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1917 MALTESE RITTERORDEN (knight's order) GROSSPRIORAT (great priory) von. BOHEMIA and AUSTRIA., Hospital Train A, round postmark with Maltese cross, supplemented with line FP cachet violet cancel. and through/over black From der army in Felde, nice print FP cachet postmarks U:A5
17833-1833 comp. 2 pcs of pre-philatelic folded letters with postmarks post from Slovak territory, 1x red straight line postmark V. PRESSBURG from year 1783 + letter with oval cancel. V. EPERIES from year 1833, nice print, both with postmaster notices by red raddle, small formats U:A5
1784? folded cover of letter with red straight line postmark PRAG, Vot.2/200b; incomplete print, stronger archiving fold U:A5
1785 folded letter with red straight line postmark Von PRAG, Vot.1/200b, document with printed revenue 15 Kreuzer; good condition, very nice print! U:A5
1786 letter from Košice to Levoča, straight line postmark Caschau; on reverse red seal, nice U:A5
1819-66 comp. 5 pcs of receipts with postmarks from Czech region (2x Cheb, Mariánské Lázně , Děčín, Rokycany), nice U:A5
1824-49 comp. 4 pcs of folded letters with various postmarks OLMÜTZ, semicircle, blue with date and 2x black line without date; good condition, nice print U:A5
1826-35 comp. 2 pcs of ex offo folded letters, oval pmk ROSENBERG (Ružomberok) and ÚJHELY (Slovenské Nové Mesto); significant folds U:A5
1831 folded letter to Prešov, oval pmk HOMONNAU (Humenné), nice U:A5
1833 folded letter to Prešov, straight line postmark IPOLYSAGH (Šahy); nice U:A5
1835 folded letter to Krompach, straight line postmark LEUTSCHAU (Levoča), nice U:A5
1835 service letter to Rožňava, oval pmk R:SZOMBATH (Rimavská Sobota); on reverse fine seal U:A5
1836 ex offo letter to Moravia, oval pmk GR:TAPOLTSAN (Topoľčany); nice U:A5
1836-44 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with straight line postmark POLITSCHKA in black color, 1x supplemented with postmark with date 14/4 1844; good condition, nice print U:A5
1838-41 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with straight line postmark MÜGLITZ in black color without date + PROSSNITZ/ 13.9.1841 in black color; good condition, nice print U:A5
1839 folded letter with blue straight line postmark ODRAU/ 20.Sep., on reverse arrival JAGENDORF U:A5
1840 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with straight line postmark CHRUDIM/ 5.Aug. in blue color + KUTTENBERG/ 19.März. in black color; good condition, nice print U:A5
1840-48 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with straight line postmark M.SCHÖNBERG with date, blue and black color; good condition, nice print U:A5
1842 off. document to Levoča, straight line postmark BEREGSZÁZ, on reverse paper seal U:A5
1844 folded Reg letter, CDS PRAG/ 26.JUN., catalogue Votoček. type 26 (pic.. 21), Reg straight line postmark, by pen marked "nota bene", to St. cross by/on/at Plané, light vert. fold, on reverse přelomená small seal, else preserved U:A5
1846-47 comp. 3 pcs of folded letters, frame cancel. POHRLITZ / FRANCO, in colour black, blue and green, supplemented with date stamp, addressed to to Lednice, nice imprints U:A5
1856 ex offo letter to Bratislava, framed pmk SZENITZ (Senica); nice imprint U:A5
1860 whole cover small small parcel with address, sent vyplaceně from Wien (Vienna) to Brno, mounted parcel label WIEN, eingelauf, postmaster statement about/by price, weight and value zaplaceného postage due, nobiliary address, on reverse 6 neporušených nobiliary seal; šetrně open from side, very good condition 1850 the first issue., Mi.2, HP type III., 3 pcs of stamps on small cut-square, straight line postmark KIRCHBERG AM WALDE/ 17.NOV., Lower Austria, 2x so-called. Liliputstřih, after all interesting, cat. min. 575€ U:A5
1850 the first issue., front side of letter with Mi.4X 6 Kreuzer, HP, type III with plate variety No.98 (Ferch.), very wide margins, CDS ILLAVA/ 21.AUG., (Müller=100bd.), in the middle 1x vert. fold U:A5
1850-58 selection of 38 pcs of stamps and cut-squares, from that 26x the first issue., nice postmarks U:A5
1851 Mi.6 III.a, blue Mercure, rare type, wide margins, CDS SALZBURG/ 14.3., in addition plate variety - "interrupted frame L", sought by specialists, c.v.. 350€+ U:A5
1851 Mi.6 III.b, blue Mercure, 2 pcs of, light blue and blue, fragments cancel. WIEN/ ZEITUNGS-EXPED./ 30.11. and UDINE (Itálie!), good margins, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1851 Mi.6IIIb, blue Mercure, type III.b, short certificate Ferchenbauer (2000), c.v.. 145€, wide margins, splendid exemplar U:A5
1851-64 comp. 7 pcs of stamps, Mi.6IIc, 10IIe, orange, 20, blue, 24, 28, Lombardy-Veneto No. 18 - on cut-square, Levant No. 19; c.v.. 1750€, mostly with light errors/flaws, overall however nice and profitable U:A5
