Mail Auction 33 / Other Collector`s Domains / Literature, Magazines

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131180 - 1936 ALMANACH / ROKYCANY  Monument to 75-letému continuity
1936 ALMANACH / ROKYCANY Monument to 75-letému continuity pěveckého club/association "Záboj", also with tableau 22x16cm on carton paper A4 and theatre program; for historians interesting
Starting price: CZK
131187 - 1930? ARCHITECTURE  Hanzelka Venant: Bydlení in/at chatě,
1930? ARCHITECTURE Hanzelka Venant: Bydlení in/at chatě, collection plans and designes chat and wooden domků; good condition
Starting price: CZK
128560 - 1948 BRUNENSIA  Adresář country main town Brno, Polygrafie
1948 BRUNENSIA Adresář country main town Brno, Polygrafie, Brno, 1948, 262 page. + advertising, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
128477 - 1942 BRUNENSIA  Off. listing Brno streets, inside town and s
1942 BRUNENSIA Off. listing Brno streets, inside town and suburb, according to status to 15. October 1942, issued by town Brno, Czech-German variety; very fine
Starting price: CZK
131449 - 1921-23 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS   Šteidler and team of authors
1921-23 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Šteidler and team of authors: Return Czechosl. legions around the world home, 2. issue, issued Monument Off. of Resistance, Prague, introductory text and 229 photos with description, map shift, original binding, good condition; Kolektiv: Czechoslovak legion in France 1914–1918, painter's documents, issued Monument Off. of Resistance, Prague, 99 paintings, prologue and listing paintings, have/has signs of usage, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
130415 - 1918 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS  Emanuel Moravec: Samostříly, is
1918 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Emanuel Moravec: Samostříly, issued Odbočka Czechoslovak national council/court in Russia, Yekaterinburg, 24 page., pocket format; manual about/by light kulometech (= samostříly) Lewis and Chauchat, author was/were legionnaire, later minister in/at Bohemian and Moravian government, in y 1945 spáchal sebevraždu; citace from televizního pořadu Historie.cs: ... absolutely unique and probably his the first issued work are "Samostříly", issued else/yet in Russia 1918 ...
Starting price: CZK
129421 - 1902 EX LIBRIS Bernhard Wenig, Verlag Fischer & Franke, coll
1902 EX LIBRIS Bernhard Wenig, Verlag Fischer & Franke, collection 59 reproduction exlibris, author WENIG Bernhard (1871–1936), only 500 pcs of copies/imprints, rare book, very fine binding
Starting price: CZK
128265 - 1945 HITORIE  Collection of Laws and Regulations from  year
1945 HITORIE Collection of Laws and Regulations from year 1945, original binding, contains legal normy from end Protectorate and start other republic, incl. repetitorií, inserted also view of právních předpisů, only light loose binding, otherwise very well preserved
Starting price: CZK
130566 - 1926 JUDAICA  Machsor (מחזור),
1926 JUDAICA Machsor (מחזור), Festgebete der Israeliten von S. G. Stern, II. part, issued in Vienna, 180 page., modlitební book for various feast days, German - Hebrew text, damaged binding
Starting price: CZK
129422 - 1939 AVIATION  Illustrierter Beobachter, Flugzeug macht Gesc
1939 AVIATION Illustrierter Beobachter, Flugzeug macht Geschichte (history), Verlag Franz Eher Nachfolger München (Munich) 1939, much photos, interesting text; only damaged envelope, otherwise very fine
Starting price: CZK
129647 - 1925-26 AVIATION  Field Order air forces, 2 parts - air forc
