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1902 view card with imprinted stamp, Map 4c, Asch.24, CDS BUENOS AIRES/ DIC.31.1902; only light fold in corner U:A5
1867-1932 selection of 45 pcs of stamps on paper slip, i.a. Mi.386, Zeppelin U:A5
1850 Mi.16, Numerals 180R black, so-called. "Cat's Eyes", very wide margins, dumb postmark., c.v.. 75€ U:A5
1850 Mi.17, Numerals 300R black, so-called. "Cat's Eyes", irregular margins margins, c.v.. 85€ U:A5
1850 Mi.18, Numerals 600R black, so-called. "Cat's Eyes", very wide margins, highest value, without gum, catalogue value for hinged 550€ U:A5
1854 Mi.19, Numerals 10R blue, 2 pcs of, very wide margins, from old collection, from that 1 pcs of in rare deep blue color, c.v.. Michel nerozlišuje U:A5
1866 Mi.19A, Numerals 10R blue, line perforation 13¼, hand-made cancelled, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1854 Mi.20, Numerals 30R blue, lighter shade, vertical strip of 3 (!), extraordinary margins, from old collection, in str-of-3 rare, c.v.. doesn't evaluate, estimation ca. 600€ U:A5
1866 Mi.20A, Numerals 30R blue, line perforation 13¼, at top short teeth, in this issue defects perf quite common, on reverse 3 small hinge / label, from old collection, c.v.. 950€ U:A5
1861 Mi.21, Numerals 280R red, nice shade, standard margins, c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1866 Mi.21A, Numerals 280R red, nice dark color shade, line perforation 13¼, at top 1 tooth missing, in this issue are defects perf quite common, dumb postmark., from old collection, sought piece, c.v.. 950€ U:A5
1861 Mi.22, Numerals 430R yellow, nice deep shade, irregular but wide margins, highest value, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1866 Mi.22A, Numerals 430R deep yellow, line perforation 13¼, irregular perf is in this issue common, dumb postmark., from old collection, sought piece, stamp. is lower 3mm cut (from the front small), interesting price, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1844 Mi.7, Numerals 90R black, so-called. "Goat's Eyes", wide margins, from old collection (ex baron Rieger), c.v.. 170€ U:A5
1866-1930 selection of 48 pcs of stamps on card, nice postmarks U:A5
1850-82 selection of 49 pcs of stamps incl. better pieces, various quality, but mostly very fine; profitable price U:A5
1866 Mi.4 I., Coat of arms in/at decorative frame, value 4R red, type I., very wide margins, 2 small black dots in paper, c.v.. as * 400€ U:A5
1866 Mi.13, Lamy, value 10c orange red, with beautiful dumb cancel. town ROSACE, dirty perf, c.v.. ca. 70€ U:A5
1871 Mi.16a + 16c, Locomotive and emblem, 5c dull red + 5c carmine, standard margins, from old collection, c.v.. 80€ U:A5
1873 Mi.18a, Lama, ultramarine, issue for městskou post in/at Limě, c.v.. 45€ U:A5
1895 Mi.88, Lamy, value 5c carmine, with rare blue cancel. JULI, c.v.. ca. 75€ U:A5
1870-85 comp. 14 pcs of stamp. with atypickými postmarks, standard quality, fancy price U:A5
1882 Yvert č.12-15, Postage due stmp 1c-20c, value 5c 2x (from that 1 pcs of with neznámým blue overprint), heavier hinges, c.v.. 85€ + blue Opt U:A5
1868 Yvert No.13, Coat of arms 1D light green, comp. 3 pcs of, very good margins, all with handwriting cancellation, for specialist interesting U:A5
1868 Yvert No.13, Coat of arms 1D dark green, very wide margins, with big part/-s Brit. ship cancel. "C 38", sought by specialists (RR) U:A5
1883 Yvert č.22-25, Postage due stmp 1c-20c (LIMA), heavier hinges, rare offer, c.v.. 825€ U:A5
1858/60 Yvert č.3a + 5, 1Pes red, common margins, 1x complete cancel. CUXCO, c.v.. 205€ U:A5
1861 Yvert No.5, 1Pes light red, lower close and on other sides wide margins, on small cut-square, complete CDS LIMA/ 11.MAR.61, from old collection, nice piece, cat. min. 55€ U:A5
1881 Yvert č.6-10, Postage due stmp 1c-50c, value 20c 2x (blue and red Opt), heavier hinges, c.v.. 230€ U:A5
1862 Yvert No.8, Coat of arms 1D, comp. 10 pcs of, mostly very good to very wide margins, various color shades, interesting U:A5
1862 Yvert No.8, Coat of arms 1D, comp. 2 pcs of fine střižených stamp., with rare cancel. ACARI and AQUIQUE, according to c.v.. RAMY 400€ U:A5
1862 Yvert No.8, Coat of arms 1D, comp. 2 pcs of, wide margins, with rare cancel. YSLAY and LAMB U:A5
1862 Yvert No.8, Coat of arms 1D, comp. 3 pcs of, very good margins, significant color shades, with cancel. PISCO, PIURA and PAITA U:A5
1862 Yvert No.8, Coat of arms 1D, close margins, with part of Brit. ship cancel., sought by specialists (RR) U:A5
1863 Yvert No.9, 1Pes brown, 2 pcs of, very wide margins, both color shades, 1x complete CDS LIMA/ 26.OCT.64, from old collection, quality piece, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1859 Mi.9b, Sun, value 80c orange, R close but full margins, other 3 side/party superb, red cancel., on reverse 3 old owner's mark, c.v.. 75€ U:A5
1866/70 Mi.16, Coat of arms in/at osmiúhelníku, value 1R bricky red, very wide margins, on reverse 4 note by pencil., c.v.. 55€ U:A5
1866/70 Mi.17, Coat of arms in/at osmiúhelníku, value 2R orange, c.v.. Michel this color doesn't report, R lower little cut, on other sides wide margins, fancy price U:A5
1866/70 Mi.17, Coat of arms in/at osmiúhelníku, value 2R yellow, irregular but wide margins, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1859 the first issue., Mi.1 II.b, Coat of arms ½R dark yellow, local print, on small cut-square, complete green (!) CDS CORREOS/ CARACAS/ SEP.21., from old collection (ex Rieger), at our place rare occurrence U:A5
1880 Mi.23-27, Bolívar, complete set, c.v.. 185€ U:A5
1899 Mi.53-59, Bolívar, complete set (without additionally issued values 50c orange in/at r.1901), c.v.. 550€ U:A5
1887-93 comp. 12 pcs of stamps 3 various issues, contains c.v.. Yvert č.36-38, 39-42 (complete set) and č.49-53 (from that No.51 and 52 without gum), c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1866-73 comp. 6 pcs of various classical stamp., good margins U:A5
1859-63 comp. 7 pcs of classical stamp., from that value ½R yellow used, other without gum, c.v.. ca. 200€ U:A5