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1910 KRKONOŠE - Luční bouda (Wiesenbaude), 3 skiers; Un, on reverse described U:A5
1898 BRNO (Brünn) - Koliště, people; long address, Us, light fold in corner U:A5
1898 BRNO (Brünn) - Masaryk's street, people; long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1899 BRNO (Brünn) - part railway-station, in background Petrov; long address, Us, light stains U:A5
1910 BRNO (Brünn) - restaurant Alois Rechtorik, people in front of house; Un, damaged, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1936 BRNO (Brünn) - people, bus transport podniku, photo Podlipný; Us, good condition U:A5
1909 HORNÍ HERŠPICE - 3-views, B/W, Us; good condition U:A5
1920 HUSOVICE - collective photo f. Francis Šlechtický, Brno-Husovice, freight car, produkty, photo Sobal, Veveří (castle); Un, very bumped corners, U:A5
1926 LÍŠEŇ (Lösch) - 4-view, Sokol house, restaurant Válků, school, post, issued Poláček; Us, pulled-down stamp, light stains U:A5
1915 LÍŠEŇ (Lösch) - view of church, people, issued Bestera; Un, bumped corners, partial fold U:A5
1926 NOVÝ LÍSKOVEC - 3-views, general view, Sokol house, eating room, photo Bruchélt, Brno; Us, good condition U:A5
1926 NOVÝ LÍSKOVEC - 4-view, general view, eating room, photo Bruchélt, Brno; Us, good condition U:A5
1911 PISÁRKY - toboggan run on/for Myslivně, single-view, Us, without defects U:A5
1910 ZÁBRDOVICE - grade crossing, train, carriage, in background church, issued Ascher & Redlich; long address, Us, abraded corner U:A5
1926 ŽIDENICE - 4-view, i.a. Sokol house, cinema Slavia, photo Bruchélt, Brno; Us, good condition U:A5
1923 MOKRÁ-HORÁKOV - 2-views, present Ranč by/on/at jelena, issued Buchta, Brno; Un, good condition U:A5
1925 DOUBRAVNÍK - 3-views, church, villa, local part Luhačovice, train; Us, good condition U:A5
1913 KRNOV (Jägerndorf) - drawn, church; Us, very light stains U:A5
1908 ONDRÁŠOV (Andersdorf) - collage, view of budovám; Us, good condition U:A5
1920 LEDNICE (Eisgrub) - 4-view, i.a. cake shop Hirsch, within self-publishing, Un, stain U:A5
1935 MIKULOV - unveiling of memorial tablet Alfons Mucha in front of house hotel The Lion, between přítomnými also painter with wife, Mucha at speech; photo postcard, Un with postmark committee for mounting commemorative tablet; good condition U:A5
1909 VALTICE (Feldsberg) - winter view, people in the square; Us, good condition U:A5
1898 STARÉ HAMRY (Althammer) - Lysá hora, Sepetný, waterfall Satiny, emblem BESKIDEN-VEREIN, issued Beskiden-Verein, Us, good condition U:A5
1903 BRTNICE - collage "with umbrella over the town"; long address, Us, pulled-down stamp, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1903 DAČICE - view from tower on/for Kranclích, issued Bystřický; long address, Un, superb U:A5
1923 STUDENÁ - collective photo, workers and beer barrel, brewery Studená; Un, bumped corners U:A5
1935 KARLOVY VARY (Karlsbad) - German Pilots Association in Czechoslovakia, B/W 2-view postcard větroně and airport buildings, to Italy; good condition, slightly wrinkled corners U:A5
1900 ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN / CIESZYN (Teschen) - 2-views collage, bridge over river, girl in costume; long address, Us, good condition U:A5
1900 KARVINÁ (Karwin) - picture collage, embossed, issued Julius Pawliska, long address, Un, nice U:A5
