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1907-13 comp. 10 pcs of Ppc with railway pmk, i.a. WIEN–PRAG posted in postally KLÁNOVICE, WISOWITZ–OTROKOWITZ sent by FP and oths., standard quality, interesting also for collectors of picture-postcards U:A5
1919 train post CMUNT–PRAHA/ 560, postcard with Hradčany 5h + 10h with provisory rubber cancel., postcard Rataje with date in text 13/8 1919; nice print U:A5
1919 train post LEITOMISCHL–CHOTZEN/ 3.1.19, forerunner cncl on Ppc franked with. parallel stamp. Charles 15h brown, interesting, sought U:A5
1924 train post No. 156 SUDOMĚŘ–SKALSKO–CHOTĚŠOV/ 17.III.24, Registered and Express letter with Pof.173 - block of four, light stain U:A5
1914-30 comp. 5 pcs of entires, 3x Czechoslovakia, from that 1x forerunner cncl ZRUČ–KUTNÁ HORA, 2x Austrian postmark train post, LUNDENBURG–KRAKAU and TAUS–HORAŽDOWITZ U:A5
1938 train post BAHNPOST ZNAIM–LUNDENBURG/ 30.Nov. 1938, pre-printed commercial envelope with provisory round cancel.; envelope more/larger envelope zasřižena from two sides U:A5
1938-39 comp. 3 pcs of entires with provisory railway pmk BAHNPOST 20/ BODENBACH–LOBOSITZ, from that 1x with broken out ordinal number, 1x PC Hindenburg 5Ps, 2x letter with firmními added-print; good condition, rare usage! U:A5
1939 comp. 2 pcs of commercial letters with provisory framed pmk train post BAHNPOST REICHENAU–LIEBENAU/ 11. Feb. 1939/ 4290, addressed to to Ústí + letter with print violet railway pmk BAHNPOST ...?/ 27.Apr. 1939/ Zug 3202/ 3804; good condition, rare postmark! U:A5
1939 train post TROPPAU–WEISSKIRCHEN/ ZUG 1949, 4.10.39, commercial letter with definitive přeshraničním cancel. with 12Pf with provisory line red cancel. TESCHEN 1; slightly faded upper margin envelope/-s, superb print, sought! U:A5
1942 train post BRESLAU–MÄHR. SCHÖNBERG 0147, oval pmk on correspondence card, good condition U:A5
1940-45 comp. 13 pcs of letters with railway pmk, i.a. KOJETÍN–TOVAČOV, ROKYCANY–MIROŠOV, LITOMYŠL–CHOCEŇ and oths., nice U:A5
1941-45 comp. 15 pcs of correspondence cards, i.a. CDV9, with railway pmk, i.a. WEKELSDORF–CHOCEŇ, SOLNICE–ČASTOLOVICE, PRAG–PELSDORF, BRNO–HULÍN, BRNO–BOJKOVICE and oths., standard quality U:A5
1941-43 comp. 3 pcs of letters to Bohemia-Moravia with train post No. 46, PREŠOV–ŽILINA, 2x as Express, with Alb.99, 100, 101, 103, 109; 49, 51, 83 str-of-5; 49, 83, 99 2x, 101 2x; censorship, nice U:A5
1948 RAILWAY POST OFF., MC PRAGUE/ 1948 13.XI. on letter with War Heroes Pof.396 2x, this MC was/were used only 14 days (!!), then was/were office renamed on/for PRAGUE 022, see enclosed text Reporter our philately year/volume III, number 10; good condition U:A5
1953 RAILWAYS letter postally paušalizovaný, service pmk Railway station Slovenské Nové Mesto, straight line postmark Pohraniční centre Czechoslovak State Railways, CDS SLOVENSKÉ NOVÉ MESTO/ 17.VIII.53, good condition, interesting entire from rozděleného town Sátoraljaujhély - Slovenské Nové Mesto U:A5
1896-1941 GERMANY comp. 8 pcs of Ppc with railway pmk, i.a. ODERBERG–MOSTY, AUE–ANNABERG and oths., interesting also for collectors of picture-postcards U:A5
1917 postal-agency HABARTICE, c.v.. Geb.0273, violet 2-lines postmark on Ppc, CDS KLATOVY/ 18.III.18, good condition, this variety catalogue doesn't report! U:A5
1912-15 postal-agency CHUCHELNA, c.v.. Geb.430/1, RADKOVICE, c.v.. Geb.1101/1, comp. 2 pcs of entires, superb, fancy price U:A5
1902-10 postal-agency RAKVICE, c.v.. Geb.1112/2, ŠAKVICE, c.v.. Geb.1306/1, STARÁ BŘECLAVA, c.v.. Geb.1233/4, comp. 3 pcs of entires, superb, fancy price U:A5
1902-16 postal-agency ROZSEČ, c.v.. Geb.1143/2, 3, comp. 3 pcs of entires, 2x postcard + letter, good condition U:A5
1914-23 comp. 5 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk BROUMY 2x, SUDĚJOV 2x, JENŠOVICE, nice imprints U:A5
