PLATE PROOF values 60h in black color on/for already 1x used strong carton with pictures + trial print 200h in black color on chalky paper, on reverse PLATE PROOF Postage due stamp Ornament 10h, both exp. by Stupka
1919 insufficiently franked letter from II. postal rate addressed to to Těšín, with Pof.1, broken-out CDS FRÝDEK 1/ 23.V.19, burdened with postage-due, mounted bisected Austrian Postage due stamp 50H, Mi.P63, CDS TESCHEN 1/ CIESZYN 1/ 24.V.19, good condition
1919 Reg letter to Switzerland, with Pof.22, CDS PARSCHNITZ/ 19.IV.19 (Poříčí near Trutnov), emergency mark R instead Reg labels, on reverse arrival postmark. LUZERN/ 24.IV.19, good condition
1919 Reg letter with 75h, Pof.18, posting single circle cancel UNTER REICHENSTEIN/ 5/12 19 yellow Austrian forerunner R label, used commercial obalka, sent to Lešetický; on reverse hints of greasy labels
1920nefilatelisticky sent postcard franked with. 2 pcs of imperforate stamp. Hradčany 10h green, wide L and upper margins, other margins cut to to stamp., evidently vzniklorozstřižením sheet with perf errors/flaws, CDS KOSTELEC N. Č. LESY/ 30.VI.20; postcard out of stmp vertical folded, viewing of quality recommended, research material
1920?money letter with Pof.4 + 8 + 20 (on reverse), 1x partial perf (5h), less clear pmk ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE 1/ ?, off. envelope with monogram, seal removed, overall good condition
1919-37 comp. 9 pcs of front sides letters, from that 7 pcs of from money letters with stamp. Hradčany (2 pcs of with perfins "M.E./B." ) + 8 pcs of various letters with other frankings (air-mail, abroad, with postage-due zn.), as multiple interesting, We recommend it examination
Pof.27Aaq, 15h light green, block of four with společným additional-printing, linden leave in/at green color, smaller prosak color, overall good quality, 4x exp. by Mrnak.., c.v.. 2.000CZK
Pof.27B 2x pair with flaw perf, 1x vertical with double stroke between stamp., 1x horizontal pair with double vertical perf from that 1x to picture of stmp
Pof.27Bap, 15h light green, whole blue additional printing, perf line perforation 11 ½:13¾;, marked, in upper corner fine hint on gum, good centering, exp. by Mrnak.., c.v.. 2.400CZK
Pof.28, 25h brown, mixed perf line perforation 11½:11½:11½:10½;, literature doesn't report, partially marked, exp. by Stupka + Kapras, vertical off center
Pof.27C-32C, complete set of with line perforation 11½; : 10½;, value 120 with čtvrtinou green added-print, value 50h and 120h exp. by Mrnak., c.v.. 3.300CZK
Pof.27B production flaw with shift horiz. perf, 1 stamp. + vertical pair, Pof.30F production flaw vertical pair with omitted horiz. perf + Pof.28D production flaw, 2x hair paper crease on/for str-of-3 and pair, part exp. by Gilbert., Karasek
Pof.31-32, comp. 5 pcs of 100-stamps. sheets, from that value 100h 3 pcs of with various perf with plate mark 5 2x, plate mark 6 (znečištěné and wrinkled margins), value 120h with various repro-proofs with plate mark 7 and 8
Pof.49Ia, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, high size, overprint type I., deep shade, exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, Karasek + photo-certificate Šablatúra from y 2001, c.v.. 20.000CZK
Pof.50Pp, Coat of arms 4 Koruna light green, high size, inverted overprint, type II., well centered, lightly hinged., nice piece, marked by Tribuna., Hirsch, Šablatúra, Karasek + photo-certificate Karásek from y 2003, c.v.. 1.200CZK
Pof.51ax, Coat of arms 10K dark violet, clear print, overprint type I., grey-blue paper, exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, Karasek, Stupka + 2 owner's mark and signature by pencil, c.v.. 7.500CZK
Pof.54, Air 4 Koruna grey, overprint type I., lightly hinged., exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, Stupka + owner's mark and signature by pencil, c.v.. 14.500CZK
Pof.58Ba, 5h green-black overprint, perf line perforation 11½;, marked, in gum two brown dots, exp. by Gilbert + Karasek., cat. Merkur-Revue 12.000CZK, c.v.. Pofis 9.000CZK
Pof.82, Postage due stmp - small numerals 10K blue, overprint type I., on reverse light hinged and 3 folds in paper, exp. by Leseticky., Karasek + photo-certificate Karásek from y 2003, c.v.. 5.000CZK