1918-60[COLLECTIONS] basic incomplete basic collection Czechoslovakia I., contains basic letterpress set mostly clear hinged and as well used - c.v.. ca. 5000CZK, supplemented with basic general collection Slovak Rep. 1939-45, without overprint issue - c.v.. ca. 1300Sk, then smaller incomplete collection CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., combination used stamp. and miniature sheets with clear stamp. - c.v.. ca. 3000CZK, all in screw folder on Austrian pages, supplemented with 1 stockbook A4, total catalogue ca. 9000CZK, very profitable offer!
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 78 pcs of airmail entires, mostly first flights Bratislava–Prešov and back, various franking, censorship, interesting
1943-92[COLLECTIONS] big collection of stamps, miniature sheets and PB in 7 32-sheet stockbooks, also with old FDC Us to Vienna, contains i.a. London MS, revolutionary overprints 45, stamps initially hinged, later mint never hinged, a lot of bloks of four, Košice gutter, i.a. "broken paw", coupons, all souvenir sheets incl. Zápotocký II., PB, types, etc.., then lot of postal stationery cover (!) , PC etc.., all in cardboard box, total 19kg of material, very high catalogue value
1948GOTTWALD Clement (1896–1953), Czechoslovak communist politician; signature on pre-printing invitation card on/for svatbuGottwaldová–Čepička, incl. R-obálky; very fine
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] unorganised collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 in 3 stockbooks and on album sheets in screw folder, contains i.a. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Pof.115 as blk-of-4, Airmail - various perf and oths.
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished collection Czechoslovakia I., placed in 2 stockbooks and on album sheets in spring folder, also with album sheets Schaubek in 2 spring folder - Un, all in cardboard box, total 9kg of material
1927-49[COLLECTIONS] BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, GERMANY collection of ca. more than 250 pcs of entires, contains interesting item/-s as Dienstpost PRAGUE and MLADÁ BOLESLAV, R, Ex, official postage-due, mixed frankings, from Germany very FP, Sudetenland, occupied Germany etc.., all in box with lid, interesting item noteworthy after/behind prohlídnutí, offered after/behind fragment skutečné values
1945-80 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, screensheets and MS in 2 big stockbooks, contains i.a. Kozina VK-5, St. Adalbert., Airmail with coupons, black prints, blk-of-10 etc.., suitable for next elaboration
1945-92 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of stamps, miniature sheets and PB, placed in 6 stockbooks, total 9kg of material, blocks of four and parts of sheets, mainly mint never hinged, addition postmarked stamps, c.v.. 22.000CZK
1860-1960 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE big comp. of stamps, addition overseas, partly classical stamps, placed in stockbooks, all in cardboard box, total 22kg of material
1860-1980 [COLLECTIONS] EUROPE comp. of stamps various stamp countries, i.a. BOHEMIA-MORAVIA (Pof.78-99, Postage due stmp - detached gutter, mint never hinged), Slovakia (gutter Tiso), CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92, Turkey (partly classical stamps), Bosnia and Herzegovina (also higher values), Albania (i.a. mint never hinged Sport), Sweden, Spain (partly classical stamps), Hungary (i.a. mint never hinged Sport), France (i.a. mint never hinged Art 1964-70), Greece and oths., all in cardboard box, total 25kg of material
1840-1940[COLLECTIONS] very old selection Europe, placed on album sheets in spiral stockbook, incl. various classical stamp, some better, in addition several pieces from North America, various quality, evidentně very high catalogue value, suitable for next elaboration
CLEARENCE - PHILATELIC TOOLS selection of various tools, estate of dealer, contains 4x UV-lampu, 2x lupu with lighting, lupu Prinz, 9x folding lupu, 3x hodinářskoulupu, 3x pocket stockbook LEUCHTTURM, paper zoubkoměry and Etalonschablone, 3x special gauge for stamps and postmark, adhesive šipky and stockbook cards, all Un, very profitable
1918[COLLECTIONS] specialized collection issue Hradčany, also with duplication, placed in 6 albums, all in cardboard box, various perf, color, postmark, plate variety, perfins, blocks etc.. a lot of of material, some better pieces, unexamined on/for types and bar; total 14kg of material
Pof.131, Postage due stmp - red numerals 1f, IV. type, well centered stamp. also overprint, quite lightly hinged., on reverse 2 owner's mark, exp. Möbs, c.v.. 3000CZK
Pof.170Na + 171Na, 40h and 60h Hradčany, imperforated, without added print, officially unissued, mint never hinged, both exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 2000CZK
1930PLATE PROOF Pof.260ZT, Masaryk 1CZK, print original gravure, bělený basis, dark violet color, stronger paper without gum, signature of author and engraver K.Seizingera, well preserved, cat. min. 3500CZK
1918-1939 [COLLECTIONS] larger quantity of rozmanitého study of material, especially issue Hradčany, POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919, Liberated Republic, Masaryk and oths., tabularly sorted and placed in four 32-sheet stockbooks; nice
1918-1971 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA collection of stamps in 2 albums Schaubek (old, very decorative, min. 300 sheets), contains Hradčany, plate variety, private perforation, a lot of of material, all described, then Airmail (1x PLATE PROOF 28Kč/20h), Congress, Festival, Masaryk and Tatras according to wmk, set Protectorate, London MS, also with CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 with overprints Rumburk, Ústí 45, used Partisan MS, coupons, "linen", Flights to space 63 according to types, PB, Art I. etc.. etc..
