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1935 ANTIGUA Mi.71-74 (91-94), BASUTOLAND Mi.11-14 (SG.11-14), George V., cat. Gibbons £27 U:A5
1951 Mi.339-362, Birds, complete set, c.v.. 600€, popular set U:A5
1935 Mi.32-35 (SG.31-34), George V., cat. Gibbons £55 U:A5
1938-53 Mi.39-52, George VI., set 27 pcs of stamps, various perf, cat. Gibbons £590 U:A5
1938 Mi.45A (SG.42), George VI. 3D, cat. Gibbons £100 U:A5
1948 Mi.55-56, Silver Jubilee, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1956 Mi.62-74 (SG.57-69), Elizabeth II., c.v.. 210€ U:A5
1963 Mi.75-88 (SG.70-83), Birds and Elizabeth II., marginal pieces, cat. Gibbons £60 U:A5
1963 Mi.75-88 (SG.70-83), Birds, cat. Gibbons £60 U:A5
1938 Mi.18-28, George VI., cat. Gibbons £80, No. 28 - mint never hinged U:A5
1948 Mi.39-40, Silver Jubilee, c.v.. 50€ U:A5
1948 Mi.39-40, Silver Jubilee, mint never hinged, cat. Gibbons £40 U:A5
1935 Mi.94-97 (SG.111-114), CEYLON Mi.212-215 (SG.379-382), George V., cat. Gibbons £24 U:A5
1919 comp. 2 pcs of p.stat Ppc sent to Europe, 1x with printed stmp 10c, Asch.66/23 with CDS CUOVIL HATVILLE/ 11.8.1919 supplemented with blue straight line postmark ship post BOAT, written according to text on/for boat "Duc de Brabant" to Switzerland, 1x PC 5c Asch.65/9 uprated with stamp 15c with CDS BANDUNDU/ 15.9.1919, addressed to to Belgium; good condition U:A5
1966 Mi.5-18, Birds with overprint, c.v.. 26€ U:A5
1938 Mi.101-111 (SG.118-128), George VI., cat. Gibbons £70 U:A5
1948 Mi.122-123 (SG.136-137), Silver Jubilee, cat. Gibbons £38 U:A5
1961 Mi.155-168 (SG.168-181), Birds and country motives, cat. Gibbons £65 U:A5
1888 Mi.19 (SG.19), Queen Victoria 10Sh green, cat. Gibbons £200 U:A5
1887 Mi.20, Queen Victoria £1 violet, at our place ojediné, cat. Gibbons £750 U:X
1904 Mi.53-57 (SG.66-69, 71), Edward VII. with additional-printing BECHUANALAND / PROTECTORATE, cat. Gibbons £73 U:A5
1895 Mi.20-24, 27 (SG.21-25, 28), Coat of arms, cat. Gibbons £335, value 4P thin place - excluded from sum U:A5
1898 Mi.28 (SG.29), Coat of arms, beauty complete CDS TSHIROMO, cat. Gibbons £425 U:A5
1903 Mi.59-68 (SG.59-66), Edward VII., cat. Gibbons £550, rare occurrence U:X
1896 Mi.42-48 (SG.58-64), overprint, cat. Gibbons £275 U:A5
1905 Mi.76-81 (SG.94-99), Victoria Falls, cat. Gibbons £275 U:A5
1909 Mi.82-95, 97a+b-100 (SG.100-118), overprint, set 20 pcs of stamps, various shades, cat. Gibbons 475, lower values with heavy hinge U:A5
1905 Mi.76-81 (SG.94-99), Victoria Falls, cat. Gibbons £225 U:A5
1853 Mi.2 ly, (SG.4), 4P dark blue, wide margins, bright wmk, light postmark, nice piece, c.v.. 110£; U:A5
1882 Mi.23-26 (SG.40-43), Allegory, cat. Gibbons £215 U:A5
1864 Mi.3II (SG.20), Triangle 6P violet, signed Ferchenbauer, cat. Gibbons £450 U:A5
1902 Mi.53-61 (SG.70-78), Edward VII., cat. Gibbons £160 U:A5
1902 Mi.53-61 (SG.70-78), Edward VII., cat. Gibbons £180 U:A5
1871/82 SG.20B, 1p red imperforated, c.v.. Gibbons imperforated issue připouští, but doesn't evaluate U:A5
1855 Mi.3, 4 2x, 6, Triangles, comp. 4 pcs of stamps; value 1Sh - R close margin, cat. Gibbons min. £520 U:A5
1924 postcard (river Lukunga, Madimba) addressed to to Prague, with 1c + 2c, CDS BRAZZAVILLE/ 10.MARS.24, good quality U:A5
1894 Mi.16-32, Allegory, complete set, cat. Yvert 490€ U:A5
1964 Mi.1-14 (SG.215-227), Country Motives, complete set issue from y 1964, nice, cat. Gibbons £20 U:A5
1971 Mi.148-160, Antelopes and Gazelles, complete set, nice, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1869-70 Mi.25 and 26, Queen Victoria, 3d ultramarine and 6d light violet, both with vertical overprint "POSTAGE" after/around both sides, value 3d without gum, c.v.. 270€ U:A5
1876 Mi.36, Queen Victoria, 1d yellow with horiz. overprint "POSTAGE", dirty perf, c.v.. 90€ U:A5
1877 Mi.40, queen Victoria, 1d yellow with horiz. overprint "POSTAGE" and new value "Half-penny", 4 pcs, various types (for example. number horiz. lines) and shifted overprints, for specialist interesting, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1902 Mi.73-74 (SG.142-143), Edward VII., cat. Gibbons £160 U:A5
1908 Mi.86-92 (SG.165-171), Edward VII., cat. Gibbons £450 U:X
1890? newspaper wrapper ½P addressed to to Brussels, CDS NATAL, good condition U:A5
1935 NIGERIA Mi.27-30 (SG.30-33), NORTHERN RHODESIA Mi.18-21 (SG.18-21), George V., cat. Gibbons £27 U:A5
1948 Mi.48-49, Silver Jubilee, c.v.. 60€ U:A5
1948 Mi.48-49, Silver Jubilee, mint never hinged, cat. Gibbons £55 U:A5
1908 Mi.1-10 (SG.72-81), Edward VII., cat. Gibbons £750 U:X
1963 Mi.114-124 (SG.188-198), overprint, cat. Gibbons £15 U:A5
1964 Mi.125-136 (SG.199-210), Country Motives, cat. Gibbons £17 U:A5
1948 Mi.87-88 (SG.161-162), Silver Jubilee, cat. Gibbons £17 U:A5
1903 Mi.39-47 (SG.139-147), Edward VII., cat. Gibbons £190 U:A5
1954 Mi.1-16, Elizabeth II., c.v.. 120€ U:A5
1959 Mi.19-33, Elizabeth II., c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1959 Mi.19-33, Country Motives, complete set, cat. Gibbons £100 U:A5
1960 Mi.34-39 (SG.32-37+35a), Kariba, cat. Gibbons £26 U:A5
1954 Mi.239-252 (SG.151-164), Animals, cat. Gibbons £30 U:A5
1934 Mi.D32-33 (SG.O18a), Official 2´6Sh - pair, cat. Gibbons £60 U:A5
1935 Mi.168-171 (SG.88-91) + SWAZILAND Mi.20-23 (SG.21-24), George V., total cat. Gibbons £17 U:A5