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1876 train post DEBRECZEN–KIRÁLYHÁZA 5.II.76, framed pmk on postcard Mi.P4, 2 Kreuzer brown; filling holes U:A5
1890 train post POSTCONDUCTEUR IM ZUGE / WOLFSBERG–UNTERDRAUBURG No.1853, PC to Vienna with railway pmk., arrival WIEN 18.4/90; nice U:A5
1895 train post POSTCONDUCTEUR IM ZUGE / BUDWEIS–GAISBACH–LINZ No.1221, PC to Trenta with railway pmk., arrival TRIENT 3/9/95; nice U:A5
1908? train post POSTCONDUCTEUR IM ZUGE / BAD HALL–UNTERROHRENDORF, postcard to Brno with railway pmk., incomplete print U:A5
1918-19 comp. 4 pcs of uprated by. Austrian cards 2x 8h Charles and 2x 10h Crown with cancel. forerunner train post GR. KARLOVITZ - WALL. MESERITSCH, BÖHM. TRÜBAU - PROSSNITZ and PRAG - EGER; good condition U:A5
1919 CDV2, I. part from double overprint PC Monogram, 1x railway pmk SEIGENBERG - REICHENBERG/ 16.IV.19, nice print U:A5
1919 postcard franked with. bisected stmp Mi.222 (Charles 20h), incomplete forerunner cncl train post LEITOMISCHL - CHOTZEN/ 9.I.19, catalogue Votoček. 3306/2, good condition U:A5
1919 postcard franked with. stamps Pofis. 3 + 5, light forerunner cncl train post SKAL. BOSKOWITZ - BRÜNN 520/ 28.V.19, good condition U:A5
1919 postcard franked with. stmp Pof.5, light forerunner cncl train post STEINITZ - GÖDING 593/ 22.IV.19, good condition U:A5
1937 commercial letter f. Franz Hewera, Kirschfeld (Hodonice) with Hitler 12Pf, postmark train post LUNDENBURG–ZNAIM 4743 - 3.7.43, nice U:A5
1939 comp. 2 pcs of commercial letters with provisory framed pmk train post BAHNPOST REICHENAU–LIEBENAU/ 11. Feb. 1939/ 4290, addressed to to Ústí + letter with print violet railway pmk BAHNPOST ...?/ 27.Apr. 1939/ Zug 3202/ 3804; good condition, rare postmark! U:A5
1943 commercial Reg letter with Pof.26, 54, 83 4x, with railway bianco Reg label and railway pmk No.777/ MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA–KOJETÍN–PŘEROV/ 8.II.43, addressed to to Valašského Meziříčí, good condition U:A5
1939-45 comp. 10 pcs of entires, 1x uprated, i.a. train post VIZOVICE–PŘEROV, KÁCOV–ČERČANY, ČÁSLAV–ZÁVRATEC–TŘEMOŠNICE and oths. U:A5
1953 RAILWAYS letter postally paušalizovaný, service pmk Railway station Slovenské Nové Mesto, straight line postmark Pohraniční centre Czechoslovak State Railways, CDS SLOVENSKÉ NOVÉ MESTO/ 17.VIII.53, good condition, interesting entire from rozděleného town Sátoraljaujhély - Slovenské Nové Mesto U:A5
1911 postal-agency BISCHOFSKOPPE B. ZUCKMANTEL, c.v.. Geb.1803/3, violet framed pmk on Ppc, CDS PETERSDORF/ 22.VIII.11, nice imprint, for collectors interesting postcard U:A5
1912 postal-agency LIDICE / LIDITZ, c.v.. Geb.0691/1, violet framed pmk, CDS BUŠTĚHRAD/ 26.11.12, service postmark Parish Off. in Lidice, superb, sought U:A5
1898 postal-agency MARIAHILF B. ZUCKMANTEL, c.v.. Geb.1813/1, violet straight line postmark on Ppc, CDS ZUCKMANTEL/ 3.VIII.98; nice imprint U:A5
1906 postal-agency OBORA, c.v.. Geb.1817/1, violet framed pmk on Ppc, CDS VEVERSKÁ BÍTÝŠKA/ 14.VII.06, very fine U:A5
1910 postal-agency POHOŘELICE (NAPAJEDLA), Gebauer 1025/1, CDS NAPAJEDLA/ 11.VII.10, very nice color single-view postcard, church with part of square; good condition U:A5
1906 postal-agency PROBITZ, c.v.. Geb.1054/1, black framed pmk on Ppc, CDS FRYŠAVA/ 20.3.06; good condition U:A5
1904-06 postal-agency PŘESTAVLKY (POŘÍČÍ N. S.) and NECHVALICE (SEDLČANY), comp. 2 pcs of Ppc; good condition U:A5
1910? postal-agency ROHOZNÁ (SVOJANOV), c.v.. Geb.1129/1, violet framed pmk on Ppc, CDS SVOJANOV ??; c.v.. –?– U:A5
1912 postal-agency SCHWARZSCHLAGBAUDEN (Bouda on/for Černé pasece), CDS SCHWARZENTHAL/ 9.9.12 (Černý Důl ), cat. Gebauer 0080/1, well preserved, c.v.. 20€ U:A5
