1919part blank form/-s with mixed franking Austrian postage-due stamp. Mi.P63 in/at 6-pásce + Pof.DL2 and 10h Hradčany Pof.5, CDS KLADNO/ 28.VI.19, rare occurrence, in the middle 1x vert. fold over the stmp, R 11mm torn, after all interesting
Pof.9N, 20h red without perf, bar type II, pos. 74, printing plate No.1, exp. by Sablatura + Stupka, well centered, certificate Stupka from year 2010, rare
Pof.6, 9N, 10N, 13Na, values 10h green, 20h carmine, 25h ultramarine and 30h dark violet, comp. 4 pcs of, from that 2 pcs of on small cut-squares, cancel. with favor, after all interesting, 2 pcs of exp. by Gilbert and 2 pcs of exp. by Stupka
Pof.18 joined bar types, 75h grey-green, block of four with joined bar types, printing plate 2, nice shade color, between stamp. R in the middle ca. 6mm nástřih, otherwise very nice, exp. by Stupka., c.v.. 8.000CZK
Pof.7A STs+p, 15h bricky red, horiz. blk-of-12 from plate 1, pos. 13-18/ 23-28, contains 1x combined ST (pos. 23), 3x joined bar types (from that 1x with bar subtype), for specialist interesting, quite mint never hinged without jakýchkoliv marks
Pof.28, 25h brown, mixed perf line perforation 11½:11½:11½:10½;, literature doesn't report, partially marked, exp. by Stupka + Kapras, vertical off center
Pof.50Pp, Coat of arms 4 Koruna light green, high size, inverted overprint, type II., well centered, lightly hinged., nice piece, marked by Tribuna., Hirsch, Šablatúra, Karasek + photo-certificate Karásek from y 2003, c.v.. 1.200CZK
Pof.125y, Newspaper stamp 2f red-orange, overprint type I., wmk Crown of St. Stephen, very wide margins, sought stamp, exp. by Stupka., c.v.. 15.000CZK
PLATE PROOF from the first stages of print, large format, in/at grey-black color on carton paper, empty value tablet (further see Monograph No.2, page. 163), rare occurrence, light ribbed paper, after all interesting
Pof.155 production flaw, 50h red, 5 stage postupujícího white circle from L numeral(s) through/over head, řetěz to right numeral, without defects, very interesting
PLATE PROOF 25h, 1. design - with year L, format 22,5x27,5mm, 4 pcs of in various colors, from that 2x on/for yellowy and 2x on brownish paper, c.v.. 3.600CZK
1934Pof.A283-284B, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue, landscape format, format 175x282mm and 174x283mm, exp. by Mrnak., red special postmark PRAGUE 10 HRAD/ 21.XII.34, incl. cover, certificate Renon (1988), very fine
1929part printed-matter - listing of Post mailing on the plane, Bulgarian, postmark SOFIA 25.IX.1929 and arrival postmark PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 27.IX.29, supplemented with bulharskou airmail label; good condition, sought for dokumentaci air-mail transport, in addition from Bulgaria rare usage!
1931airmail letter to Vienna with Pof.L4-L6 + L9, L10, mixed franking II. and III. air-mail issue, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 11.XII.31, arrival postmark WIEN 1/ FLUGPOST/ 11.XXI.31 in front, on reverse other 4 transit pmk., sound condition, sought by specialists!
1922Pof.DL30B IIs, Postage Due - overprint issue Hradcany 40/15h with spiral type II (originates from plate 1 or 2), stamp. with R margin, superb, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 8.000CZK
1927DL50B, Postage Due - overprint issue Chainbreaker 50/150h red, line perforation 13¾;, mint never hinged block of four, exp. by Gilbert., Fischmeister, c.v.. 1.500CZK
Pof.SO24RE, Masaryk 500h, retouch background, almost complete CDS SLEZSKÁ OSTRAVA, sought by specialists, exp. by Stupka., c.v.. Pofis used stamp. doesn't evaluate, mint never hinged 40.000CZK
1919CPŘ, double PC Mi.P53, Eagle 2Kr+2Kr with private additional-printing Crown 10h+10h, over-mounted with stmp Pof.3, Hradčany 5h light green, MC PRAGUE/ 20.VIII.19, answer with illegible postmark, recipient Dr. Rix, philatelically motivated, very interesting
1919CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles, 2 pcs of, sent abroad (!) and sent back, 1x uprated with stamp Hradčany 25h addressed to to Serbia with CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY/ 26.III.19, 1x addressed to to Croatia with CDS KRÁL. VINOHRADY/ 24.III.19, both mailing returned back with straight line postmark "ZURÜCK"; good condition
1922CDV24 plate variety, Liberated Republic 50h green with plate variety - little-egg in waist, CDS PRAGUE/ 12.VI.2; on/for L side hint of gum - klih from archivování, sought, rare usage!
1927CTÚ4Aa, telegram with posečkaným account, additionally printed stamp. 40h Coat of arms, date of printing 1927; vert. fold and several tearing and folds in margin, c.v.. 6.300CZK
1942Pof.96-99, Hitler, comp. 4 pcs of complete sheets with variants coupons, high catalogue value; folded in perforation outside gutter, partly detached in perforation
1940cut cheque order with mixed franking Czechosl. Postage due stamps Pof.DL58 + Bohemian and Moravian stamp. Pof.DL2, CDS SVIJANY and MOHELNICE, good condition
1939CZL1, sent as Reg to Bohemia-Moravia, richly uprated by. i.a. stamp. Tiso 2,50 Koruna + parallel Czechosl. letter-card CZL2 to Protectorate, uprated with stamp Tiso and Hlinka, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 20.XI.39 and 17.XI.39, both same recipient; without margins, good condition
1939Reg and airmail letter abroad with Alb.L6, 45, CDS BRATISLAVA 16.XII.39, to Portugal, sent back, redirected to Brazil, sent by first flight Roma–Rio de Janeiro, on reverse mounted official card, postmarks and notice; broken corner
1945KRÁLÍKY, Reg letter franked with. 4 pcs of German stamp. with portrait Hitler, all with overprint "New nominal value/ Czechosl. state coat of arms/ May 1945", rubber CDS KRÁLÍKY/ 1945, nationalized German Reg label, incl. certificate of mailing, nice quality
1952Pof.649DZ, Agricultural Work - kombajn 2Kčs brown, vertical pair with R margin, registry cross with plate mark asterisk, superb, c.v.. 4.700Kč, rare usage, rare!
1960Pof.1101-1108, Castles and castles, complete set existing shades, incl. těch most precious 40h grey-black and black, 30h light green, 1Kčs light shades violet, total 51 pcs of, from that only 1 pcs of used, unrepeatable chance!!