condition
Starting price: CZK
114364 - 1942 Reg letter sent from occupied Rožňava to Budapest, fr
1942 Reg letter sent from occupied Rožňava to Budapest, franked with Hungarian stmps Mi.608 2x, 602, CDS ROZSNYÓ/ 42 XI.6., 2x used envelope with official nádražními postmarks ROZSNYÓ/ M.Á.V./ 942 XI.6., on reverse arrival postmark BUDAPEST; several light yellowy stains in corner envelope/-s, nice non-philatelic entire
Starting price: CZK
109466 - 1943 comp. 2 pcs of Hungarian PC to Prague, CDS KOMÁROM, 1x
1943 comp. 2 pcs of Hungarian PC to Prague, CDS KOMÁROM, 1x uprated, German censorship, 1x folded, on reverse hints after sticking in album
Starting price: CZK
114370 - 1944 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA  R service letter sent from annexed
1944 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA R service letter sent from annexed Berehovo to Budapest, franked on back side stamp. Mi.743 5x, CDS BEREGSZÁSZ 44 II.12., Hungary - Ruthenian R label, official railway-station straight line postmark BEREGSZÁSZ in blue color, on reverse arrival BUDAPEST 44 II.24.; good condition, nice, rare non-philatelic entire!
Starting price: CZK
114372 - 1944 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA  R service letter sent from annexed
1944 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA R service letter sent from annexed Uzhhorod to Budapest, in case of emergency used commercial envelope franked on back side stamp. Mi.746 5x, CDS UNGVÁR/ 44 V.30., Hungary - Ruthenian R label, official railway-station oval pmk UNGVÁR/ M.Á.V./ 944 V.30., on reverse arrival BUDAPEST/ 44 VI.1.; good condition, nice, interesting non-philatelic entire!
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 29 / Philately / Occupations - Information

V této kategorii zařazujeme položky poštovní historie z období 1938 a dělíme jej na Německý zábor - Sudety, Polský zábor a Maďarský zábor na Slovensku.

Do kategorie Protektorát Čechy a Morava zařazujeme emise poštovních známek z období 1939 - 1945. Mnohé emise poštovních známek vycházely v tomto období v atraktivních tiskových úpravách jako varianty kuponů, desková čísla a značky, tisk na okrajích, meziarší u doplatních poštovních známek, varianty zoubkování, odlišné úpravy zmenšených přepážkových archů atd. V té době byla velmi používaná příležitostná razítka. Generální sbírka obsahuje 182 poštovních známek.