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1835? Fliegende Blätter, collection 7 pcs of books, No. 1018, 1033-34, 1036, 1039-40, 1042; illustrated humoristický journal, publisher Braun & Schneider, München (Munich); have/has signs of usage U:O4
1938 Kožíšek: BRNO/ town and surroundings, 340 page., interesting texts, tables, illustration, advertising, with signs of usage U:O4
1948 Lion: Padělal I am dolary, mystery Hitlerovy padělatelské work-room, according to skutečných zážitků Adolf Burgera (*1917), within self-publishing, Prague, illustration L. Haas, 90 page., light abraded edge/-s; see oskarový film Ďáblova works U:O5
1916 newspaper National policy from 22.11.1916 with information about/by death emperor Franz Joseph I. I., viewing of quality recommended U:O4
1937-43 WILD WEST, notebook issue Novels to pocket, 8 pieces, No.125 Honba after/behind miliony, No.160 Who is Nemo ?, č.278 Dobrodruzi from Prašných rocks, č.285 Zákon mountains, č.312 Ohnivý oblak, č.338 Zloděj zvuků, č.349 Man from Durada, č.381 Temná road, complete novels with envelopes, signs of age and usage (tearing in backbone, loose envelope, smaller damage), after all good set, antiquarian price 200-600Kč à; piece U:O4
1937-41 ROZRUCH, notebook issue Novels vzrušené chvíle, selection 10 pieces, contains also number 1 + 2 (!!), No.1 Šest minut after/around půlnoci,, No.2 Uloupená face, No.84 Men from underground, č.120 Půlnoční storm, No.123 Zlaté aircraft, No.130 Dobrodružství on/for Sumatře, č.144 Ranč in/at borderland, No.153 On white stopě, No.169 Hundred masek, No.177 Jezdec_z baru 77, complete novels with envelope, signs of age and usage (tearing in backbone, spots, uvolnění), after all good set, examination recommended, antiquarian price 200-600Kč à; piece U:O4
1937-44 selection of 125 pcs of newspaper copies/imprints National policy, National sheets, National newspaper, People's newspaper, about 50 pcs of newspapers without newspaper stmp, 75 pcs of newspapers with newspaper stmp Czechoslovakia and Protectorate (I. and issue II.); texts about important událostech in/at politice and on/for bojištích WWII.; interesting U:K
1873-1945 SLOVAKIA, BRATISLAVA selection old newspapers, newspaper stamps and revenues, suitable for next elaboration U:O4
1937 Spielhagen: Špioni and spiklenci, documents of špionské and spiklenecké work in Španělsku, issued Borecký, Prague, 128 page. + 32 page. with inserts, photo documents incl. překladů; very fine U:Z
1928 Šujan: Dějepis Brno, other supplemented with issue, issued Musejní club/association Brno, 610 page., illustration, tables, map/-s; good condition U:Z
1945 Vitásek: Křest nation Czech, 56 sides, collection antinacistických poems, illustration John Fischer (i.a. Rychlé šípy), exceptional offer! U:O5
1940 ARCHITECTURE Sper, Albert: Die Neue Reichskanzlei, výpravná photographic book about/by building řiškého kancléřství, 2. issue, total 131 sides; good condition U:Z
1919 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Czechoslovak war reporter/bulletin, comp. of 3 numbers issued in Russia, number 1, 5, 6-7; lot of contemporary photos, fornát A3, detached sheets, folded, torn margins U:O4
1918 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Komárek: Czechoslovak republic - industry - shop - peněžnictví, within self-publishing, Yekaterinburg; lithographic envelope, with dedication, good condition, only back side abraded U:O5
1922 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Pitra: Z Penzy to Ufy, issued Monument Off. of Resistance, Prague, interesting text from the life of 1. regiment, 7. troop, 164 page., interesting photo, map; very fine U:Z
1922-23 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS comp. 3 pcs of bulletins, 1) Nikodem V. and team of authors: Czechoslovak legion in Russia, painter's documents, issued Monument Off. of Resistance, Prague, prologue and 99 reproduction; 2) Czechoslovak legion in France, painter's documents, issued Monument Off. of Resistance, Prague, prologue and 99 reproduction; 3) Czechoslovak legion in Italy, painter's documents, issued Monument Off. of Resistance, Prague, prologue and 97 reproduction; all bounded as album, light frayed envelope/-s, placed in flat box, exceptional offer !! U:K
1925 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Šefl J.: Paměti home-defender 28. regiment from war world, issue II., within self-publishing, 164 page., 40 picture, with signs of usage U:O5
1940-43 ČTENÍ FOR WOMEN, notebook issue novels for women, 8 pieces, No.14 Girl from suburb street, č.99 Dancer/-s John, No.109 Play osudu, No.113 The first and last, č.116 Doll from Ježíška, č.124 Girl from květinářství, č.129 Píseň youth, No.171 Zakryto usměvem; signs of age and usage (damage in backbone, spots), after all solid set, complete novels with envelopes, antiquarian price 80CZK à; piece, profitable offer for Vaše women and girl U:O4
1944 ILEGÁLNÍ TISK Protectorate with směje, 62 page., issued really in y 1944 (!), pocket format, good condition U:O5
1938 JUDAICA John Rys: Jewish freemasonry - scourge for mankind, Vlajka, Prague, 360 page. + 16 inserts (interesting photo), good condition, rare and sought book U:Z
