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1950 FDC 9a+b/50, Exhibition PRAGUE 1950, 2 pcs of, types I + II U:A5
1955 unofficial FDC with miniature sheet Pof.A853/857A, Exhibition PRAGA 1955, format 24x16cm, nice U:A4
1958-67 comp. 3 pcs of FDC with plate variety, Pof.975, Krasobruslařka with plate variety 8/1 blind eye, Pof.1553 Exhibition BRNO 1966 with plate variety 38/1, Pof.1626 Ondřejov with plate variety 1/1 U:A5
1963 comp. 5 pcs of FDC with miniature sheet Man and Space Exploration, Pof.A1308, contains type II (distinctive letter b), 2x type III (d), V. type (b), VI. type (b) only one from three typových marks stated in/at c.v.. Pofis U:A5
1980-86 comp. 7 pcs of special envelopes with additional gravure, in which with posílaly official New Year card/-s + 1x common envelope with New Year's card PF 1983, all sent to noted Bratislava collector U:A4