Mail Auction 31 / Revenue Stamps

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121788 - 1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. 6 pcs of documents with A
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. 6 pcs of documents with Austrian forerunner revenues of issue 1910, values 2h and 10h
Starting price: CZK
121499 - 1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  set 14 pcs of documents, 10x
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 set 14 pcs of documents, 10x Austrian forerunner and parallel revenues, 1x cash paid/franked, 3x matters of interest 1. issue Czechoslovakia
Starting price: CZK
121638 - 1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. of 10 documents with f
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. of 10 documents with forerunner and parallel Austrian revenues; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121640 - 1919 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  release where fee was/were prov
1919 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 release where fee was/were provisional for absence revenues zapraveny cash, marked text on document (Barfrankatura); good condition
Starting price: CZK
121062 - 1920 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / PAYMENT BILL office food tax B
1920 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / PAYMENT BILL office food tax BRNO, 2 pcs of blank forms - forerunner of stamps; in corner glued-up + filling holes
Starting price: CZK
121821 - 1929 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA  výtah fr
1929 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA výtah from book/-s birth, česko-rusínský text, mixed franking, 1x Czechosl. revenue 5CZK, 2x fee stmp Magistrátu in/at Uzhhorod (4+2Kč), service postmarks, cross fold, format larger than A4, signs of age, smaller tearing in/at folds
Starting price: CZK
121430 - 1753 AUSTRIA  handwritten master craftsman certificate issue
1753 AUSTRIA handwritten master craftsman certificate issued in/at Poličce, vybavený nice guild seal and printed round/about 3 Kreuzer, issue Bohemia, Koř.7 T1/, wmk; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
121511 - 1754-1886 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  set 10 pcs of documents with sign
1754-1886 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY set 10 pcs of documents with signetes and revenues, last will, vocational certificate, marriage certificate, confirmation, also judaica; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121636 - 1762 AUSTRIA  comp. 15 pcs of documents with printed signete
1762 AUSTRIA comp. 15 pcs of documents with printed signetes issue 1762 Maria Theresa, seal, signatures of noblemen etc..; all very fine
Starting price: CZK
121483 - 1803 AUSTRIA  set 5 pcs of printed documents with revenues o
1803 AUSTRIA set 5 pcs of printed documents with revenues of issue 1803, seal, some pieces originally vyvěšené
Starting price: CZK
121485 - 1803 AUSTRIA  comp. 9 pcs of documents with signetes issue 1
1803 AUSTRIA comp. 9 pcs of documents with signetes issue 1803, imprinted stamp, vzhledné, color, seal; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121811 - 1806 AUSTRIA  krasopisně written document with seals and si
1806 AUSTRIA krasopisně written document with seals and signatures of noblemen, superb imprinted stamp 10G (B) with revenue controlling; decorative
Starting price: CZK
121459 - 1807 AUSTRIA  set 5 pcs of listinse zásobními revenues of
1807 AUSTRIA set 5 pcs of listinse zásobními revenues of issue 1807, seal, signatures nobility; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121429 - 1808 AUSTRIA, NETHERLANDS  French written document signed in
1808 AUSTRIA, NETHERLANDS French written document signed in Brussels and vybavená 2 French revenues occupation management and postmarks with pečetěmí, in addition countersignatured Austrian revenue; very good condition, very rare!!
Starting price: CZK
121518 - 1809 FRANCE / NAPOLEONIC WARS  requisition confirmation
1809 FRANCE / NAPOLEONIC WARS requisition confirmation
Starting price: CZK
113230 - 1809 AUSTRIA / NAPOLEONIC WARS  document with Austrian impri
1809 AUSTRIA / NAPOLEONIC WARS document with Austrian imprinted stamp 15 Kreuzer (Koř.66), cancelled cutting, used from the second side, with okupačním revenue 7G (!) and controll imprinted stamp, after validity cut and torn (common way zneplatnění), 4 red seal, postmark, seal, gravure with emblem, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
113228 - 1809 AUSTRIA/ NAPOLEONIC WARS  payment certificate issued in
1809 AUSTRIA/ NAPOLEONIC WARS payment certificate issued in Vienna 31.12.1809, in head French occupation imprinted stamp 15 Kreuzer and controll imprinted stamp, red seal and signature
Starting price: CZK
