1918-19 comp. 11 pcs of commercial PC franked with Austrian stmp.., i.a. 3h Crown, Mi.185 as 1-násobná franking Printed matter and 3-tuple franking, then stamp. 5h and 10h, Mi.186, 188, various CDS; good condition and interesting
Pof.9N, 20h red without perf, bar type II, pos. 74, printing plate No.1, exp. by Sablatura + Stupka, well centered, certificate Stupka from year 2010, rare
Pof.6, 9N, 10N, 13Na, values 10h green, 20h carmine, 25h ultramarine and 30h dark violet, comp. 4 pcs of, from that 2 pcs of on small cut-squares, cancel. with favor, after all interesting, 2 pcs of exp. by Gilbert and 2 pcs of exp. by Stupka
Pof.18 joined bar types, 75h grey-green, block of four with joined bar types, printing plate 2, nice shade color, between stamp. R in the middle ca. 6mm nástřih, otherwise very nice, exp. by Stupka., c.v.. 8.000CZK
Pof.25 IIp, IIr, 500h, comp. 5 pcs of used stamp. with bar and frame types, 2x IIp pos. 2 and 15, plate 2, 3 pcs of frame types IIr; nice pieces, clear postmark, c.v.. 4.200CZK
Pof.7A STk, 15h bricky red, vertical strip of 3 pos. 71, 81, 91, plate 1, combined combination types spiral type I and bar type II on pos. 91, minor gum fault, exp. by Karasek
Pof.7A STs+p, 15h bricky red, horiz. blk-of-12 from plate 1, pos. 13-18/ 23-28, contains 1x combined ST (pos. 23), 3x joined bar types (from that 1x with bar subtype), for specialist interesting, quite mint never hinged without jakýchkoliv marks
Pof.7Aa, 15h brown-red, marked, open spiral, short bar, perfin Maxa R5, plate 1, pos. 49, exp. by Karasek.., c.v.. 600CZK; in addition imperforated stamp. Pof.7a, brown-red, marked, closed spiral, short bar, exp. by Karasek.., c.v.. 150CZK, good condition
Pof.11Fa, 25h black-violet, line perforation 13¾:11½;, bar type II, pos. 12, plate 2, horiz. off center, partially dirty perf, without certification, c.v.. 700CZK
Pof.28, 25h brown, mixed perf line perforation 11½:11½:11½:10½;, literature doesn't report, partially marked, exp. by Stupka + Kapras, vertical off center
Pof.27C-32C, complete set of with line perforation 11½; : 10½;, value 120 with čtvrtinou green added-print, value 50h and 120h exp. by Mrnak., c.v.. 3.300CZK
Pof.31-32, comp. 5 pcs of 100-stamps. sheets, from that value 100h 3 pcs of with various perf with plate mark 5 2x, plate mark 6 (znečištěné and wrinkled margins), value 120h with various repro-proofs with plate mark 7 and 8
Pof.49Ia, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, overprint type I., deep shade, exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, Karasek + photo-certificate Šablatúra from y 2001, c.v.. 20.000CZK
Pof.51ax, Coat of arms 10K dark violet, clear print, overprint type I., grey-blue paper, exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, Karasek, Stupka + 2 owner's mark and signature by pencil, c.v.. 7.500CZK
Pof.54, Air 4 Koruna grey, overprint type I., lightly hinged., exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, Stupka + owner's mark and signature by pencil, c.v.. 14.500CZK