1925-26 AVIATION Field Order air forces, 2 parts - air forces fighter and air forces bombing, as official regulations military force issued by War Office, formats narrower A5, hard folder, 45 and 93 sides, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
129886 - 1942 MILITARIA  Die Wehrmacht, No. 3, January 1942, journal
1942 MILITARIA Die Wehrmacht, No. 3, January 1942, journal published vrchním headquarters
Starting price: CZK
130376 - 1941 MILITARIA  Stadtdurchfahrtpläne England (ohne (without
1941 MILITARIA Stadtdurchfahrtpläne England (ohne (without) London), issued Generalstab des Heeres, Berlin, map/-s English towns determined for soldiers Wehrmacht for better orientaci in the place, 162 page., bound in hard cover, rare
Starting price: CZK
130413 - 1930 SCOUTING  Archery (lukostřelba), Boy Scouts of America
1930 SCOUTING Archery (lukostřelba), Boy Scouts of America, New York, manual American of scouts for gaining badge lukostřelby, picture nášivky on envelope; 30 page., printings, good condition
Starting price: CZK
131451 - 1907-48 SOKOL  comp. 2 pcs of bulletins, Pátý Sokol festiv
1907-48 SOKOL comp. 2 pcs of bulletins, Pátý Sokol festival in Prague in days 28.–30. June and 1. July, redakcí J. Scheinera; Lví silou, pocta and dík Sokol community, issued Máj, Prague, 172 page., torn original cover
Starting price: CZK
129894 - 1915-29 ART  Die Kunst, year/volume 16, notebook 10, year/vo
1915-29 ART Die Kunst, year/volume 16, notebook 10, year/volume 27, number 1-12, year/volume 28 and 29, number 1-9, issued F. Bruckmann, Münchem; good condition
Starting price: CZK
129893 - 1909-12 ART  Exlibris, Buchkunst and angewandte Graphik, ann
1909-12 ART Exlibris, Buchkunst and angewandte Graphik, annual volumes 19-21, notebooks 1-4, year/volume 22, notebook 1, issued Exlibris-Verein Berlin, unbound, good condition, extraordinary offer
Starting price: CZK
129891 - 1903 ART  Oelgemalde alter Meister, gallery Helbing, Münche
1903 ART Oelgemalde alter Meister, gallery Helbing, München (Munich), malby old mistrů, auction catalogue, much paintings, format 26x35cm; light damaged envelope
Starting price: CZK
129892 - 1904-12 ART  Austrian Exlibris-Gesellschaft, annual volumes
1904-12 ART Austrian Exlibris-Gesellschaft, annual volumes II, VII and X, within self-publishing, unbound, 1x damaged envelope
Starting price: CZK
129890 - 1902 ART  Sammlung (collection)/ Albert Grossmann/ Brombach,
1902 ART Sammlung (collection)/ Albert Grossmann/ Brombach, gallery Helbing, München (Munich), malby old mistrů, auction catalogue, much paintings, format 27x36cm; good condition
Starting price: CZK
131178 - 1900? FUN AND LEARNING  Kolumbus-Eier, Eine Sammlung (collec
1900? FUN AND LEARNING Kolumbus-Eier, Eine Sammlung (collection) unterhaltender and belehrender physikalischer Spielereien, Hrsg. von der Redaktion des Guten Kameraden, 2 volumes, 138+149 illustration, 248+248 page., collection zábavných and poučných hříček from fyziky, very interesting, 1x damaged backbone
Starting price: CZK
127622 - 1950-58 ENCYCLOPEDIA  team of authors: Great Soviet Encyclop
1950-58 ENCYCLOPEDIA team of authors: Great Soviet Encyclopedia (Большая советская энциклопедия - БСЭ), 2. issue, 50 parts and supplemental parts number 51 - USSR (СССР) and number 52 - Alphabetical list (Алфавитный указатель) in 2 books 1950–1960 (total 53 books); contains more than 40 thousand illustration and 2 thousands maps; good condition, general weight 105kg, we advice personal taking-delivery
Starting price: CZK
129401 - 1928 ALEŠ Mikoláš: File 9 paintings in the house former v
1928 ALEŠ Mikoláš: File 9 paintings in the house former vinárny Lewis Masaryk in the house No.. 701-II in Prague, collection photos original paintings from M. Aleš before/(in front of) transferem on/for plátno and zbouráním original buildings, very interesting, stains in/at podložkovém paper
