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1937-72 AEROPHILATELY / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of entires, aerograms, first flights., helicopter flights, inland also abroad, also with about 60 pcs of Ppc with letadly, catalogue aerofilatelistických postmarks 1964-71 etc.. U:O4
1968-73 AEROPHILATELY / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 selection of 84 pcs of air-mail cards sent first flights Czechoslovak Airlines to various destinations, placed in 21 transparent košilkových stock-sheets U:O4
1921-38 CENSORSHIP / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 selection of 16 pcs of letters, i.a. 3x Hungary, Sudetenland, FP and oths., interesting U:O5
1905-40 POSTAL-AGENCIES / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection 93 pcs of entires with postal agency pmk, placed in spiral stockbook, also with flat box with 200 pcs of other entires; suitable for examining also other elaboration U:Z
1918-95 PERFINS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 collection of over 2500 pcs of perfins, sorted according to alphabet, in 12-sheet stockbook, contains addition entires (partially filling holes); various quality U:Z
1905-31 PERFINS / Czechoslovakia I., AUSTRIA selection perfins in 6-sheet stockbook, Hradčany and oths., pocket format U:O5
1900-35 PERFINS / EUROPE selection of 320 pcs of perfins from around the world, mainly Europe U:O5
1900-30 PERFINS / EUROPE comp. over 1300 pcs of perfins from countries as Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Romania and Denmark, in 8-sheet stockbook U:Z
1910-30 PERFINS / HUNGARY selection of 220 pcs of perfins on stock-sheet U:O4
1911-43 PERFINS / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, Czechoslovakia I., SUDETENLAND, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of 100 pcs of entires - letters and parcel dispatch card segments, with with perfins, placed in screw album and on 3 stock-cards, interesting firm from Bohemia, Moravia also Silesia; it is worth seeing! U:Z
1905-45 POSTAL-AGENCIES / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, SUDETENLAND selection of 18 pcs of entires with postal imprints various postal-agencies, various quality U:O5
1900-40 PERFINS / AUSTRIA, GERMANY, FRANCE, GREAT BRITAIN selection of about 200 pcs of perfins, various European countries, placed in 10-sheet stockbook U:O5
1919-20 FIELD POST / CS.FP selection 160 pcs of entires with postmarks CS.FP from Slovak territory, placed in flat box; standard quality U:K
1940-45 FIELD POST / CS.FP / ENGLAND comp. of entires with postmarks CS.FP, special postmark, advertising labels etc.., very interesting, suitable for next elaboration U:O4
1940-45 FIELD POST / CS.FP / ENGLAND selection of 16 pcs of various entires with memorial postmarks Czechosl. field post in Great Britain, contains 11 pcs of Us letters, 2 pcs of memorial/special first day sheets, 3 pcs of cards with special postmark Czechoslovak resistance in/at America/ Jubilee of 28. October/ 28.X.1940; all in good condition nice postal imprints! U:O5
1940-45 FIELD POST / CS.FP / ENGLAND selection of 33 pcs of various entires with postmarks Czechosl. field post in Great Britain, part as Registered, mainly good print, i.a. letter sent to president E. Beneš and chairman exile governance Laušmana, letter with mounted advertising label Czechoslovakia fights for Victory! etc..; part larger format, interesting! U:O5
1898-1920 FIELD POST / NAVY / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY rare collection documenting post. transport and life sailors on/for lodích K.u.K Navy - S.M.S. KAISERIN ELISABETH, S.M.S. KAISERIN MARIA THERESIA, S.M.S ZENTA and S.M.S. ASPERN near/in/at plavbách to Far East to China, Hong Congo, Port Arthuru, correspondence sailors from zastávek ship, post from Shanghai, Beijing, Tiensinu, Kiauchau, Hong Congo, Port Arthuru and from POW camps in/at Japan transported various post offices, supplemented with lot of photos with notices, journal sailor (Czech language), date stay in/at přístavech etc.., placed in 3 stockbooks, total ca. 170 pcs of Us entires and 40 pcs of photos and other documents various quality, we advice viewings, very interesting and rare offer!! U:Z
1914-18 FIELD POST / NAVY / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection 30 pcs of entires with postmarks 26 various war ships, incl. submarine UB-5, 2 steamships, 3x Danube Flotilla and oths., for example. ULAN, PANDUR, TURUL, PANTHER, SPALATO Tb69F, placed in spiral stockbook U:Z
1916-17 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 30 pcs of FP cards, i.a. K.u.K.. Luftfahrtruppen, Pferdefeldbahn, MUNKÁCS, FP No.55, Etappenpostamt 542 (Albania) and oths.; various quality U:O5
2001 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA selection of 37 pcs of entires with Mi.2350, Field post abroad, issued on the occasion of 25. Anniv FP in Cyprus (Famagusta); interesting U:O5
1914-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 42 pcs of entires with postmarks FP, from that 39x on/for postcards, some interesting for collectors U:O5
1914-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 85 pcs of FP cards, various uniquely designed postmarks, standard quality U:O5
1914-18 FIELD POST / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS collection of ca. 80 pcs of PC, part Un, contains 34 pcs of prisoner cards from Russia, all story one Czech member Austria-Hungary army, prisoner in Russia and consequently Czechosl. legionnaire in Russia, supplemented with several photos and description zážitků war anabaze, interesting U:O5
1933 PROMOTIONAL LABELS complete set 9 pcs of miniature sheets from original plate - newspaper stamps Mercure, issued on the occasion of philatelic exhibition WIPA, various color, also with 8 pcs of advertising labels, nice U:O5
1939-44 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection Bohemian and Moravian entires, correspondence, commemorative postmarks, mobile post-office (on a bus), turnusová postmark, commemorative sheets and envelope/-s, cut-squares etc.., suitable on/for sorting, ca. 0,5kg of material U:O4
1945-46 COMMEMORATIVE POSTMARKS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection special postmark in album, issued by Post Office Department, total 274 commemorative postmarks (130+144), nice U:O4
1930-50 ADVERTISING ADDED PRINTS / CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of 43 pcs of letters with advertising added prints, i.a. Maja, Nusle; Mašek, Brodec; Mosse, Prague and oths.; standard quality U:K
1908 TEACHING AIDS selection of training forms, vyplněných vzorů, all in original cover, very interesting U:Z
1919-38 RAILWAY POST OFF. / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. 14 pcs of Ppc with railway pmk, i.a. JÄGERNDORF–ZIEGENHALS–OLMÜTZ, ZVOLEN–BREZNO and oths. U:O5
1943-70 TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTING / POLAR RESEARCH, ANTARCTICA, WHOLE WORLD larger comp. stamps, various countries, mostly mint never hinged, in addition 2 letters, on 3 stock-sheets A4, extraordinary offer, We recommend it U:O4
1967-92 TOPICAL STAMP COLLECTING / ART / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 accumulation PB issue Art, part with signatures of authors, addition special postmark, in 12-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 9000CZK U:Z