121802 - 1810 AUSTRIA  document with unofficial wmk and with 6 signet
1810 AUSTRIA document with unofficial wmk and with 6 signetes (!) issue 1803, values 3, 6 and 6 Kreuzer and three control revenues (Linz), with seal
Starting price: CZK
113227 - 1810 AUSTRIA  document with 6 imprinted stamps issue 1803 (K
1810 AUSTRIA document with 6 imprinted stamps issue 1803 (Koř.50B, 51B 2x) + 3x controll imprinted stamp, various types, red seal, very rare multiple franking
Starting price: CZK
122641 - 1811 AUSTRIA  complete newspaper Oesterreichischer Beobachte
1811 AUSTRIA complete newspaper Oesterreichischer Beobachter, superb newspaper fiscal stamp 1/2K (W) 811
Starting price: CZK
121457 - 1811 AUSTRIA  document with 6 (!) signetes issue 1803, impri
1811 AUSTRIA document with 6 (!) signetes issue 1803, imprinted stamps 3+6+6Kr + 3 control revenues, kolkovací office Brno
Starting price: CZK
121807 - 1813 AUSTRIA  krasopisně written document with seals and si
1813 AUSTRIA krasopisně written document with seals and signatures of noblemen, imprinted stamp 4fl (P) with revenue controlling; decorative
Starting price: CZK
121427 - 1814 AUSTRIA, BAVARIA  napoleonic war, document with mixed f
1814 AUSTRIA, BAVARIA napoleonic war, document with mixed franking both states, 2x printed revenue Austrian, 2G and control and 30Kr, supplemented with bavorským revenue 30Kr, seal; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
121426 - 1815 AUSTRIA, GERMANY  napoleonic war, document composed in/
1815 AUSTRIA, GERMANY napoleonic war, document composed in/at fort Mainz with místními printed revenues and postmarks, kotrasignována 2 Austrian revenues values 1 guilder; sound condition, rare
Starting price: CZK
121475 - 1818 AUSTRIA  set 10 pcs of documents with signetes jednotn
1818 AUSTRIA set 10 pcs of documents with signetes jednotnými issues 1818, signatures nobility, seal; very well preserved
Starting price: CZK
121643 - 1818 AUSTRIA / MILITARIA  pre-printing confirmation war ches
1818 AUSTRIA / MILITARIA pre-printing confirmation war chest company in/at Zaře on/for 38Fl and 42Kr, přitištěný revenue 6 Kreuzer issue 1818 - "Z" with controll imprinted stamp "ZA", seal; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121803 - 1827 NETHERLANDS, AUSTRIA  French written legal document cou
1827 NETHERLANDS, AUSTRIA French written legal document countersignatured in Austria, local imprinted stamp 45c supplemented with Austrian revenues 15 Kreuzer + control, interesting and nice postmark
Starting price: CZK
121428 - 1827 AUSTRIA, NETHERLANDS  French written document countersi
1827 AUSTRIA, NETHERLANDS French written document countersignatured Austrian vyslancem, printed 2 revenues Netherlandish and 2 revenues Austrian, seal; very good condition, rare smišená franking!
Starting price: CZK
121822 - 1835 AUSTRIA  document with 6 (!) signetes issue 1818, value
1835 AUSTRIA document with 6 (!) signetes issue 1818, values 30Kr, 2G and 7G with 3 revenues controlling (BR)
Starting price: CZK
121565 - 1837 AUSTRIA  calendar Brno diecéze from  year 1837 with im
1837 AUSTRIA calendar Brno diecéze from year 1837 with imprinted calendar revenue high values 12Kr, decorated title sheet, nice gilt binding; very good condition, rare!
Starting price: CZK
121792 - 1841-52 AUSTRIA  set 6 documents with mixed frankings zásob
1841-52 AUSTRIA set 6 documents with mixed frankings zásobních and imprinted stamps issue 1836 and 1840; very good condition, interesting and sought
Starting price: CZK
121648 - 1855-65 HABSBURG MONARCHY  druhotná mixed franking the firs
1855-65 HABSBURG MONARCHY druhotná mixed franking the first issue 15 Kreuzer C.M. and II. 4, 15 and 75Kr on/for postupně obnovované contract, signature of nobleman; good condition
Starting price: CZK
116541 - 1855-65 HABSBURG MONARCHY  sale contract from  year 1855, ag
1855-65 HABSBURG MONARCHY sale contract from year 1855, again soudně open in 1865, signature and mounted coat of arms nobleman, dodatečná mixed fiscal franking issues 1854 revenue 15 Kreuzer C.M. and issue 1864 with revenues 4Kr, 15 Kreuzer and 75Kr
Starting price: CZK
116540 - 1857-60 HABSBURG MONARCHY  lease contract from  year 1857, p
1857-60 HABSBURG MONARCHY lease contract from year 1857, prolonged and in both cases ratifikována count Mitrovským in 1860, dodatečná fiscal mixed franking issues 1854 revenue 30Kr C.M. and 1858 revenues 4Kr and 15 Kreuzer; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121630 - 1859-70 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  lease contract from  year 1859 with
1859-70 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY lease contract from year 1859 with 2x prodlouženou validity, in 1864 and 1870 with trojnásobnou (!) mixed druhotnou franking issues 1858 25Kr,1Fl, 1866 50 Kreuzer and 2Fl, 1870 50 Kreuzer and 2x 1Fl, interesting postmarks, signed count Mitrovským; marked pressed vertical fold
