Mail Auction 35 / Collections

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137394 - 1918-37 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 27 pcs of dispatch-notes
1918-37 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 27 pcs of dispatch-notes and parcel dispatch card segments, forerunner and parallel franking, interesting postmarks, abroad etc..; it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
137395 - 1918-37 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 29 pcs of dispatch-notes
1918-37 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 29 pcs of dispatch-notes and parcel dispatch card segments, forerunner and parallel franking, interesting postmarks, to abroad etc..; it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
137357 - 1918 [COLLECTIONS]  specialized collection issue Hradčany,
1918 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection issue Hradčany, also with duplication, placed in 6 albums, all in cardboard box, various perf, color, postmark, plate variety, perfins, blocks etc.. a lot of of material, some better pieces, unexamined on/for types and bar; total 14kg of material
Starting price: CZK
136965 - 1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS]  collection in album, by estimation
1918-1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection in album, by estimation 2200 pcs of plate variety on stmp Hradčany, imperforated also perforated and Red Cross 1920 (complete set plate variety), all described, i.a. pairs and blocks of four, interesting research material
Starting price: CZK
136372 -  [COLLECTIONS]  Pof.7, 15h bricky red, complete reconstructi
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.7, 15h bricky red, complete reconstruction of plate 1-6, pos. marked on reverse, on 3 stock-sheets, plate 1-2 - imperforated, plate 3-6 - perf undefined (+ blocks of four); very interesting
Starting price: CZK
136969 - 1918 [COLLECTIONS]  specialized selection of several set pie
1918 [COLLECTIONS] specialized selection of several set pieces with private perf and perforation, varieties perf described, some atypical, several sets marked as ministry perf 11½;, 10½;, 13¾;, suitable for other examining and elaboration, ex. Mahr
Starting price: CZK
136970 - 1918 [COLLECTIONS]  collection plate proofs, 22 pcs of black
1918 [COLLECTIONS] collection plate proofs, 22 pcs of black-prints on chalky paper (3x pair), 50 single prints on color paper and 220 maculature prints with much blocks of four
Starting price: CZK
136070 - 1918-20 [COLLECTIONS]  collection ca. 1700 pcs of various po
1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 1700 pcs of various postmarks on issue Hradčany, part on cut-squares, about 10% single circle cancels, train post and railway station mailbox pmk., placed in two 32-sheet stockbooks, nice
Starting price: CZK
136068 - 1918-20 [COLLECTIONS]  collection ca. 2400 pcs of various po
1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 2400 pcs of various postmarks on issue Hradčany, part on cut-squares, about 10-15% single circle cancels, placed on album sheets in spring folder, nice
Starting price: CZK
136971 - 1918-20 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 200 pcs of stamps a
1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 200 pcs of stamps and cut-squares with chosen Czech and Slovak (Hungarian) postmarks, single-circle, bicircular broken out cancel., small post offices etc..
Starting price: CZK
135071 - 1918-20 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of ca. 200 pcs of letters and 3
1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 200 pcs of letters and 300 pcs of cuts, nice frankings - Hradčany, parallel franking, nice postmarks and oths., interesting
Starting price: CZK
136567 - 1919-20 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 35 pcs of entires with H
1919-20 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 35 pcs of entires with Hradčany franking, interesting postmarks
Starting price: CZK
136972 - 1919-20 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of Hradcany-issue entires,
1919-20 [COLLECTIONS] selection of Hradcany-issue entires, 75 pcs of cuts from dispatch-notes, then 25 pcs of letters, dispatch-note and uprated PC, i.a. abroad 3x as Reg letter or Registered and Express letter
Starting price: CZK
134454 - 1918-22 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of more than 400 pcs of par
1918-22 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 400 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments, from that 9x provisional porto, placed in flat box, nice, allegedly unsorted
Starting price: CZK
137898 - 1920 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps issue Pigeon-issue,
1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps issue Pigeon-issue, Liberated Republic, Hussite-issue, placed on 75 unbound album pages, more/larger specialized collection with lot of PLATE PROOF, these also in blocks of four and pairs with control-numbers, i.a. issue Chainbreaker I. design, then unissued stmp, perf, color, blocks, thin also wide TB, several entires, high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
137899 - 1920 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps issue issue Agricul
1920 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps issue issue Agriculture and Science and Surtax stmp Red Cross, placed on 28 unbound album pages, collection incl. PLATE PROOF, black prints also color, then perf, plate variety, blocks of four, cuts dispatch-notes etc..