1914 postal-agency STARÁ BŘECLAVA, c.v.. Geb.1233/5, black framed pmk on Ppc, CDS BŘECLAV/ 18.VII.14, light stains U:A5
1907 postal-agency TETČICE, c.v.. Geb.1360/2, black framed pmk on Ppc, CDS ROSICE U./B./ 29.3.07, very fine U:A5
1910-14 postal-agency VÝKLEKY (MOR.), HENČLOV, KYSELOVICE, MAJETÍN, PŘIKAZY - OSÍČKO, DOLNÍ ÚJEZD (LÍPNÍK N. B.), comp. 6 pcs of PC F.J. 5h; good condition, nice print U:A5
1925 postal-agency CHVALKOVICE (IVANOVICE NA H.), c.v.. Geb.0433/2, violet framed pmk on Ppc, CDS IVANOVICE NA H./ 30.XII.25, torn off corner U:A5
1911-39 postal-agency KLÁNOVICE, HŘEŠIHLAVY, KULÍŘOV, MEDLOVICE, NOUTONICE and oths., comp. 13 pcs of entires (from that 3x Austria-Hungary) with postmarks U:A5
1934 postal-agency PČOLINÉ (SNINA), c.v.. Geb.2253, violet framed pmk on Ppc, CDS SNINA/ 28.III.34, good condition U:A5
1938 postal-agency ŠANOV (HRABĚTICE)/ SCHÖNAU (GRAFENDORF), c.v.. Geb.1308/3, violet framed pmk on/for cut dispatch-note, CDS HRABĚTICE/ 2.III.38, fancy price U:A5
1942-44 postal-agency STRMĚCHY, VIGANTICE, PŘÍMĚTICE (ÚNANOV), PROSTŘEDNÍ BEČVA, comp. 4 pcs of letters with postmarks; nice imprints U:A5
1870 forerunner of perfins - Hungarian yellow Mi.P2 with commercial zelenomodrým postmark through/over printed stmp IPOVITZ KÁROLY KOMÁROMBAN + CDS KOMÁROM 3/6; good condition, superb print U:A5
1876-79 forerunners of perfins, comp. 2 pcs of PC VI. issue with embossed commercial additional-printing SAM. LAWETZKÝ/ HOŘITZ and H. WEISS/ CHLUMETZ, interesting ! U:A5
1895 Maxa P22, commercial PC issue Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer with perfin "Perles" f. Moritz Perles, Wien, luxury quality, very rare! U:A5
1915 Maxa P33, commercial PC with 5h, Mi.142 with perfin "P. W." f. Premier Werke with CDS EGER 16.I.15; good condition U:A5
1917 Maxa F75, PC Franz Joseph 8h with perfin "F.W." f. Francis Wawerka, Lipník n. B., CDS LIPNÍK N. B. 2.III.17; good condition, rare! U:A5
1901 invoice špediterské firm Leop. Popper & Co. in/at Trieste, mounted revenue 2h 1898 with perfin "POPPER"; filling holes and folds U:A4
1916 commercial PC with additional-printing i.a. franked by stmp 3h, Mi.141 with perfin "V.M.Z.F." f. VEREIN MÄHRISCHER ZUCKERFABRIKEN Olmütz, MC OLOMOUC 2/ 23.I.16, supplemented with postmark military censorship; good condition, Maxa doesn't report! U:A5
1901-05 comp. 6 pcs of correspondence cards with Hungarian perfins, also with 1x WIEN U:A5
1919 Maxa J50, cut square from postal printed-matter (Request sheet) with mixed franking Austrian stamp. 20h Charles 2x and Hradčany 5h 2x, all with perfin "J.H./ S." f. for hats J.Hückela sons, CDS NOVÝ JIČÍN 9.I.19 U:A5
1933 Maxa J55, invoice firm Joseph. Kudrnáč & Co with mounted revenue 10h with perfin "J.K."; folds else preserved U:A4
1918 Maxa P29, commercial PC franked with. forerunner rekouskou stamp. 10h Coat of arms with perfin "P-S" f. Meva, CDS SMÍCHOV 1/ 17.XII.18; good condition U:A5
1925 Reg letter with Masaryk 3 Koruna and Pigeon-issue 30h with perfin "PaS"?, commercial additional printing International úrazová joint-stock insurance community in Vienna, CDS PRAGUE 19.VI.25, tearing in upper margin U:A4
1918-19 AUSTRIA comp. 5 pcs of commercial entires sent to Czechoslovakia, from that 4x CDV Charles with private added-print, 1x with perf for typewriter, PC uprated by. express stamp. with perfins as W.B./C. (W. Bachmann Wien), "Z.H." Weicheisen and Stahlgiesserei - Gesellschaft (comp.) (Rainfeld an der Gölsen), "G.W." (G.Winiwarter Wien), "K&F" (Kleiner & Fleischman Mödling); good condition U:A5