Starting price: CZK
121452 - 1859-70 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  several times prolonged lease contr
1859-70 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY several times prolonged lease contract with revenues of issues 1858, 1870 and 1875, color postmark, druhotná mixed franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121501 - 1860-1916 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY   set drážních freight letters
1860-1916 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY set drážních freight letters for railroad with commercial added-print and with heading railways community, postmark, hinge / label, notice, revenues glued also imprinted
Starting price: CZK
121450 - 1863-76 HABSBURG MONARCHY  several times prolonged lease con
1863-76 HABSBURG MONARCHY several times prolonged lease contract with revenues of issues 1858, 1871 and 1875 with signatures nobleman, color postmark, druhotná mixed franking; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
121453 - 1863-77 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  combination druhotné and primary m
1863-77 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY combination druhotné and primary mixed issue on one document, several times prolonged lease contract with revenues of issues 1858, 1870 and 1877, near/in/at write from 17.3.1870 was/were used revenue 12Kr issue 1866 (2.dotisk) and revenues 1, 50 Kreuzer issue 1870 - here primary mixed issue, ratifikace count Mittrowsky, postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121442 - 1866 AUSTRIA  document from 22.8.66 with platným revenue 7K
1866 AUSTRIA document from 22.8.66 with platným revenue 7Kr issue 1866 and already half year neplatným revenue 25 Kreuzer issue 1858, cancelled cross cancel, primary mixed franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:A3s| | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
121441 - 1868 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  document from 17.8.68 with revenue 3
1868 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY document from 17.8.68 with revenue 3 Kreuzer issue 1866, Koř.127 and revenue 10Kr issue 1858 (revenue invalid already two and half year), Koř.89, primary mixed franking with mounted revenue; good condition
Starting price: CZK
116554 - 1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  release from 31.3.1870 with primary mi
1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY release from 31.3.1870 with primary mixed franking issues 1866 revenue 25 Kreuzer and 1870 revenue 7Kr, last day of validity for revenue 25 Kreuzer; good condition, revenue 7Kr over margin
Starting price: CZK
121455 - 1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  document from 2.3.1870 with mounted re
1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document from 2.3.1870 with mounted revenue 7Kr issue 1866 (2.dotisk) Koř.125A, the last month of validity supplemented with revenue 12Kr issue 1870 (2. day validity), primary mixed franking; superb condition
Starting price: CZK
121563 - 1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  pre-printed document Böhm. Sparkasse
1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY pre-printed document Böhm. Sparkasse with revenues of issue 1870, values 15 and 20fl, overwritten; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121543 - 1871 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  printed contract with efektní multipl
1871 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY printed contract with efektní multiple 5 color high franking of Revenues issue 1870, overwritten, contains revenues 20fl 2x, 10fl small/rare year, 2fl 2x, 90Kr, 1 Kr; only folded, decorative!
Starting price: CZK
119679 - 1874 AUSTRIA / FREIGHT LETTERS FOR RAILROAD  comp. 2 pcs of
1874 AUSTRIA / FREIGHT LETTERS FOR RAILROAD comp. 2 pcs of freight letters for railroad, imprinted stamp 5 Kreuzer (1871), service postmark FALKENAU (Sokolov); documentary stamps 1 Kr and 4Kr (1875), Karlsbad; interesting
Starting price: CZK
121634 - 1874 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  document - account odvedené work from
1874 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document - account odvedené work from 31.12.1874 with primary mixed franking issues 1870 pair values 5 Kreuzer and issue 1875 1 Kr and 2 Kreuzer, issue revenues 1875 was/were valid to from 1.1.1875 = usage before/(in front of) valid time!
Starting price: CZK
121557 - 1874 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  contract with multiple five-coloured f
