Mail Auction 33 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Forerunners

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130593 - 1939 special delivery card in the place with forerunner fran
1939 special delivery card in the place with forerunner franking stamp. Pof.249, 300, 303, 344 2x, CDS BRNO 14.VII.39 - last day for forerunner frankings, stmp Comenius 40h mounted over margin
Starting price: CZK
131052 - 1939 Reg and airmail letter to Bulgaria, franked with. forer
1939 Reg and airmail letter to Bulgaria, franked with. forerunner franking Czechosl. airmail stamps 4CZK and blk-of-10 30h, Pof.L11 and L15 10x, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 20.V.39, on reverse CDS PRAGUE 7/ 20.V.39 and arrival SOFIA/ 22.V.39; rare and decorative air entire with all attributes air-mail transport
Starting price: CZK
131392 - 1939 comp. 8 pcs of delivery lists for payment instructions
1939 comp. 8 pcs of delivery lists for payment instructions with franking Czechosl. postage-due stamps and mixed franking with Bohemian and Moravian stamps; various condition
Starting price: CZK
131046 - 1939 Delivery list for payment instructions, mounted forerun
1939 Delivery list for payment instructions, mounted forerunner Czechosl. Postage due stamp., values 10CZK and 5CZK, Pof.DL65, DL64, DL63 (2x), CDS ROZDÉLOV/ 28.XI.39; very good condition, only light folds
Starting price: CZK
131045 - 1939 Delivery list for payment instructions, mounted forerun
1939 Delivery list for payment instructions, mounted forerunner Czechosl. Postage due stamp., values 10CZK, 5CZK, 2CZK and 50h, Pof.DL65, DL64, DL63 and DL60, CDS UHERSKÝ BROD/ 22.XI.39; very good condition, only light folds
Starting price: CZK
127620 - 1939 comp. 11 pcs of delivery lists for payment instructions
1939 comp. 11 pcs of delivery lists for payment instructions with frankings Czechosl. postage-due stamps, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
127619 - 1939-45 [COLLECTIONS]  selection 130 pcs of letters and 150
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection 130 pcs of letters and 150 pcs of cuts and cut-squares with stamps, forerunner and parallel franking, Postage due stamps and oths., suitable for next elaboration
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 33 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Forerunners - Information

Předběžné a souběžné čs. poštovní známky

Československé poštovní známky platné do 15. 3. 1939 na budoucím území protektorátu Čechy a Morava platily po jeho vzniku jako předběžné

-pro výplatní poštovní známky do 14. 7. 1939

-pro novinové poštovní známky do 24. 8. 1939

-pro poštovní známky pro obchodní tiskopisy do 30. 11. 1939

-pro doruční poštovní známky do 30. 11. 1939

-pro doplatní poštovní známky do 30. 11. 1939

Po datu vydání příslušné emise označujeme poštovní známky bývalého československa za souběžné a to do ukončení platnosti všech čs. známek 15. 12. 1939.