Starting price: CZK
137893 - 1923 [COLLECTIONS]  small specialized selection of on 9 albu
1923 [COLLECTIONS] small specialized selection of on 9 album pages, types, line perforation, comb perforation, marginal pieces, color, cat. min. 2100CZK
Starting price: CZK
137890 -  1926 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps issues Country and
1926 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps issues Country and Tatras, placed on 25 unbound album pages, i.a. mint never hinged blk-of-10 Pof.213, Strahov, sbíráno according to wmk, Tatras set, several bloks of four, plate number etc.., in addition PT9, Karlštejn (castle) 1974
Starting price: CZK
137895 - 1926-30 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps placed on/for 48
1926-30 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps placed on/for 48 unbound album pages, mainly from period of Jubilee 1928 to Masaryk 1930, i.a. St. Wenceslaus with plate number, highest values issue Landscape 1926 with plate number, blocks of four Pof.254-255, 80 years T. G. Masaryk blocks of four with plate number, upper coupons and oths.
Starting price: CZK
136964 - 1928-38 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection of plate numbers and
1928-38 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of plate numbers and coupons, in 8-sheet stockbook, contains i.a. Anthem-issue, Arras, Legion, For Children-issue, Towns and oths. c.v.. 6100CZK, profitable price
Starting price: CZK
137884 - 1932-38 [COLLECTIONS]  complete collection on album sheets i
1932-38 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection on album sheets in spiral folder, contains all coupons, then plate number, parts of sheets, blocks of four, gutter-pair Landscape, incl. Newspaper, 7 pcs of miniature sheets 1937 etc., higher catalogue, profitable price
Starting price: CZK
135096 - 1937-38 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 75 pcs of miniature shee
1937-38 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 75 pcs of miniature sheets Bratislava 1937, 12 pcs of miniature sheets Praga 38, also with souvenir sheets Allegory and T. G. Masaryk; research material, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
137896 - 1930 [COLLECTIONS]  smaller specialized selection of III. ai
1930 [COLLECTIONS] smaller specialized selection of III. air-mail issue, perf, color, plate number, blocks of four etc.., then 15 pcs of Let-lístků and letters, i.a. to Netherlands, Italy, Germany, first flight Brussels, Klagenfurt, Prague Uzhhorod, Moscow (6x), also with in addition 6 pcs of airmail letters to Bombay 1947
Starting price: CZK
136389 -  [COLLECTIONS]  Pof.L7-14, III. air-mail issue, comp. of sta
[COLLECTIONS] Pof.L7-14, III. air-mail issue, comp. of stamps and blocks, various perf and shades, c.v.. ca. 5500CZK
Starting price: CZK
137892 - 1918 [COLLECTIONS]  NEWSPAPER PROVISIONAL  small selection o
1918 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER PROVISIONAL small selection of on 3 album pages, i.a. Pofis. NN17IIPL, NN18, 2 stamps on/for newspaper stripe, NN3B on/for newspaper stripe
Starting price: CZK
135692 - 1919 [COLLECTIONS]  Postage due stmp - ornament, Definitive
1919 [COLLECTIONS] Postage due stmp - ornament, Definitive issue; collection of stamps on 7 album pages and paper slip A6, cat. over 3000CZK
Starting price: CZK
135691 - 1922-26 [COLLECTIONS]  to exhaustion-issue - Hradčany, Post
1922-26 [COLLECTIONS] to exhaustion-issue - Hradčany, Postage due stmp, Agriculture and science, Liberated Republic; collection of stamps on 9 album pages and paper slip A6, c.v.. 3900CZK
Starting price: CZK
135772 - 1919-38 [COLLECTIONS]  nice collection refused designes, pla
1919-38 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection refused designes, placed on 31 pages Lindner in spiral stockbook in protective box, contains i.a. tiskárnu Haas, joined printings, plate proofs, parts of sheets, various papers, authors, motives and oths., we advice
Starting price: CZK
134346 - 1900-35 [COLLECTIONS]  Czechoslovakia I., AUSTRIA, GERMANY,
1900-35 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia I., AUSTRIA, GERMANY, GREAT BRITAIN selection of more than 780 pcs of perfins, in 8-sheet stockbook A4, interesting
Starting price: CZK
136576 - 1919-20 [COLLECTIONS]  SLOVAKIA, SILESIA  comp. 13 pcs of Pp
1919-20 [COLLECTIONS] SLOVAKIA, SILESIA comp. 13 pcs of Ppc with military unit postmarks, i.a. Czechosl. navy, Italian postmark and CDS NOVÉ ZÁMKY, CDS DĚHYLOV/ 18.X.19 (relation to Hlucin Region); standard quality
Starting price: CZK
135047 - 1930-80 [COLLECTIONS]  SLOVAKIA / BRATISLAVA  collection mor
1930-80 [COLLECTIONS] SLOVAKIA / BRATISLAVA collection more than 200 pcs of entires franked by meter stmp., all Bratislava's firm, incl. postwar, placed in box
Starting price: CZK
135077 - 1920-50 [COLLECTIONS]  selection 400 pcs of entires with spe
1920-50 [COLLECTIONS] selection 400 pcs of entires with special postmark (hand-made also machine postmark); placed in box, nice
Starting price: CZK
135766 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  ucelená collection of stamps CZECHOS
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] ucelená collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 with partial specialisation, on hingeless album sheets in 2 ring folders, contains i.a. Hradčany - imperforated also perforated, bar types, gutter; Legionaire - imperforated stamp., blocks of four with additional-printing; POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 incl. Pp, i.a. Pof.36Pp, unissued stmp Mercure R, Reaper - white numerals 15f, Parliament 5 Koruna with certificate etc..; Masaryk 1920 incl. imperforated stmp., letterpress issue, coupons, Airmail, Postage due stmp, SO1920 (overprint), Military and oths.; cat. min. 175.000Kč, good quality, mainly mint never hinged; very good base for creation important collection, suitable for continuation; we advice!