1874 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY contract with multiple five-coloured franking in head, revenues of issue 1870, values 12fl with wmk, 6fl 2x with machine offset numeral value in/at triangle one stamp., 2fl, 1fl with wmk, 50 Kreuzer + other 3 pcs of revenues 50 Kreuzer on/for other sides, supplemented with 3 red seals; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121547 - 1874 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  printed statement with efektní high
1874 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY printed statement with efektní high franking in head, mounted revenues of issue 1870, 12fl, 1fl 3x from various printing sheets - combination ultramarine and berlinská blue, seal, revenues with official postmark with eagle; only fold
Starting price: CZK
121454 - 1875 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  document with account from 16.5.1875 w
1875 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document with account from 16.5.1875 with mounted revenue 7Kr issue 1875 and with revenue 25 Kreuzer issue 1870 (already more than 3 month neplatným), cancelled cross cancel, primary smišená franking; superb condition
Starting price: CZK
121458 - 1875-77 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  3 pcs of printed and stamped confir
1875-77 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY 3 pcs of printed and stamped confirmation Brno newspaper administrací with revenues of issues 1875 and 1877; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121505 - 1875-77 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  set 9 pcs of documents with krejcar
1875-77 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY set 9 pcs of documents with krejcarovými and zlatkovými values revenues issues 1875 and 1877, interesting combination; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121447 - 1877 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  primary mixed franking valid revenue
1877 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY primary mixed franking valid revenues issues 1875 15 Kreuzer (10 days before/(in front of) end validity) and issue 1877 10Kr and 1fl (the first month usage), signature count Kinsky; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121449 - 1877 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  primary mixed franking valid revenues
1877 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY primary mixed franking valid revenues issues 1875 and 1877 from 31.12. 1877 (revenue 10Kr 1875 was/were already 11 months invalid), signature of nobleman, blue postmark GRATZ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121446 - 1879 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  primary mixed franking valid revenues
1879 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY primary mixed franking valid revenues issues 1877 4Kr (last day of validity) and issue 1879 15 Kreuzer (the first month usage); good condition
Starting price: CZK
121438 - 1880 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  primary mixed franking on/for účtě
1880 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY primary mixed franking on/for účtě firm Hannig in Brno 31.12.1880 on/for 20fl, zpoplatněno účetním revenue 1 Kr issue 1879 (a month before end validity), payment amount was/were already documented revenue 7Kr new issue 1881 (valid from 1/1 1881); smaller tearing in R margin
Starting price: CZK
121439 - 1881 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  primary mixed franking on/for účtě
1881 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY primary mixed franking on/for účtě firm Hannig in Brno 5.4.1881 on/for more than 23fl, zpoplatněno účetním revenue 1 Kr issue 1879 ( more than two month already neplatný)), payment amount was/were already documented revenue 3 and 10Kr new issue 1881; good condition
Starting price: CZK
121065 - 1884-1900 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / 2 pcs of bollettes office food t
1884-1900 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / 2 pcs of bollettes office food tax in/at BRNO, mounted on/for zúčtovacím sheet, folds
Starting price: CZK
121436 - 1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  document převádějící amount more
1888 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document převádějící amount more than 500zlatých, zpoplatněno revenue 2,5fl issue 1885 (last week validity), certification signature pisatele from the same day documented revenue 36Kr issue 1888 (1.měsíc validity), primary mixed franking!; folds
Starting price: CZK
121444 - 1888 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY  primary mixed franking issues 1885 (
1888 AUSTRIA - HUNGARY primary mixed franking issues 1885 (last day of validity 31.3.1888) and issue 1888 (the first month usage), blue postmark; very good condition
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 31 / Revenue Stamps - Information

