Mail Auction 31 / Philately / Other Philatelic Domains

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122003 - 1937 Us letter with additional-printing Elite film J. Čeřo
1937 Us letter with additional-printing Elite film J. Čeřovský, Bratislava, with green machine promotional added print Trnava Jubilejné celebration Antona Bernoláka BRATISLAVA 4.IX.37 + Un envelope with advertising matter and additional-printing L. F. Prokop Chrudim, stoletá works musical instruments; good condition, decorative pieces
Starting price: CZK
122216 - 1940-44 comp. 11 pcs of letters with MC, m,. Prague trade fa
1940-44 comp. 11 pcs of letters with MC, m,. Prague trade fair, Viktoria!!, German Red Cross and oths., various franking, standard quality
Starting price: CZK
121980 - 1943-44 comp. 5 pcs of commercial PC with added-print, typew
1943-44 comp. 5 pcs of commercial PC with added-print, typewriters Hermes firm Chochola & Co., prášky to pastries Kveta, chovná station dogs "From Oharky" Doksany; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
121958 - 1947 franked postcard with mounted blue Surtax stmp On build
1947 franked postcard with mounted blue Surtax stmp On building Špindlerova Mlýna 20h trojúhelníkového shape, CDS ŠPINDLERŮv mill 7.I.47; rare, decorative
Starting price: CZK
121960 - 1934 INDIA  letter to Czechoslovakia with mounted violet Sur
1934 INDIA letter to Czechoslovakia with mounted violet Surtax stamp. Help our Hospitals/ Esplande Maidan Bombay values 1/2 A, posting MC BOMBAY, insufficiently franked/paid, in Czechoslovakia burdened with postage-due; decorative small format
Starting price: CZK
119968 - 1936 OLYMPIC GAMES  comp. 4 pcs of entires with motive of Ol
1936 OLYMPIC GAMES comp. 4 pcs of entires with motive of Olympiads, promotional Ppc - IV. Winter Olympic Games, Ga-Pa; first day sheet/-s - XI. Summer Olympic Games, Berlin; first day sheet/-s - VI. Winter Olympic Games, Oslo; airmail letter - XV. Summer Olympic Games, Helsinki; all with stamps and special postmark; interesting
Starting price: CZK
120896 - 1980-93 POLAR RESEARCH / FRANCE, ITALY  comp. 10 pcs of enti
1980-93 POLAR RESEARCH / FRANCE, ITALY comp. 10 pcs of entires with cachets and postmarks polárních expedic, 1x Italy 9x French teritorium
Starting price: CZK
122721 - 1928 SCOUTING / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  Us Ppc with red cach
1928 SCOUTING / CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 Us Ppc with red cachet 1918 - 1928/ ZEMSKÝ SJEZD/ Moravsko - slezských divisions/ Union of scouts republic Českoslov./ 29. and 30. VI. 1928 in Brno, CDS STRÁŽNICE 6.VII.28
Starting price: CZK
119982 - 1933 SCOUTING / HUNGARY  philatelically influenced Reg, expr
1933 SCOUTING / HUNGARY philatelically influenced Reg, express and airmail letter to Khust (Carpathian Ruthenia), franked by multicolor franking., i.a. popular issue Airscrew, CDS GÖDÖLÕ; 933.AUG.13, scout Reg label (!), slogan pmk IV. jamboree 1933, transit pmk PRAGUE 82-Airport, arrival KHUST; crosswise fold, after all exceedingly interesting
Starting price: CZK