Starting price: CZK
134082 - 1918-37 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1
1918-37 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 on album sheets in spring folder, contains i.a. Pof.6N, 9N and 13N (all expertized), unfolded gutter 3M, Hradčany - various perf, Masaryk, Festival - wmk, Praha–Tatry, Airmail L1-L3 expertized Gilbert, SO1920 (overprint) and oths., cat. over 30.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
135776 - 1919 [COLLECTIONS]  FORGERIES  selection of 160 pcs of forge
1919 [COLLECTIONS] FORGERIES selection of 160 pcs of forgeries, mainly overprint POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, i.a. 6h orange, black Opt, 10K, FLUGPOST, Postage due stmp - big numerals 30h, - small numerals 50h, Parliament 10K, overprints VZOREC, SO1920 (overprint), ЧЕШСКЯ ПОЧТА and oths., only for study purposes
Starting price: CZK
136809 - 1920 [COLLECTIONS]  ministry gift album with mounted stažen
1920 [COLLECTIONS] ministry gift album with mounted staženými also valid stamps, i.a. better Hradčany, Airmail, Masaryk ultramarine etc.., přiložené visit card/-s ministerial council/court O. Růžičky and director post J. Zábrodského, collector's curiosity
Starting price: CZK
135768 - 1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS]  larger quantity of rozmanitého stu
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] larger quantity of rozmanitého study of material, especially issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Liberated Republic, Masaryk and oths., tabularly sorted and placed in four 32-sheet stockbooks; nice
Starting price: CZK
136977 - 1918-1971 [COLLECTIONS]  CZECHOSLOVAKIA  collection of stamp
1918-1971 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA collection of stamps in 2 albums Schaubek (old, very decorative, min. 300 sheets), contains Hradčany, plate variety, private perforation, a lot of of material, all described, then Airmail (1x PLATE PROOF 28Kč/20h), Congress, Festival, Masaryk and Tatras according to wmk, set Protectorate, London MS, also with CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 with overprints Rumburk, Ústí 45, used Partisan MS, coupons, "linen", Flights to space 63 according to types, PB, Art I. etc.. etc..
Starting price: CZK
134791 - 1918-38 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-3
1918-38 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in 8-sheet stockbook, i.a. Scout, Anthem-issue, Hradčany 3h gutter, "broken branch", coupons, addition stamps BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, interesting
Starting price: CZK
136096 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  partial collection stamp. CZECHOSLOVA
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] partial collection stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 on album sheets in spring folder, suitable for continuation
Starting price: CZK
136333 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  unorganised collection of stamps CZEC
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] unorganised collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in 3 stockbooks and on album sheets in screw folder, contains i.a. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Pof.115 as blk-of-4, Airmail - various perf and oths.