Starting price: CZK
128939 - 1914 BAER, Kasimir Hermann: Der Völkerkrieg; eine Chronik d
1914 BAER, Kasimir Hermann: Der Völkerkrieg; eine Chronik der Ereignisse seit dem 1. Juli 1914, issued Julius Hoffmann, Stuttgart, 320 page., rather good condition
Starting price: CZK
U:O4 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
129896 - 1790 BILLEK Leopold: Sammlung (collection) von Abbildungen u
1790 BILLEK Leopold: Sammlung (collection) von Abbildungen unterschiedlicher Thiere, Wien - Joseph Eder; collection 131 colored spring drawings, copper print, bound, good condition, very nice
Starting price: CZK
128563 - 1932 HESS F.: Batovcův almanac, political calendar Republic
1932 HESS F.: Batovcův almanac, political calendar Republic Czechoslovak on/for přestupný year 1932; laws, council/court, instructions, statistika, schematismus, adresář, year/volume XL, 404 page., good condition
Starting price: CZK
131179 - 1935-37 KALLÁB Karel: Myths castles Moravian and slezských
1935-37 KALLÁB Karel: Myths castles Moravian and slezských, issued M.Hokr in Prague, 39 pcs of ilustrovaných books; nesvázáno, good condition
Starting price: CZK
128602 - 1898 team of authors: Letem Czech světem, half thousands ph
1898 team of authors: Letem Czech světem, half thousands photographic views from Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia and Slovakia, nakladatel: Joseph. R. Vilímek, Prague, Art Nouveau binding, author Alfons Mucha, very fine
Starting price: CZK
128561 - 1911 team of authors: Slovak čítanka, issued Moravsko-slez
1911 team of authors: Slovak čítanka, issued Moravsko-slezská forum, Prague, 522 page. common part, 134 page. cestopisná part, picture insert, map/-s etc.., good condition
Starting price: CZK
129940 - 1893 LUDVÍK Emil: Our new money/ crown and haléř, páté
1893 LUDVÍK Emil: Our new money/ crown and haléř, páté nezměněné issue, issued Vilímek, Prague, 32 page., interesting publication
Starting price: CZK
130379 - 1848 MAMMERT, KAŠKA: Poučná book for National gardu about
1848 MAMMERT, KAŠKA: Poučná book for National gardu about/by military service, within self-publishing, Prague, 70 page., pocket format, loose binding, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
129423 - 1930 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), color illustration in/at ad
1930 MUCHA Alfons (1860–1939), color illustration in/at advertising brožuře "Slavia starostlivým matkám", author text MD. F. Luska, within self-publishing Bank Slavia, good condition
Starting price: CZK
128938 - 1881 SMOLLE L.: Die Markgrafschaft Moravia, issued Carl Grae
1881 SMOLLE L.: Die Markgrafschaft Moravia, issued Carl Graeser, Wien, 156 page., rather good condition
Starting price: CZK
128268 - 1941 MAGAZINE  Bohemia and Moravia, bounded journal publishe
1941 MAGAZINE Bohemia and Moravia, bounded journal published below patronací empire protector K. H. Franka, 2.ročník, in German, much photos and interesting articles
Starting price: CZK
128607 - 1894 MAGAZINE  Nové illustrované sheets, Brno–Praha, yea
1894 MAGAZINE Nové illustrované sheets, Brno–Praha, year/volume 1894, bounded in hard cover; povídky, jokes, fashion and oths., overall good condition
Starting price: CZK
129540 - 1926 MAGAZINE  Trh on/for car AUTO-MARKT, year/volume XIV, n
1926 MAGAZINE Trh on/for car AUTO-MARKT, year/volume XIV, number 2, photo, schemes, text, advertising; good condition
Starting price: CZK
127503 - 1933-44 MAGAZINE  Náš friend, selection newspapers, newspa
1933-44 MAGAZINE Náš friend, selection newspapers, newspaper stamps, various franking, good condition
Starting price: CZK