1921-23 AUSTRIA selection of 17 pcs of cards with with perfins in time Austrian postwar inflation, from that 15x PC uprated with stamp with perfin "J./ W.&S./ W." f. Wekzeugfabrik Joh. Weiss & Sohn - franking from various period inflation + 2x card with stamp. with perfin "B.U." and "G.B.R."; interesting, commercial correspondence U:A5
1890-1950 EUROPE selection of 85 pcs of used stamp. with perfins, 1x Austria-Hungary 5 Kreuzer revenue issue 1888 with perfin, detached/free in paper bag, various quality U:A5
1919-26 FRANCE selection of 16 pcs of commercial PC sent to Czechoslovakia, with with perfins "Z." firm Elsässische Werzeugfabrik Zornhoff, various shifts, 2x double etc..; good condition U:A5
1902 GERMANY identification entire f. Gebrüder Seck, Dresden, commercial letter with Germania 10Pf with perfin "Seck", CDS DRESDEN 17.9.02, invoice with decorated heading; nice U:A3v–
1915-16 GERMANY / BAYERN (BAVARIA) 4 pcs of commercial PC franked by stmp with perfin "G.B./ N." f. Gebrüder Bing, CDS NUREMBERG, 1x card to Czechoslovakia as Registered + C.O.D.; good condition, interesting U:A5
1899 GREAT BRITAIN comp. 2 pcs of Ppc with Mi.65 with perfin "H.A.", addressed to to Brno, CDS BRADFORD.YORKS, arrival BRNO, good condition U:A5
1930 ITALY commercial letter f. F.lli Di Lenardo, Trieste, with Mi.309, MC TRIESTE 13.XII.30, decorative U:A5
1948 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 Ship Mail / steamship Poděbrady, round violet postmark with kotvou on Ppc Děčín with CDS DĚČÍN 2.VIII.48; superb print ship postmark U:A5
1983 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. 8 pcs of philatelic entires with cancel. ship M/S KRIVÁŇ with postmarks and stamps places přístavů U:A5
1974 SUEZ CRISIS comp. 3 pcs of philatelically influenced entires with lot of deck cancellation ship detained in time of blockade canal, private labels GBLA various countries, postmark ship M/S Djakbier, Vassil Levsky, Ledmelaga, African Glen and oths., with CDS CAIRO 7.Se.74, Un without address, interesting contemporary document U:A4
1851 SCHLESWIG WAR occupation Holstein, preprinted folded ex offo letter with incomplete cancel. KK FElDPOSTAMT 24/3, pre-printed Herzog Wellington 42. Linien-Infanterie-Reg., on reverse arrival straight line postmark TETSCHEN A. D. ELBE/ 28.Marz.; light archiving fold, very rare postmark, decorative piece, cat. Ferchenbauer fancy price! U:X
1910? postcard to Moravia with numeral cancel 2277, according to text LIPANY (Héthárs, dist. Sabinov); interesting U:A5
1914-17 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc franked with. Austrian and Hungarian stamp. with postmark From the Army in the Field, 1x frame in German, 1x bilingual (!), cat. min. 600€ U:A5
1914 FIELD-POST money letter with mixed (!) Hungarian and Austrian franking on/for printed matter Hungarian envelope, mounted stamp. Turul 35f, Mi.102, and Austrian issue 1908 Mi.141, 144, CDS FP No.212/ 8.X.14, supplemented with line FP cachet cancel. Corps Magazin No.21/ 3 Zug.; good condition seal, several small stains, same letter see cat. Ferchenbauer page. 1127, cat. min. 600€ U:A5
1916 FIELD-POST comp. 2 pcs of entires to Denmark, 1x letter with mixed franking postage stmp 1908, Hungarian stamps 1f and stamps The 2nd issue.; PC with overprint K.u.K.. FIELD-POST uprated by. mixed franking 1908, Bosnia and Herzegovina and The 2nd issue., CDS FP 37/ 30.VIII.16, straight line postmark Infantry Regiment No. 51; philatelically motivated, but exact franking, c.v.. ca. 1.600€ U:A5
1916? postcard Cracow sent by FP, postmark neotištěno, in text FP 24, print only district postmark IX/59, without censorship, to Bohemia, good condition, interesting U:A5