1862 Mi.21a, Coat of arms 18Kr, light green, sought stamp. with whole numeral pmk "57", ordinary quality with minimum reparací in the middle, c.v.. 650€
1862Mi.22b, Coat of arms 30Kr, dark yellow-orange, white background, rare and inland rarely offered stmp, in addition complete numeral pmk "8", c.v.. 2.000€
1850-62 comp. 6 pcs of classical stamp with favourite cancel., so-called. "Mühlradstempel", contains Mi.4 5x + Mi.9, chosen margins, cancel. well readable, for example. "28", "217", "356" and "B.P.", 1 pcs of on small cut-square
1899 letter addressed to to Tachov on/for prince Alfred Windischgraetze, with 20Pf Mi.57 with CDS SCHLOSS - HOHENBURG/ 8.Okt. 99, fine preserved noble seal on reverse; good condition
1857 Mi.9b, Coat of arms in oval, 4x ¼Gr, in vzácném light brown shade, often missing in collections, R close but full margins, exp. Lage BPP, c.v.. 250€
1861Mi.18, King George V. 10Gr dark olive green, wide margins, almost complete blue CDS HANNOVER/ 24.11., stamp. is on reverse on/for 70% area pink-brown zbarvená, after all interesting, cat. min. 1.100€
1863Mi.20, Crown in oval 3Pf green, CDS HAMBURG, very fine piece with typical folds in gum, c.v.. 1.200€, owner guarantees the genuineness and the quality
1850Mi.1, King Friedrich Wilhelm IV., value ½Sgr / 6Pf red-orange, vertical block of 6, R close and on other sides wide margins, quite rare multiple, lower 2 signatures by pencil (J. Kovářík, other badly readable) and owner's mark, in/at c.v.. Michel price after/behind block of four struck through, qualified estimation 3.000€++
1867 Mi.U23, postal stationery cover 1Sgr, format 147x84mm, uprated with stamp 6Pf, Mi.15, sent as money letter CDS FREIENWALDEA/O./ 27.8.67, notice chalk, on reverse seal and arrival single circle blue cancel. BERLIN/ 28.8.7, well preserved
1870ELSASS-LOTHRINGEN: Mi.2I. + 3I., Numerals, value 2c red-brown, 3 postmark + value 4c grey, with very interesting FP-postmark "FELDPOST-RELAIS No.16/ 12.11.", both stamp. small thinner place, c.v.. 250€, value FP-postmark excluded from sum
1852 folded cover of letter with 9 Kreuzer, Mi.10 II., CDS MAINZ/ 25.2.1852, addressed to to Prague, on reverse seal and arrival postmark PRAG/ 28.2., interesting address, good condition
1860folded letter with 9 Kreuzer, Mi.23, exceedingly wide margins, L and lower with part of of adjacent stamp., four-circle cancel. "134" + CDS MAINZ/ 15.DEC.1860, addressed to to Znojmo, on reverse transit pmk DRESDEN/ 16.12., BRÜNN/ 17.12. and arrival ZNAIM/ 17.12., cross fold, otherwise good
1861 larger part folded letter with 1Sgr, Mi.15, marginal piece, very wide margins, R and lower with part of of adjacent stamp., four-circle cancel. "326" + CDS OERLINGENHAUSEN/ 29.7.1861, on reverse 2 transit pmk., nice quality, for specialist interesting
1867 folded cover of letter with 1Gr, Mi.38, four-circle numeral pmk badly readable + CDS JESBERG/ 19.2.1867, addressed to to Kasselu, arrival postmark CASSEL/ 20.2. on reverse, in the middle more times vert. fold and at top torn, viewing of quality recommended
1882 Mi.U23A, postal stationery cover 5Pf, format 147x84mm, uprated with stamp 5Pf, Mi.45, CDS BIETIGHEIM in WÜRTTBG/ 29.JUN.82, addressed to to Stuttgart, good condition
1872Mi.28, German Eagle 18Kr ochre brown, on small cut-square from letter, almost complete CDS ....DERSHEIM/ 26.3., the most expensive stamp. this issue, c.v.. 2.800€
1872-74selection of 25 pcs of from first issues, contains Mi.1-6, 7-11, 14, 16-22, 23, 25-27 and 29-30, standard quality, clear postmark, included to sum cheapest variants colors, c.v.. 3.200€
1899 SHIP MAIL Mi.49, German Eagle 20Pf blue, vertical strip of 3 on small cut-square from letter, 2x CDS DEUTSCHE (German) SEEPOST/ OSTAFRIKANISCHEHAUPTLINIE/ 16.1.99, good condition
1905 comp. 4 pcs of vertical joined printings stamp. from stamp booklets, issue Germania, contains Mi.S7, S9, S10 and S11, mint never hinged, c.v.. 142€
1920 issue Germania and Numerals, comp. 12 pcs of various joined printings, opposite facing pairs and stamp. with L coupons and margin, from stamp. booklets, contains Mi.W18, W19, K5, K6, S27, S29, S31, S33, KZ8, KZ9, RL13 and RL14, mint never hinged, interesting, c.v.. 153€
1920 issue Germania, selection of 20 pcs of various horiz. also vertical joined printings and opposite facing pairs, from stamp booklets, contains Mi.W15, W16, W17, S15, S17, S19, S21, S23, S25, K1, K2, K3, K4, KZ1 to KZ7, at our place rare occurrence, mint never hinged, c.v.. 88€
1920 Mi.136 II. + 138 II., Bavarian stamp. with overprint "Deutsches Reich", values 5M and 20M, both T II., value 5M R at top thin/light fold, highest value 20M nice, sought by specialists, c.v.. 320€
1920 comp. 4 pcs of stamp. Germania with L coupons and margin, from stamp booklets, contains Mi.RL2, RL4, RL5 and RL7, interesting, mint never hinged, c.v.. 63€