Fiskální ceniny - kolkové známky a signety

Fiskální filatelie zahrnuje kolky, kolkové známky, kolkové signety, známky daňové, dávkové, poplatkové - mj. příspěvkové, propagační, příležitostné, místní neboli městské poplatkové známky, bolety a další.

Signety jsou kolky tištěné přímo na listiny, oznamovací kolky, dále kolky na vlasové pudry, líčidla a škrob

Kolková známka je cenina, potvrzující zaplacení správního či soudního poplatku nebo daně. Kolky jsou buď známky k vylepení na dokumenty, nebo tištěné přímo na papír dokumentu. Kolky se vylepují na směnky, šeky, dlužní úpisy (promesa), kupní a jiné smlouvy. Do této kategorie patří také dávkové známky, kalendářní a novinové kolky, bankovkové kolky a kolky na hrací karty.

Cenné papíry obsahují kolky z tržeb z cenných papírů a kolkované cenné papíry.

Průkazky a legitimace obsahují rybářské a honební lístky, dobytčí pasy, osobní průkazy.

Kolky vojenské hranice

Kontrolní a uzavírací známky na mlýnské výrobky, cukr, kypřící prášek do pečiva, cigaretové kolky, kolky potvrzující daň ze šumivého vína v lahvích, daň ze zápalek, umělých sladidel, výbušných látek a uzavírací známky tabákových výrobků.

Zvláštní známky obsahují oznamovací kolky, statistické známky, daň z masa, daň z piva v sudech, tabákových náhražek, známky desátkové daně, známky pro platbu školného, soudní doruční známky, městské kolky, národní kolky, daňové stvrzenky, juxty a bolety, známky Slovakotur, známky potravní daně, kolky na poštovních průvodkách a statistických ohláškách, kolky na rozhlasových koncesích, známky k hracím automatům, dálniční kupony, veterinární poplatkové známky, pojišťovací známky a známky kuponové privatizace.

Jiné známky obsahují známky Červeného kříže, Sokolské známky, členské příspěvkové a jiné známky, známky městské hromadné dopravy, reklamní známky, místopisné známky, výstavní a příležitostné, charitativní, propagandistické, vlastenecké a národopisné, známky léčebného fondu, známky rozhlasového poplatku, železniční známky a známky ostatní dopravy, dopisní zálepky, pečetky atd.