Starting price: CZK
131103 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of stamps Czechoslovakia I., pa
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps Czechoslovakia I., part on album sheets Leuchtturm in spiral stockbook, in 24-sheet stockbook and on stock-sheet, contains i.a. Pof.49I. 50II, 105a, 101-110, 164-169, L1-3, L4-6, SO5, SO23a and oths., total 4kg of material
Starting price: CZK
134133 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  semifinished collection Czechoslovaki
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished collection Czechoslovakia I., placed in 2 stockbooks and on album sheets in spring folder, also with album sheets Schaubek in 2 spring folder - Un, all in cardboard box, total 9kg of material
Starting price: CZK
134825 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  collection unused stamps Czechoslovak
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] collection unused stamps Czechoslovakia I., collection postmarked stamps and duplication, placed on album sheets in 2 spring folder and stockbook, c.v.. ca. 7000CZK
Starting price: CZK
134344 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  big selection of unstuck stamps in/at
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] big selection of unstuck stamps in/at envelopes, Hradčany, issue Chainbreaker, Pigeon-issue and oths., also with addition BOHEMIA-MORAVIA and abroad, all in cardboard box, total 3kg of material
Starting price: CZK
137908 - 1918-45 [COLLECTIONS]  Czechoslovakia I., SLOVAKIA  interest
1918-45 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia I., SLOVAKIA interesting selection, i.a. SO1920 (overprint) - accumulation, parts of sheets, Revolutionary overprints, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, lot of and blocks, Hradčany incl. forgeries, Airmail, SLOVAKIA larger comp. with overprints, blocks of four; original estate on free album sheets, in folder and stockbook, all in cardboard box, suitable to other elaboration
Starting price: CZK
137883 - 1919-54 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1
1919-54 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 on album sheets in spiral stockbook, contains i.a. Postage due stmp, SO 1920, also with in addition Postage due stmp CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92, blocks of four, some better values i.a. DL41 as blk-of-4 mint never hinged etc.., several entires
Starting price: CZK
134077 - 1920-38 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 140 pcs of corner blk-of
1920-38 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 140 pcs of corner blk-of-4 and pieces with plate mark stamp. Czechoslovakia I., placed in stockbook A5, also with several miniature sheets Bratislava 1937 and Praga 1938
Starting price: CZK
137808 - 1929-39 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of stamps Czechoslovakia I., bl
1929-39 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps Czechoslovakia I., blocks and whole sheets, i.a. Newspaper stamps 37 comp. 11 pcs of kopletních sheets, issue Coat of arms, Beneš, Legion all other only parts of sheets and blocks; torn in perforation
Starting price: CZK
134195 - 1890-1950 [COLLECTIONS]  larger comp. ca. 1500 pcs of entire
1890-1950 [COLLECTIONS] larger comp. ca. 1500 pcs of entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in/at one box, contains mainly common and commercial correspondence from period of Czechoslovakia I., then BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, Slovak Rep., CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., Germany and Austria Hungary and other, very letters Us German censorship in time WWII etc.., total 6,5kg of material it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
135094 - 1901-39 [COLLECTIONS]  SILESIA, TESCHEN SILESIA  selection 7
1901-39 [COLLECTIONS] SILESIA, TESCHEN SILESIA selection 70 pcs of entires, cut-squares and stamps in relation to region, viewing of quality recommended
Starting price: CZK
134452 - 1918-30 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 140 pcs of letters
1918-30 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 140 pcs of letters and cut-squares, from that 60 pcs of entires with franking Hradčany, contains forerunner, parallel, mixed franking, Airmail, surtax, commemorative postmarks and oths., placed in flat box, very nice, suitable for next elaboration
Starting price: CZK
137388 - 1918-38 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 26 pcs of dispatch-notes
1918-38 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 26 pcs of dispatch-notes, parcel dispatch card segments and p.stat with franking Hradčany, Pigeon-issue, Coat of arms and oths., interesting postmarks, postal labels and oths.
Starting price: CZK
137804 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]   collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires, contains issue as Hradčany, issue Agriculture and Science, T. G. Masaryk, part as Registered, Ex, Carpathian Ruthenia CDS TARNOVO, Poštovny, surtax etc.., interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
135075 - 1918-39 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of ca. 300 pcs of letters
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 300 pcs of letters and cut-squares, interesting frankings, placed in box
Starting price: CZK
1920-70 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA., EUROPE, OVERSEAS selection of of material CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 - 20. and 30. years, blocks of four, plate number, forgeries in folder, old Europe, cheaper overseas, much entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 - FDC, postal stationery cover, CDV, sheets Brno 74, motive Cosmos and oths.; a lot of of material, from estate, unworked, placed in box, total 11kg of material
Starting price: CZK
136204 - 1921-37 [COLLECTIONS]  parie 22 pcs of entires CZECHOSLOVAKI
1921-37 [COLLECTIONS] parie 22 pcs of entires CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 with interesting frankings, i.a. bisected stamps and oths., various condition
Starting price: CZK
135073 - 1925-35 [COLLECTIONS]  selection 200 pcs of entires from Slo
1925-35 [COLLECTIONS] selection 200 pcs of entires from Slovak territory, i.a. Postage due stmp and Newspaper stamps, placed in flat box
Starting price: CZK
136098 - 1930-50 [COLLECTIONS]  CZECHOSLOVAKIA., SLOVAKIA  comp. of c
1930-50 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA., SLOVAKIA comp. of ca. 200 pcs of commemorative sheets, envelopes and philatelic souvenirs
Starting price: CZK
136846 - 1938 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 23 pcs of pictorial post ca
1938 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 23 pcs of pictorial post cards Beneš, CDV72, contains number 1, 7, 13, 17, 20, 26, 32, 34, 37, 39, 49, 53, 71, 72, 73, 75, 81, 92, 113, 143, 157, 216, 220; part slightly wrinkled margins, c.v.. ca. 3000CZK
Starting price: CZK