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] collection unused stamps Czechoslovakia I., collection postmarked stamps and duplication, placed on album sheets in 2 spring folder and stockbook, c.v.. ca. 7000CZK
1921CDV9, inland Us double international post card with stamp. Hradčany 10h uprated to IV. postal rate 3 pcs of stamp. 10h Pigeon-issue from that 1x wide opposite facing pair (!) Pof.146TBb anyway on/for both works, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 16.XII.21 on/for reply CDS PÍSEK/ 19.X.21, rare
1939[COLLECTIONS] Pof.1-19, overprint set in blocks of four, all with plate number 1+1A (ev.3, 3A, 4, 4A), to full set missing pět bloks of four variants width bottom margins, otherwise basic set contains all values, larger part bloks of four have/has in lower margin thin/light oily stains hinged (stamps isn't in contact with), several small flaws in gum, otherwise good quality, several stamps expertized, big formats without certification, only values 4 Koruna + 10K with commercial mark Havlas, c.v.. ca. 42.000CZK, profitable offer
1943Reg letter with C.O.D., with Alb.54 (7x), CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 26.8.43, on reverse commercial label Adamfila, without arrival postmark, envelope with wrinkled, rare multiple franking, it is worth noting
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps and sets, Overprint issue only to values 3CZK, miniature sheet For Children-issue, Postage due stmp and oths., in 12-sheet stockbook
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 150 pcs of entires, cut-squares, commemorative sheets with special postmark, also mobile post office on a bus and oths.
Pof.354-356Mx(16), Košice-issue - large crosses, mint never hinged (!), value 2 Koruna with flaw gum in margin out of stmp., value 6 Koruna fold in LL corner, c.v.. 18.000CZK
1977-92 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 135 pcs of stamp booklets, 56x official issue, 72x unofficial issue, some booklets 2x; placed in box from bonbonniere
1961unofficial (?) FDC, unannounced envelope franked with. miniature sheet Pof.A1216, 2x special postmark PRAGUE/ 18.XII.1961/ FIRST DAY ISSUE/ PRAGA 1962, postally Un, format envelope/-s 227 x 162mm, blue and red additional printing on envelope, sound condition, definitely interesting, catalogues don't report
1945-78[COLLECTIONS] big collection of stamps, miniature sheets and PB in/at 19 objemných albums and one stockbook, all also several times and superb, i.a. Košice-issue gutter, May II, blocks of four and blocks of 6, coupons, Art, Zápotocký II. - mint never hinged, 3x Praga 55A+B, lot of PB, types etc.., in addition various entires and FDC, censorship, abroad etc..; originates from big estate, in no way unworked what to special types, plate variety etc..; placed in 2 carton boxes, total 62kg of material
1945-92 [COLLECTIONS] wide unorganised collection of stamps, p.stat and entires, placed in 12 stockbooks, incomplete annual volumes 1967-82 detached/free in/at envelopes, contains basic stamps, coupons, various blocks of four, souvenir sheets and PB, PC Un also used, FDC, first day sheets, lot of first flight, commemorative postmarks, etc.., three Un pre-printed album/-s on/for Czechoslovakia from year 1945 in spring folder, all in big cardboard box, total ca. 50kg of material, only personal taking-delivery!!
1993-2003[COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps with duplication, placed in 5 stockbooks and on album sheets 1999-2003 (from that 1x in spring folder), annual volume of Czech Post 2000, Contemporary Art and oths., face-value 26.500Kč, also with 47 pcs of black-prints and commemorative sheets; all in cardboard box, total 13kg of material