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1826 AUSTRIA printed tow pass issued in/at Břeclav, sent as letter from UHRITZ (nice straight line postmark) to Břeclav; good condition U:A3s|
1830 AUSTRIA preprinted Schub-Paß (tow-pass), Wenceslas Koudelka, Jamné, mark of lordship U:A3s|
1831 AUSTRIA tow pass, zdobeně printed, Znojmo - Bochtice, mark of lordship, stanovená trace pohybu; perfect condition U:A3s|
1836 AUSTRIA printed passport with 2 signetes, issued in/at Lednice (Eisgrup) for 1 year for Jachyma Lampela; very good condition U:A3s|
1853 AUSTRIA gun licence with printed signete 30Kr issue 1836, issued in/at Mikulově; stains U:A3s|
1853 AUSTRIA (BOHEMIA) gun licence, issued by k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). District commission Příbram, Czech-German text, imprinted stamp 50 Kreuzer, good condition U:A3s|
1858 AUSTRIA gun licence with revenue 1fl issue 1858; stains in margin U:A3s|
1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY passport to Egypt, German text, documentary stamp 15 Kreuzer, good condition U:A3s|
1885 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY hunting licence with revenue 15 Kreuzer issue 1883, issued in Vyškov; perfect condition U:A3s|
1910 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY passport with Turkish vízem, superb U:A5
1921 RUSSIA personal pass in the name of Gončarov, issued Russian diplomatic mission in Constantinople, Russian - French version, personal photo, postmark, very interesting U:A3s|
1921 UKRAINE passport, used with photo, postmark + traveller's data; good condition U:A5
1939 SLOVAKIA / PASSPORT document in the name of Anton Hutya, Bratislava, much official entries, good condition U:A5
1939 SUDETENLAND district Znojmo, Předběžný odvodní passport, issued for krejčího from Želetic, German text, incl. photo, horiz. folded, good condition U:A5
1940 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA driving licence, issued in Prague, Czech-German text, good condition U:A5
1916 BLACK CROSS document club/association vyhledávajícího and pečujícího about/by war hroby, filed with postmark; good condition U:A5
1931-38 MILITARIA / Czechoslovakia comp. 2 pcs of propouštěcích sheets from army, 1x Infantry Regiment 7. Tatra's, 1x Infantry Regiment 38, line and circular official military unit postmarks; format A4, folded U:A4
1936 MILITARIA / Czechoslovakia militar driver's licence, incl. photo, issued by/on/at Automobilního batt./guidon 1, licence on/for personal and lorry, well preserved U:A5
1938 MILITARIA / GERMANY Military Service Book issued in Pirna in 1938, in the name of Fritz Opitz; preserved U:A5
1940-85 MILITARIA comp. 4 pcs of documents in the name of Březák, Plzeň, document, odvodní passport, důchodové zabezpečení, official card on the back side bill/-s - Plzeň (Pilsner) brewery; good condition U:A5
1816 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE with veduta Budína (Ofen), format 45x35cm, red seal; marked folds also in margins U:A3s|
1825 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE with veduta Miškolce (Miskolcz), format 55x40cm, red seal; good condition U:A3s|
1827 MASTER CRAFTSMAN CERTIFICATE with veduta Mariboru (Marburg), format 40x3cm, paper seal, imprinted stamp and controll imprinted stamp in upper margin; holes after/around hanging out U:A3s|
1837 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE zdobně handwritten vocational certificate kováře in/at Kadově, issued in Svratce, printed revenue 1G, fine intact guild seal U:A3s|
1864 VOCATIONAL CERTIFICATE decorated document with documentary stamp 50 Kreuzer, issued in/at Liberec, seal, very decorative U:A3s|
1933 APPRENTICESHIP DIPLOMA společenstva holičů, kadeřníků and vlásenkářů, format 13x21cm, in hard cover, nice U:A4
1940 SCOUTING document Camper Book (compensation for zrušený scouting), very good condition U:A5
1909 RAILWAYS / SPAIN Spanish railway passport on/for 2600km, used without coupons, railway revenue, photo, postmark, map Spanish railways on/for last side; good condition U:A5
1875 servant book, Czech-German text, issued municipal off. RYBNÁ N. Z. (Německá Rybná), seal, revenues, good condition U:A5