1937 postal-agency VRADIŠTĚ, c.v.. Geb.2391, violet framed pmk, postal order without L cut, postage free, all attributes, very good condition U:A5
1938-40 GÜNTERSDORF Ü. BODENBACH, NIKLASBERG Ü. TEPLITZ, GROSS RADEN Ü JÄGERNDORF, comp. 2 pcs of letters and address newspaper cut-square; superb print U:A5
1938 MLADETZKO, GROSZ PETRSWALD, GOTSCHDORF frame postal agency pmk supplemented with CDS, 1x PC 6Pf Hindenburg, 2x card, 1x commercial, 1x with surtax; superb print, originates from important collection! U:A5
1945 postal-agency JESTŘABICE, c.v.. Geb.482, KOZLANY, Geb.577, comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters, superb U:A5
1940 POLAND comp. 3 pcs of letters with frame postal agency pmk URNENTHAL UBER SAMTER, FEIZENFELD ÜBER PLESCHEN, OSTROWITE ÜBER RIPPIN; good condition, only 1 envelope with tearing in margin, nice postal imprints U:A5
1915-18 Maxa B1 4x, F75, H3, P29, comp. 7 pcs of entires with with perfins "B" (Branecké iron-works), "F.W." (Francis Wawerka, Lipník n./B.), "H" (Heinika, Přerov) and "P-S" (Meva, Praha-Smíchov); 1x damaged corner U:A5
1910-16 Maxa F75, comp. 2 pcs of entires with with perfin "F.W." f. Francis Wawerka, Lipník n. B., 1x identification entire as Registered, 1 torn stmp U:A5
1910-16 Maxa G38, postcard franked by 5h with perfin "GS/AG" firm Georg Sicht A.G. Aussig + card with perfin "S" firm Victor Schmidt & sons Wien + card with Hungarian stamp. with perfin "G.H." firm Galitzenstein H. Budapest (fold in corner card) U:A5
1908 Maxa J115, commercial private postal stationery cover (2x 10h) sent as Reg to Budapest, on reverse uprated by. 5 pcs of stamp. 5h with perfin "J.&L.Q." firm Joseph. & Leop. Quittner, CDS WIEN 14.XI.08; light folds in envelope U:A5
1904 Maxa J89, PC 5h with perfin "JR" f. Joseph Riedel, Dolní Polubný, very good condition U:A5
1901 Maxa P45, invoice with documentary stamp 10h with perfin "POPPER" f. Leopold Popper & Co., Trieste, filling holes, several light stains U:A4
1906 Maxa R10, dispatch note with Franz Joseph 20h - str-of-3, with perfin "RAS" f. Riunione Adriatica di Sicurità;, Trieste, CDS KARLÍN 27.III.06, nice U:A5
1876-79 forerunners of perfins, comp. 2 pcs of PC VI. issue with embossed commercial additional-printing SAM. LAWETZKÝ/ HOŘITZ and H. WEISS/ CHLUMETZ, interesting ! U:A5
1915-17 comp. 6 pcs of correspondence cards with Franz Joseph and Crown with perfins B.U., G.W., K&F, KK (K35), interesting U:A5
1919-23 comp. 8 pcs of identification entires on/for Czechoslovakia from period of start inflation, 1x German-Austria (Deutschösterreich), interesting U:A5
1918-19 Maxa B1, B28, E41, comp. 3 pcs of identification entires with forerunner franking Austrian stamps with perfins "B" (Branecké iron-works), "B.D./&C." (Breitfeld, Daněk & Co. Blansko) and "ES" (Emil Spiegel & Co. Warnsdorf; sought U:A5
1919-20 Maxa B1, J50, P29, Z3, comp. 4 pcs of entires with with perfins "B" (Branecké iron-works), "J.H./S." (J. Hückela sons, Nový Jičín ), "P-S" (Meva, Praha-Smíchov) and "ZE." (Zbiroh iron-works); good condition U:A5
1919-22 Maxa C16, J89, J96, P33, Z3, comp. 5 pcs of entires with with perfins "C.G.V" (Vogel, Františkovy Lázně), "JR" (Joseph Riedel, Dolní Polubný), "JS" (Joseph Stein, Prague), "P. W." (Premier, Cheb) and "ZE." (Zbiroh iron-works); nice U:A5
1930-34 Maxa M20, front part lepeného commercial card with A. Dvořák 50h with perfinem"MG" f. Max Graber & Sohn A.G., CDS BRATISLAVA/ 1.VIII.34 (filling holes) + Maxa P3, commercial Reg letter to Rumunska(!), franked with. 5 pcs of stamp. T. G. Masaryk with perfin "P", CDS PRAGUE 31/ 3.VII.30 (rusty stains and pin holes + vertical fold) U:A5
