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1918 Mi.17-19, overprint, luxury quality, catalogue value for hinged 25€, also with forgeries hinged for comparison and study purposes U:A5
1919 Mi.31, 40, 44a+b, 48, D1, D3, Cracow Overprint, c.v.. 270€, first-class quality, exp. by Ondruska U:A5
1919-23 Mi.123-129, 164-170, 182-184, c.v.. 75€, also with 2x block of four free U:A5
1921 Mi.I-II (Fischer L1-2), Airmail - semiofficial issue, mint never hinged (!), c.v.. 245€, also with free forgery for study purposes; mint never hinged stamp. rare U:A5
1921 Mi.I-II, Airmail - semiofficial issue, c.v.. 30€ U:A5
1935 Mi.294 I (Fischer.273), Piłsudski, making in form of cross, c.v.. Fischer 120Zl, sought U:A5
1938-39 dárkový notebook with stamps Mi.330-354, GDAŃSK Mi.34-37, also with Bl.7 2x and Bl.8 2x (from that 1x with minor gum fault), envelope FIS Zakopane; cat. min. 220€ U:A4
1946 Mi.445-447, Educational Commission, str-of-3, stamps from miniature sheet Bl.9 with part of miniature sheet, CDS WARSAW/ 30.X.46, c.v.. 260€, all exp. Krawczyk, Falkowski U:A5
1918 TOWN POST LUBOML Mi.I-V (Fischer.1-5), 2x complete set, perforated also imperforated, c.v.. 120€, owner guarantees the genuineness and the quality U:A5
1922-23 PLEBISCITARY TERRITORY Mi.1-20 (Fischer.144-163), Postage, complete set, c.v.. 130€, also with incomplete set 16 pcs of stamps hinged U:A5
1938 comp. 2 pcs of letters franked with. Mi.Bl.5A+B, Philatelic Exhibition Warsaw, special postmark WAESZAWA, on reverse arrival GDYNIA/ 9.V.38, c.v.. 240€, very fine U:A4
1918-65 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, various perf, color etc.., Exile issue Mi.360-367, value 1,50Zl short tooth, placed in 8-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 2.570MiM (from that from y. 1945 1.420MiM), stmp with overprint POCZTA POLSKA excluded from sum U:Z