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1871 Mi.11-12a, Franz Joseph 10Kr and 15 Kreuzer, copper print, c.v.. 950€; small thin place and přirozený light fold, after all interesting U:A5
1871 Mi.2, Franz Joseph, 3 Kreuzer olive green, lithography, unusual color shade, fragment CDS with date 2.7.71, cat. min. 1.200€ U:A5
1871 Mi.6a, Franz Joseph 25K violet, lithography, part of postmark POST-KASA/ in SEMLIN, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1871 Mi.8-13, Franz Joseph 2 Koruna - 25K, nice comp. 14 pcs of, copper print, color shades, c.v.. 530€ U:A5
1879 comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters with issue Letter with cipher, Mi.17, 18 with postmarks post from Slovak territory GALÁNTA, SZEPESVÁRALJA (Spiš. Podhradie), POZSONY, 1x commercial envelope, always part franking also on reverse; nice postal imprints, several light folds U:A5
1879 comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters with issue Letter with cipher, Mi.17, 18 with postmarks post from Slovak territory RÓZSAHEGY (Ružomberok), EPEJRES (Prešov) and NAGY SURÁNY (Šurany), 1x commercial envelope, 1x part franking also on reverse; nice postal imprints, several light folds U:A5
1890-1902 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with issue Letter with cipher and Turul, 1x Reg cancel, 1x Reg label; nice U:A4
1902 newspaper with newspaper wrapper with Mi.71, Newspaper stamp, CDS ČAJNICA 18/8/02, handwritten notice "Forbidden", evidently undelivered U:A5
1902 postcard Tatras with railway pmk KASSA - RUTTKA/ 902 Aug.19., supplemented with railway station mailbox pmk POPRAD PU; stamp. Turul 5f with missing corner perf U:A5
1931 Mi.478-479, Zeppelin, popular issue, mint never hinged, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1934-41 Mi.Bl.1, Bl.5-7, Bl.9, comp. 5 pcs of miniature sheets, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1947 Mi.Bl.10, miniature sheet President Roosevelt, format 162x121mm, mint never hinged, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1942 Reg card to Bohemia-Moravia to parish off. in Holešov, request for sending baptism certificate as evidence of Aryan origin, postmarks, censorship; very interesting, crosswise fold U:A5
1874 postal stationery cover Mi.U5 with railway pmk CZEGLED / KASSA 11/ 74 X.31., on reverse arrival BUDAPEST; small tearing U:A5
1874 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA PC Mi.P3, Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer orange-yellow, CDS BEREGSZÁSZ/ 22.3., PŘÍCHOD Miskolcz, nice U:A5
1890-91 PC Mi.P14, without watermark, 2 pcs of, both uprated with stamp 3 Kreuzer "sachet", Mi.22A, addressed to to Switzerland, good condition U:A5
1938 international reply coupon Hongrie - Magyarország with value 64 fillér, clear Un U:A5
1891-95 comp. 2 pcs of PC Mi.P14 uprated with stamp 3 Kreuzer Letter with cipher green, sent abroad, 1x to Italy with CDS TRENCSÉN - TEPLICZ 91/ Jul/ 22, 1x to USA with CDS LIPTÓ SZ MIKLOS/ 95/ Sep/ 23 with arrival MC CHICAGO Oct.5.95; good condition U:A5
1901-18 comp. 3 pcs of franked with. certificates of mailing with postmarks from Slovak territory, various franking as Mi.67 with CDS POSTYÉN/ 01 Feb 9., Mi.100 4x with CDS TURÓCZ - SZKLENÓ/ 911 Feb 25, Mi.194 with CDS RUTTKA/ 918 Jun 10.; good condition U:A5
1918-19 ROMANIA local overprint BANI and LEI on issue Reaper, Charles and Parliament, catalogue doesn't report U:A5