1921 PORUBA (Poremba) - collection 14 pcs of Ppc, Sokol's exercise 14.7.21, interesting descriptions on reverse, scénář; very interesting, good condition U:A5
1910 DLAŽOV (Dlažďov) - Rendlův restaurant White rose, people and horses in front of house; Un, on reverse stain U:A5
1908 KROMĚŘÍŽ - Havlíčkova street, people, shop uhlím Nečas, issued Povondra; Us, small stains in L margin U:A5
1920? JAKUB - photo postcard, group photo, baker's Joseph Tyrkas (1876–1933), house No. 72; Un, stain in right margin U:A5
1900 SEDLEC - firemen, collective photo, photo Krátký, Kolín; long address, Un, bumped corners U:A5
1905 RYNOLTICE (Ringelshain) - group of people in front of house; long address, Us in y 1907, CDS RINGELSHAIN ??/03/07, very fine U:A5
1912 ÚŠTĚK (Auscha) - row of houses in the square; Us, good condition U:A5
1917 VOJKOVICE (Wojkowitz) - automatický mill and pub Guttmann, people in front of house, children, baby-coach and bicycle, issued Guttmann; Us, very fine U:A5
1920 FRENŠTÁT P. R. - 2-view, Sokol house, interior; Un, good condition U:A5
1905 STARÝ JIČÍN (Alttitschein) - lithography, issued Klabusay, Holleschau; long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1915 OPAVA (Troppau) - postcard with emblem and folder, issued Hugo Radeck, München (Munich); Un, very good condition U:A5
1898 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA (Mährisch Ostrau.) - lithography; long address, Us, bumped corners, oxidation U:A5
1910 VÍTKOVICE (Witkowitz) - factory, promotional Ppc with advertising added print; Un, very good condition U:A5
1910 PŘELOUČ - window photo-collage, dog-drawn carriage and child; Un, good condition U:A5
1901 PRAGUE (Prag) - beer greeting, postcard in form of beer glass, long address, Us, broken handle U:A5
1910 PRAGUE (Prag) - Old Town square, car; Un, good condition U:A5
1918 PRAGUE (Prag) - collection 6 pcs of photo postcard, celebration independence, ceremonial military přísaha; Un, bumped corners U:A5
1910 CHUCHLE - restaurant Přístavu; Us, broken corner U:A5
1900 HRANICE (Mähr.-Weisskirchen) - picture collage, street, shop; long address, Us, light stains in upper margin U:A5
1906 PŘEROV - collage; Us, damaged L margin U:A5
1905 PŘÍBRAM - firemen, collective photo; Un, good condition U:A5
1915 LITOMYŠL - promotional Ppc "oldest litomyšlská wineroom", fine gilt lithography; Us, bumped corners U:A5
1915 ZÁBŘEH - part of square, issued Small; Us, bumped corners U:A5
1922 TEPLICE (Teplitz-Schönau) - concert outdoor, crowd of people; Us good condition U:A5
1907 TRUTNOV (Trautenau) - collage "beer barrel", issued Bamberger; Us, wrinkled LR corner, otherwise very fine U:A5
1898 ZVIČINA - 4-view collage, original outlook-tower (!!), chapel and shelter hut, issued Trohoř, Dvůr Králové; long address, Us, light stains in paper U:A5
1900 TŘEBÍČ - 2-view, general view, imperial manoeuvres, B/W, long address, Us, preserved, sought U:A5
1900 TŘEBÍČ - 2-view, general view, imperial manoeuvres, B/W; long address, Us, well preserved, sought U:A5
1900 TŘEBÍČ - 2-view, sculpture Cyril and Method, imperial manoeuvres, B/W, long address, Us, in picture side light offset CDS, smaller signs of usage, otherwise preserved, sought U:A5
1900 TŘEBÍČ - 2-view, valley below railway bridge, imperial manoeuvres, B/W, long address, Us, well preserved, sought U:A5
1900 TŘEBÍČ - 2-view, castle, imperial manoeuvres, B/W, long address, Us, unstuck stamp, light spots otherwise preserved, sought U:A5