1973 AVIATION 1923*1973 Czechoslovak Aerolines, advertising collection 32 pcs of blackboard with pictures aircrafts, author: Vladimír Bidlo (1926–1997), format 42x30cm, issued on the occasion of 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines; 1x light changed color, otherwise as new U:Z
1922-26 AVIATION catalogue f. Letov, Praha-Letňany, and Aero, expertly elaborated for Guggenheimův almanac, contains 47 pcs of original photos, aircraft, interiors, engines, production works, airport in Prague, Brno and Bratislava, then technical data, price/-s letenek etc.., exceedingly interesting! U:O4
1944 MILITARIA Advanced Map and Aerial Photograph Reading, War Department, Washington D.C., manual for air-mail staff, paper bound, 142 page., photo, drawings, map/-s etc.., exceedingly interesting! U:O5
1941 MILITARIA Deutsch-russisches Soldaten-Wörterbuch, issued Mittler & Sohn, Berlin, militar German - Russian dictionary, pocket format, 3.000 Slovak, 80 page., interesting contemporary document U:O5
1916 MILITARIA Für Freihei und Recht, issued Polish people's committee, Wien, 66 page., promotional publication about Polish legion, which/what founded marshal Józef Piłsudski, pocket format, very interesting U:O5
1903 MILITARIA Instrukce for community, as prováděti have mobilisaci, k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). governorship in Prague, pocket format, 46 page., patterns blank forms and oths., good condition U:O5
1938 MILITARIA Catalogue maps and bulletins, V. supplemented with issue, issued Military zeměpisný institution, Prague, 42 page. + insert, contains listings issued maps, conditions sale and oths.; good condition U:O5
1911 MILITARIA Ladislav Malý: Service Regulations for k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). army, II. part, issued Storch and son, Prague, 150 sides, with signs of usage, U:O5
1945 MILITARIA Our Red Army Ally (our spojenec), issued by War Department USA, 78 page., informative manual about/by Red army for American soldiers on/for demarcation line; exceedingly interesting contemporary document !! U:O5
1910 FASHION journal Czech Mody, year/volume I, No. 3, page. 33-48, format A3, good condition U:O4
1938-43 MODERNÍ ROMÁNY, notebook issue novels (kovbojky, detektivky, dobrodružné, společenské apod.), total 15 pieces, No.23 Unesený snoubenec, No.33 Mládenecká tax, No.34 Dvounohé stádo, No.35 Nevěsta America, No.38 Way to zasnoubení, No.48 Neviditelná front, No.54 Cathedral blue bohyně, No.68 Vězeň from Ďábelského island, No.73 Poselství mrtvého, No.101 Osudné anniv., č.104 For/Behind třpytu hvězd Texasu, č.120 Mystery Mamutí cave, č.143 Ošetřovatelka Helena, No.147 Spring trade fair, No.186 Půlnoční výslech on/for Olšanech, signs of age, mostly but good condition, some with smaller damage, now collector's artikl, antiv.cena 200Kč/1ks U:O4
1919 BUSINESS journal Časoměr, year/volume IV, No. 10, texts, illustration, schemes, advertising; interesting U:O4
1910 BUSINESS Kolátor: Zpráva about/by activity/-ies Obchodnické unity for Moravia and Silesia in Brno, issued Obchodnická union, Brno; 80 page. + advertising, good condition U:O4
1941 POLITICAL PROPAGANDA / NAZISM "DIE WEHRMACHT / Das Buch (book) des Krieges 1940/41", solid binding, 320 sides, propagandistic book with lot of contemporary photos, supplemented with mapkami single campaign; good condition U:Z
1940 POLITICAL PROPAGANDA / NAZISM Grosse Deutsche Kunstausstellung 1940 im Haus der Deutschen (German) Kunst zu München (Munich), Juni–Oktober 1940, official catalogue, issued Knorr & Hirth, München (Munich), 112 page. text, 68 page. picture part/-s, 32 page. advertisings; good condition U:O4
1940 POLITICAL PROPAGANDA / NAZISM "DIE WEHRMACHT", solid binding, 319 sides, propagandistic book with lot of contemporary photos, supplemented with mapkami single campaign; binding partially povolená, but complete U:Z
1910? POMOLOGIE comp. 8 pcs of paintings with textovými descriptions, format A4, for example. French leather reneta, Dielova máslovka - Poděbradka and oths., nice U:O4
1932 SCOUTING journal Skaut-Junák, No. 1.-10., year/volume 19, also with Skaut-Junák from y 1926 and oths. - worse condition U:O4
1910-20 SLANÝ (dist. Kladno) - comp. 11 pcs of large photos in passe-partout, 8x collective photo, 2x surroundings, 1x suburb, in background Slánská hill, nice U:X
1920-30 GERMANY selection of about 150 pcs of color advertising pictures 7x8cm from German history U:K
1916-18 AUSTRIA selection of advertising labels and bulk postage charge, in 6-sheet stockbook, very nice U:Z
1918-40 selection of 23 pcs of advertising and nabídkových sheets, various products, for example. radio, writing supplies, pump, vysavače and oths.; good condition, nice U:O4
1890-1950 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, Czechoslovakia nice collection match labels, described and placed in 2 stockbooks, contains ca. 260 pcs of "Austria", 340 pcs of SOLO and oths., very nice U:Z
1900-60 AUSTRIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA big collection match labels, more than 230 pcs of "Made in Austria", nice set, contains i.a. Indic motives, ladies in hats, women in costume, circus and oths., then political propaganda, i.a. National Fascist League, swastika etc.., then scouts, firemen and oths., various variants etc.. etc.., also with much duplication, placed in 2 ring folders, in folder and 2 little-boxes, very interesting U:Z