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1852 Mi.1-9, the first issue., comp. 15 pcs of, color shades and varieties papers + Mi.10 I., 50Baj light blue, sought stamp, good margins and very good quality, c.v.. 2.390€ U:A5
1852 selection of 21 pcs of stamps the first issue., from that 1x pair and 2 pcs of on small cut-squares, usual average margins, cat. min. 600€ U:A5
1852-68 selection of 19 pcs of classical stamp, contains Mi.1-9, 14-17, 19, 21-25, standard quality + letter to Paris with Mi.22 + 24, dumb postmark + CDS ROMA/ 18.FEB.70, arrival blue cancel. in front, on reverse damaged lapel, according to owner c.v.. total 1.130€ (Sassone 4.100€) U:A5
1852-68 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters franked with. on reverse stamp. 1Baj (Sassone č.2A), resp. in front 2x 10c (Sass.č.26), standard quality c.v.. 460€ U:A5
1853 big part of folded letter to Narny with 3Baj, Mi.4, dumb postmark + CDS ROMA/3.APR.53, arrival on reverse, R lower browny spots, c.v.. Sassone č.4a = 900€ U:A5
1853-60 comp. 4 pcs of letters with 1Baj (Mi.2), 2Baj (Mi.3), 3Baj (Mi.4) and 5Baj (Mi.6), single franking, various CDS, standard quality U:A5
1852 Mi.1 I., Coat of arms 5c black on green paper, very wide margins, with plate variety "dot after/behind numeral 5 posunuta in the direction of up", c.v.. Michel doesn't evaluate, Sassone č.8b = 1.000€ U:A5
1852 Mi.1II. - 5II.a, comp. 5 pcs of stamps the first issue., without value 10c, 3 pcs of on small cut-squares, wide margins, c.v.. 330€ U:A5
1852 Mi.2I, Eagle with crown 10C, horizontal pair, wide margins, c.v.. ca. 600€, very fine U:A5
1852-59 comp. 7 pcs of classical stamp, contains Mi.1 II. - 5 II., 9a, 10 pt, nice quality, Mi.9a wide margins and owner's mark, Mi. 10 pt very wide margins and old expert mark, in addition folded letter with Mi.3 II., CDS CARRARA/ 27.FEB.(1854), c.v.. Michel total 2.480€ (Sassone 4.950€) U:A5
1853 Mi.2, Newspaper stamp 9c, smaller letters, very wide margins, letter "B" posunuto in the direction of downward, sought by specialists, on reverse 3 hinge / label + owner's mark, c.v.. Michel doesn't evaluate, Sassone č.2e = 3.750€ U:X
1859 Mi.7a, Coat of arms 5c green, wide margins, fragment CDS MODENA, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1858 Mi.2-5, comp. 7 pcs of stamps the first issue., wide margins, at value 1Gr and 2Gr color shades, 1x blue cancel., very fine, cat. min. 230€ U:A5
1858 Mi.4, Coat of Arms 5Gr brown-red, double impression (!), wide margins, framed pmk., small folds, for specialist interesting, exp. G. Bühler, c.v.. Michel doesn't evaluate, Sassone 600€ U:A5
1858 Mi.6 (Sassone.13), Coat of Arms 20Gr violet rose, very wide margins, on reverse mark Gebr. Senf/ Leipzig, c.v.. Sassone 2.500€ U:A5
1860 Mi.9, Savoy Cross ½T blue, framed pmk, rest of hinge, owner stamp., irregular margins, overall good condition, c.v.. 4.500€ U:X
1852-57 Mi.5a, Mi.9 2x, Mi.10, comp. 4 pcs of, by/on/at 3 stamp. always on one side close, but full margins, value 25c vertical fold, overall but nice, c.v.. 1.070€ U:A5
1853 Mi.6b (Bolaffi.7), Coat of arms 5C yellow, c.v.. Bolaffi 14.700€, signed Diena, certificate Vaccari (1995), very rare stamp U:X
1859 Mi.12b, Postage 5c blue-green, very wide margins, exp. Köhler, c.v.. 2.000€ (Sassone No.12 = 5.000€). For comparison also with stamp. Mi.12a, yellow-green, without gum, also exp.; U:A5
1859 Mi.15a, Postage 40c bricky red, wide margins, almost complete CDS PARMA/ 19.OTT.1859, in/at upper třetině stamp. small thinner place, sought stamp, at our place rare occurrence, reasonable price, c.v.. 7.500€ (Sassone No.17 = 15.000€) U:A5