1858 The 2nd issue., Mi.10 II., on cut-square with almost whole bright red oval cancel. WIEN/ 3.1., c.v.. 320€ U:A5
1858 cut square from newspaper wrappers with blue newspaper stamp. issue 1858, Mi.16a, wide margins, CDS KRANAU (?) incomplete print, cat. Ferchenbauer 975€ U:A5
1858/59 Mi.10, Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer yellow, comp. 3 pcs of, various color shades, cat. min. 180€ U:A5
1863 Mi.29 10x, Newspaper stamp, 2x hinged, 8x used; cat. min. 290€ U:A5
1867 Mi.40II, Franz Joseph 25 Kreuzer violet, fine print, nice CDS TRIESTE, cat. Ferchenbauer 225€ U:A5
1882 Mi.37, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer red, ideally put thimple pmk VADUZ/ 29.12.82, superb, sought by specialists U:A5
1904 Mi.105-118, Franz Joseph, with varnished bands, complete set, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1866 DANUBE STEAMSHIP TRAVEL COMPANY Mi.3I 5x, comp. 5 pcs of stamp. 10Kr, various color shades, from that 1x with plate variety "open O", ordinary irregular perf, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1915 FIELD-POST PLATE PROOF, double plate proofs 8 various values (2, 20, 45, 50, 60, 72H, 3 Koruna and 10K), in original colors on stamp paper, interesting, c.v.. doesn't report U:A5
1916 FIELD-POST PLATE PROOF, Mi.49-51, imperforated newspaper stmp 2H, blue, marginal piece + cheaper values 6H and 10h, mint never hinged, c.v.. 180€ U:A5
1850 letter to Vienna with Mi.5, the first issue 9 Kreuzer, CDS MONASTERZYSKA (Монастириська, today Ukraine) 22/5, transit pmk LEMBERG, recipient Mensdorff-Pouilly; nice U:A5
1850 letter with Mi.4, the first issue 6 Kreuzer, CDS BAHNHOF-STOKERAU 26/6, on reverse straight line postmark POYSDORF and round cancel. WIEN; nice U:A5
1850 comp. 2 pcs of letters to Moravia with Mi.5, the first issue 9 Kreuzer, CDS LEMBERG and TRIESTE, recipient Mensdorff-Pouilly, Boskovice; nice U:A5
1850 comp. 3 pcs of letters with the first issue., contains 1x folded letter with 15Cts 2x, CDS MILAN/ 3.3.; 2x letter with funeral margin, with 3 Kreuzer, resp. 6 Kreuzer (sent as Registered, on reverse missing stamp. 6 Kreuzer as Reco-příplatek), all stamp. III. types, MP; good condition U:A5
1850-52 comp. 4 pcs of letters with I. emice, 3x 3 Kreuzer, 1x 5Cts, postmark KIRCHDORF, MILAN, FIUME, CAPO D. ISTRIA, 2x type I U:A5
1851 newspaper wrapper with Mi.6Ia, blue Mercure, CDS MANTOVA, certificate Rismondo from y 2010, c.v.. 800€ U:A5
1852 folded letter with issue I 9 Kreuzer, Mi.5, HP, type IIc, wide margins, CDS GRATZ BH 14/3, addressed to to Bohemia; good condition U:A5
1852 folded letter with Mi.3, the first issue 3 Kreuzer, straight line postmark, on reverse arrival TRIENT 15/7, nice U:A5
1853 folded printed matter with issue I 1 Kr, Mi.1, HP, with L margin, overall pškné margins, framed pmk PRAG 22/4, on reverse arrival postmark HOHENMAUTH; good condition U:A5
1853 výstižek with heading titulu Die Gartenlande with vertical pair 2 Kreuzer newspaper stamp. Mi.8; good condition U:A4
1855 folded cover of letter with the first issue 1 Kr, Mi.1, HP, type III., very wide margins, CDS WIEN/ 16.8., commercial cancel., addressed to in the place; good condition, cat. min. 500€ U:A5
1856 Reg letter with the first issue 3 Kreuzer + 6 Kreuzer, Mi.3, 4, MP, sent from KARSTADT to OGULIN in/at Croatia, nice print single circle cancel, supplemented with line REGISTERED, stamp. 6 Kreuzer on reverse good condition, preserved seal U:A5
1856 folded letter sent in the place, with the first issue 2 Kreuzer, Mi.2, type III., HP, wide margins, CDS WIEN/ 18.V.56; stronger horiz. archiving fold out of stmp U:A5
1858 letter to Pest with Mi.15, The 2nd issue 15 Kreuzer, CDS WILHELMSBURG/ 26.3; nice U:A5
1858 ex offo letter with additional-printing Císařského office emperor of Ferdinand zbavený duty settlement postage, sent as Registered, CDS PRAG KLEINS/ 22.5., supplemented with red cancel. REGISTERED and postmaster notice, on reverse arrival BLANSKO, good condition incl. content with relief additional-printing on/for letter sheet, preserved seal U:A5
1858 folded letter with The 2nd issue., Mi.13II, 14II, CDS POSTELBERG/ 22.4., addressed to to Vienna, light archiving fold in margin 5 Kreuzer stamp., otherwise nice U:A5
1858 comp. 2 pcs of folded letter cover with issue I 9 Kreuzer, Mi.5, MP, CDS BOEH. LEIPA (from R side cut stamp.) and TRIESTE and commercial oval postmark; good condition U:A5
1858 folded letter to Uhlířské Janovice with 10+15Kr, CDS GYONGYÖS/ 13.1. and straight line postmark "RECOM:", as Cps containing "release on/for 78 Zl.", transit pmk PESTH/ 14.1. and KOLLIN/ 15.1., good condition U:A5