Mail Auction 31 / Collector`s Literature

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119893 - 1970-2000 PHILATELY  selection of expert literature, contain
1970-2000 PHILATELY selection of expert literature, contains Philatelic statě 9x, Catalogue stamps Slovakia 1993-2000, Kořínek: Fiscal valuable matter/-s I, Hašek: Czechosl. slogan pmk 1970-1982, Catalogue stamps Czechoslovakia 1918-1939, exhibition catalogue Praga 1998, Novotný: Special manual; all in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
122109 - 1963 POSTAL HISTORY  Kartovací přehledy ambulantních post
1963 POSTAL HISTORY Kartovací přehledy ambulantních post and dálkových přeprav, part I., area/region regions 1-7, NADAS, Prague, 586 page., railway, car and air post; with signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
121974 - 1937-39 POSTAL HISTORY  Listing postal provozních clerks ..
1937-39 POSTAL HISTORY Listing postal provozních clerks ..., comp. 2 pcs of bulletins, detailed listings; good condition
Starting price: CZK
119544 - 1947 TOPOGRAPHY  Listing village/community in/at Zemi moravs
1947 TOPOGRAPHY Listing village/community in/at Zemi moravskoslezské, II. part, according to status from end year 1946, issued Statistický office, Prague; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
119896 - 2001 NOTAPHILY  Kasal Ivo: Losy in/at srdci Europe, from cla
2001 NOTAPHILY Kasal Ivo: Losy in/at srdci Europe, from classic to/at wiping, issued Olympia, Prague, 223 page., chalky paper, much picture in text, as new
Starting price: CZK
121274 - 1970-71 NUMISMATICS  Cach: Oldest Czech coin/-s I., Czech de
1970-71 NUMISMATICS Cach: Oldest Czech coin/-s I., Czech denáry, issued Czech National Bank in Prague, 96 page. + insert, also with catalogue Coins of Ferdinand V. 1835–1848; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121275 - 1970 NUMISMATICS  Pošvář: Moravian mint, issued by Moravi
1970 NUMISMATICS Pošvář: Moravian mint, issued by Moravian museum in Brno, 176 page. + insert, good condition
Starting price: CZK
121957 - 1940 NUMISMATICS  Přehled obíhajících (valid) říšskon
1940 NUMISMATICS Přehled obíhajících (valid) říšskoněmeckých bank-notes and coins according to status to 1. April 1939, issued National bank for BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, 20 page., contains i.a. descriptions forgeries; also with bank-note 100 Koruna; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121276 - 1979 NUMISMATICS  Sejbal: History money in Moravia, issued B
1979 NUMISMATICS Sejbal: History money in Moravia, issued Block, Brno, 210 page. + insert, good condition
Starting price: CZK
121273 - 1974 NUMISMATICS  Šána, J.: Čištění and protection coi
1974 NUMISMATICS Šána, J.: Čištění and protection coins and medals, issued Czech National Bank Hradec Králové, 64 page., very fine
Starting price: CZK
119895 - 2000 PHILATELY  Ferchenbauer: Österreich (Austria) 1850–1
2000 PHILATELY Ferchenbauer: Österreich (Austria) 1850–1918, Guide and Special catalogue, within self-publishing, Wien, 1.428 sides, German text, color pictures, good condition
Starting price: CZK
122037 - 2009 PHILATELY  BROOKMAN  U.S. Stamps, Canada stamps, UN sta
2009 PHILATELY BROOKMAN U.S. Stamps, Canada stamps, UN stamps, FDC, Autographs, catalogue oceňující outside philately also signatures important personalities; good condition
Starting price: CZK
122029 - 2002 PHILATELY  SCOTT  Specialized Catalogue of US. Stamps &
2002 PHILATELY SCOTT Specialized Catalogue of US. Stamps & Covers, 800 sides, B/W picture, good condition
Starting price: CZK
122724 - 2009-10 PHILATELY  comp. 2 pcs of specializovaných catalogu
2009-10 PHILATELY comp. 2 pcs of specializovaných catalogues in Russian; Soloviev: Postage Stamps of Russia & USSR, Specialized Catalogue, Volume 3, Civil War, 2011/12, Moscow; Soloviev: Postage Stamps of Russia & USSR, Specialized Catalogue, Volume 4, RSFSR, USSR (1923-1960), 2010/11, Moscow; both as new
Starting price: CZK
112091 - 1953-97 PHILATELY  comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, Rentzmann: Alph
1953-97 PHILATELY comp. 8 pcs of bulletins, Rentzmann: Alphabetisch-chronologische Tabellen der Münzherren and Verzeichniss der auf Münzen (coins) vorkommenden Heiligen; Welter: Die Reinigung and Erhaltung von Münzen (coins) and Medaillen; Lexikon der Numismatik; Spasski: Das russische Nünzsystem; Schlumberger: Goldmünzen Europas von 1800 bis heute; Göbl: Sasanidische Numismatik; Craig: Coins of the World 1750–1850; Jacobs, Vermeule: Japanese Coinage + special journal Small sculpture, 19 year, annual volumes 1981-84 svázány, also with Štemberg: Numismatické reminder Country anniv. exhibition 1891, within self-publishing, Prague, 1991; good condition
Starting price: CZK
119894 - 1992 PHILATELY  selection of expert literature, contains cat
1992 PHILATELY selection of expert literature, contains catalogue FACIT Special 2000, Schweizerisches Luftpost-Handbuch (1992), Catalogue Officiel de Timbres-Poste, Belgique 1998, Die Figurenstempel Finnlands (1974), Catálogo Unificado Edifil de Sellos de ESPAÑA 1999
Starting price: CZK
122314 - 2010 PHILATELY  Stanley Gibbons: Commonwealth Stamp Catalogu
2010 PHILATELY Stanley Gibbons: Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue - Falkland Islands; just new
Starting price: CZK
122313 - 2008 PHILATELY  Stanley Gibbons: Stamp Catalogue - Cyprus, G
2008 PHILATELY Stanley Gibbons: Stamp Catalogue - Cyprus, Gibraltar & Malta; just new
Starting price: CZK
121277 - 1965 NUMISMATICS  Reinfeld: Münzkatalog der bekanntesten M
1965 NUMISMATICS Reinfeld: Münzkatalog der bekanntesten Münzen (coins) von der Antike bis to Gegenwart, issued Ernst Battenberg, Stuttgart, 342 page., in good condition
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 31 / Collector`s Literature - Information

Sběratelská literatura

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