1919 Maxa N9, PC CPŘ3, 8h Charles, with additional-printing f. "A. & F. Nettl, Tafelbauden" and with two-sided perf for typewriter, uprated with stamp 2h special-delivery + 5h Hradčany with perfin "NETTL", CDS KRAUSEBAUDEN (Krausovy hut/-s)/ 3.8.19, identification entire, from exhibit, in the middle light dusky, otherwise nice U:A5
1920 Maxa O8, identification entire with Pof.7, Hradčany 15h with perfin "O.H." f. Otto Hofmann, Hořovice, decorative U:A5
1932 Maxa W25, commercial PC with Coat of arms 20h with perfin "WPS" f. Wolfa Piska sons, Golčův Jeníkov, MC PRAGUE 7.VII.32; light stains U:A5
1922-23 GERMANY comp. 6 pcs of identification entires to Czechoslovakia, perfins Gebrüder heller, Schmalkalden; Schleicher & Schüll, Düren; Leitz, Wetzlar; Merck, Darmstadt; Bernd, Lax & Co. Leipzig, 1x torn in upper margin U:A5
1922-23 GERMANY comp. 7 pcs of identification entires to Czechoslovakia, perfins Bernd, Lax & Co. Leipzig; Carl Zeiss, Jena; Schulz, Leipzig; Leitz, Wetzlar; Sahm & sons, Remscheid and oths. U:A5
1922-23 GERMANY comp. 7 pcs of identification entires to Czechoslovakia, perfins BING WERKE, Nürnberg; Bernd, Lax & Co. Leipzig; Riemann, Chemnitz and oths. U:A5
1903-16 GERMANY comp. 5 pcs of identification entires to Moravia, Reg and C.O.D., firm Riemann, Chemnitz-Gablenz; Blombach, Ronsdorf and publ. Remschied, nice U:A5
1916-25 GERMANY comp. 7 pcs of identification entires to Moravia, 1x Reg and C.O.D., firm Riemann, Chemnitz-Gablenz; Blombach, Ronsdorf; Fuchs, Cannstatt; Eberle, Augsburg; Goldenberg & Co. Zornhoff; censorship, 1x broken U:A5
1914 HUNGARY larger part of parcel card with Mi. 125 2x, 110, 119 with perfin "MÁH", commercial postmark Magyar Általános Hitelbank, CDS BUDAPEST/ 914 Sep.16.; good condition U:A5
1919 ITALY identification entire f. Stahlwerke Weißenfels, addressed to to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.89 with perfin St.W., CDS WEISSENFELS (Fusine in Valromana) 15/2/19, very nice U:A5
1952 USA identification entire University of Missouri to Czechoslovakia with stmp Jefferson 1c, uprated with stamp Adams 2c 2x with perfin MU, MC COLUMBIA OCT.13/1952, fold in R margin U:A5
1970 SUEZ CRISIS envelope with lot of deck cancellation ship detained in time of blockade canal, private labels Polish ship M/S Djakbier, then postmark Nordwind, Münsterland, Killara, Nippon, Agapenor, African Glen, Djakarta, Boleslaw Bierut, Vassil Levsky, Lednice and oths., interesting contemporary document U:A4
1989-90 UNTAG NAMIBIA comp. 2 pcs of letters from and to Czechosl. pozorovatele mission, interesting U:A5
1993-2003 CZECH UNPROFOR BATT / CZECH-SLOVAK NBS BATALION comp. 5 pcs of letters 1x letter-card with cancel. CZECH UNPROFOR BATT, sender camp BORJE with CDS UN 11.Jan. 1993 + 4x franked letter to member of Czech units in/at Kuwait with red cachet OPERATIONS ENDURING FREEDOM/ KUWAIT/ 1st CZECH-SLOVAK NBS BATALION and CDS DOHA 21.Apr. 2003 incl. content; good condition U:A4
1992-93 PEACE CALL Balkan Conflict, comp. 7 pcs of entires from various countries with jednotným text in English - Stop this terrible war. Women demand to stop the war Negotiate now!, recipient Slobodan MILOŠEVIĆ (1941–2006), Serbian president, interesting historical document U:A5
1899 K.u.K.. FELDPOST-LEITUNG No.14/ 9/9/99, lithography from town BREGENZ to Bohemia, with Mi.51, arrival MNÍŠEK, sought! U:A5
1899 K.u.K.. FELDPOST-LEITUNG No.14/ 9/9/99, postcard from town LIENZ to Bohemia, with Mi.51, arrival MNÍŠEK, otherwise nice U:A5
1918 telegram with Mi.34, 41, CDS BELGRADE/ 918 MÁR.16, very good condition, unfolded! U:A4
1914 postcard FP addressed to to Bohemia, Hungarian district cancel. 916 in frame, according to text Marschbatalion 88, good condition U:A5
1914 Tábori Posta/ POZSONY/ p.u./ Feldpost (Field-Post), red round postmark on Ppc with date in text 20.8.14; superb postal imprint from start WWI from Slovak territory! U:A5