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1937 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 CDV69, Know Your Country, collection 162 pcs of PC, missing only 59, 88-100, 126-128, 247-248, 250-252, 303-305, 401-405; c.v.. ca. 20.000CZK U:O5
1919-34 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 37 pcs of various p.stat, mainly picture as CDV52/7 Jasina - Hutsuls, PC to USA CDV16B, uprated CDV1, Olympic Congress CDV31a, b, c, d, forerunner Charles 8h, Know Your Country CDV69/59, 46, 17, 16, 12, 15, 38, 228, 229, 110, larger part of parcel card with stamp. Hradčany 10h etc..; mainly good condition, high catalogue value! U:O5
1939-41 SLOVAKIA comp. 14 pcs of various p.stat, contains i.a. CZA1 +2, CPL2b, CZL1, CDV12, CPH2 + 4 pcs of various Un dispatch-notes from that 1x double C.O.D.; all good condition, cat. min. 3000 SKK U:O5
1968-74 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 CAE + postal stationery cover, comp. 2 pcs of aerogram "Heron" Us to Mongolia and to Congo + 3 pcs of CAE PRAGA 68, 6 pcs of postal stationery cover Brno 74 years helikoptérou and redirected abroad France, Belgium, Denmark, 2 pcs of CDV PRAGA 78 forwarded by balloon U:O5
1980-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of more than 500 pcs of PC and postal stationery covers, mainly Un, placed in box U:K
1974-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 100 pcs of PC, part with promotional added prints and signatures of authors U:O5
1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 104 pcs of clear košických certificates of mailing, research material; all very fine U:O5
1974-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 70 pcs of postal stationery covers, part with signatures of authors U:O5
1975-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / ADVERTISING ADDED PRINTS selection of 270 pcs of PC with private added-print, Us also Un U:K
1993-2001 CZECH REPUBLIC selection PC in shoe box, face-value 3.500CZK, also with 50 pcs of FDC U:K
1994-2001 CZECH REPUBLIC selection of PC, placed in box from shoes, face-value over 3000CZK U:K
1993-2008 CZECH REPUBLIC larger comp. PC, pictorial post cards and PC with added-print, also with part FDC and addition Us PC, all in shoe box, face-value min. 3600CZK U:K
1993 SLOVAKIA collection 72 pcs of PC Devín with private added-print Mucha - various pictures U:O5
1875-1900 AUSTRIA selection of 220 pcs of PC 2 Kreuzer, various types and language variety, suitable to research U:O5
1918-19 AUSTRIA selection of 26 pcs of PC 8h Charles, all uprated by. express stamp. 2h, Mi.217, 219, all commercial correspondence, part added-print, 3 pcs of with perf for typewriter, various varieties papers U:O5
1908-10 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA selection of 30 pcs of PC Mi.P13, P17 with commercial korespondencí to Sarajevo; nice U:O5
1900-08 HUNGARY selection of 24 pcs of entires, from that 17 pcs of PC, commercial correspondence to Sarajevo, nice U:O5