1927money letter abroad (!) sent as Registered, postal stationery cover (!) Sower 50C two-sided uprated with stamp Mi.98 2x, 100, 188, CDS PARIS 17.9/27, on reverse transit pmk and seal, signs of usage, but decorative
1937comp. 2 pcs of airmail letters, 1x to Montrevel with Mi.305, 306 2x, CDS MARSEILLES; 1x to Zagreb, with Mi.307-308, 310 (!), CDS MONTREVEL; good condition, nice
1940-41 comp. 6 pcs of R summons court in/at Sarajevu, 3 pcs of with mounted forerunner jugoslavskými porto stamp., 3x with overprint Postage due stamps Mi.1, 2, supplemented with postmarks NEPOZNAT, OTPUTOVAO, ICONNU etc..; part with folds
1941-42 comp. 3 pcs of entires, 2x PC from that 1x uprated with CDS ORIOVAC, 1x to Bosnia - redirected with additional cancels INCONNU and red line OTPUTOVAO with German censorship + 1x commercial letter with Landscape to Bosnia; all good condition
1924? postcard with Mi.83 2x, 84, 86 in picture side, CDS badly readable, sent as printed matter to Belgium, interesting tricolour franking, well preserved, c.v.. Facit 1.350SEK
1852Mi.1-9, the first issue., comp. 15 pcs of, color shades and varieties papers + Mi.10 I., 50Baj light blue, sought stamp, good margins and very good quality, c.v.. 2.390€
1852-68selection of 19 pcs of classical stamp, contains Mi.1-9, 14-17, 19, 21-25, standard quality + letter to Paris with Mi.22 + 24, dumb postmark + CDS ROMA/ 18.FEB.70, arrival blue cancel. in front, on reverse damaged lapel, according to owner c.v.. total 1.130€ (Sassone 4.100€)
1852-68 comp. 2 pcs of folded letters franked with. on reverse stamp. 1Baj (Sassone č.2A), resp. in front 2x 10c (Sass.č.26), standard quality c.v.. 460€
1853big part of folded letter to Narny with 3Baj, Mi.4, dumb postmark + CDS ROMA/3.APR.53, arrival on reverse, R lower browny spots, c.v.. Sassone č.4a = 900€
1852Mi.1 I., Coat of arms 5c black on green paper, very wide margins, with plate variety "dot after/behind numeral 5 posunuta in the direction of up", c.v.. Michel doesn't evaluate, Sassone č.8b = 1.000€
1852-59comp. 7 pcs of classical stamp, contains Mi.1 II. - 5 II., 9a, 10 pt, nice quality, Mi.9a wide margins and owner's mark, Mi. 10 pt very wide margins and old expert mark, in addition folded letter with Mi.3 II., CDS CARRARA/ 27.FEB.(1854), c.v.. Michel total 2.480€ (Sassone 4.950€)
1853Mi.2, Newspaper stamp 9c, smaller letters, very wide margins, letter "B" posunuto in the direction of downward, sought by specialists, on reverse 3 hinge / label + owner's mark, c.v.. Michel doesn't evaluate, Sassone č.2e = 3.750€