1859 Mi.1-9, Numerals, complete set, c.v.. 1.500€ U:X
1851-55 comp. 12 pcs of classical stamp, it contains e.g. Mi.2, 5, 6, 11c, 13d and other, major-part in perfect quality, only Mi.6 very close margin, profitable price, c.v.. 1.900€ U:A5
1853 Mi.4, King Victor Emmanuel II., 5c imperforated, bezbarvý print on color paper, 2 pcs of on small cut-square, wide margins, significant color shades, 2x CDS ALESSANDRIA/ 18.MAG.53, on reverse old owner's mark, at our place rare, c.v.. Michel 3.000€, Sassone 4.800€ U:X
1855-62 Mi.10a, 10 pt, 10c, King Victor Emmanuel II., value 5c green, comp. of 3 various expressive color shades incl. sought stamp. emerald green (Mi.10b), chosen pieces from old collection, c.v.. 380€ U:A5
1860 Mi.12, King Victor Emmanuel II., value 20c blue, good, L and lower very wide margins, double impression oval (!), Michel price doesn't report, c.v.. Sassone No.15 min. 1.500€ U:A5
1861 Mi.16 I., Numerals 1c black, in the middle inverted "1", in addition print on gummed side (!), wide margins, on reverse beginning small browny spots, otherwise nice, c.v.. Michel min. 1.600€, c.v.. Sassone č.19i = 3.500€ U:A5
1861 Mi.16 II., Numerals 1c black, very wide margins, stamp. have/has 3 important catalogue vady: double impression stamps (Sassone č.19F = 4.500€), in the middle place numeral(s) "1" numeral(s) "2" (Sass. = 1.000€) and inverted centre (Sass. č.19i = 3.500€), without gum U:A5
1861 Mi.16, Numerals 1c black, wide margins, double impression, Michel doesn't report, c.v.. Sassone č.19F = 4.500€ after/behind stamp. with gum U:A5
1861 Mi.16, Numerals 1c black, stmp without embossed center, very wide margins, original gum, perfect condition, exp. Avi + photo-certificate SBPV (Swiss association of philatelic experts) from y 2006 (Dr. Helmut Avi), c.v.. Sassone č.19h - price notation struck through, c.v.. Michel price at all doesn't report, c.v.. Bolaffi č.44B = 4.000€ U:X
1859 Mi.3a-c, King Ferdinand II., comp. 3 pcs of stamps, c.v.. 1.025€, 1x exp. Richter U:A5
1859 Mi.4c, King Ferdinand II., value 5Gr bricky red, original gum, small horiz. fold, exp. Köhler, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1859 Mi.6c King Ferdinand II., good margins, incomplete-printing (?) in LL corner, partial gum, good condition, exp. Richter + ?, c.v.. 1700€, examination We recommend it U:A5
1859 Mi.7b I., King Ferdinand II., value 50Gr red-brown, so-called. olejnatý print (öligier Druck), very wide margins, typický dark gum, specialist sought stamp, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1859 Mi.7b, King Ferdinand II., value 50Gr dark brown, exceedingly wide margins, gum to examination, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1851 Mi.1x, Lion 1Qu black, blue paper, L and R close, but full margins, at top and lower margins wide, sound condition, c.v.. 1.700€ U:A5
1851-59 nice comp. 13 pcs of popular stamps issue Lion, contains Mi.4ya, 4yb 2x, 5ya, 6ya, 6yb, 7y 2x, 7w 2x, 12, 13 2x, all chosen quality and margins, 1 pcs of on small cut-square, cat. min. 1.640€ U:A5
1851-60 nice selection of 16 pcs of various classical stamp., contains Mi.4-8, 12-15, 17-20, 21 2x, 22, the most expensive stamp. Mi.22 is 2x exp. B. Rieger, c.v.. 3.270€ U:X
1857 Mi.15, Lion 6Cr blue, horizontal pair, usual margins, L little cut, lower close but full margins, red cancel., c.v.. Michel pairs neuceňuje, Sassone 1.600€ U:A5
1860 Mi.17-21 Coat of arms, comp. 6 pcs of stamps, values 1c - 40c, wide margins, only on stmp 40c close margin, all in perfect quality incl. Mi.20b, c.v.. 1.300€ U:A5