Mail Auction 35 / Collector`s Literature

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137911 - 2007 CATALOGUES  Beneš and team of authors: catalogue ČESK
2007 CATALOGUES Beneš and team of authors: catalogue ČESKOSLOVENSKO 1918–1939, special manual for stamps collectors, POFIS, s.r.o., Prague, 232 page., as new
Starting price: CZK
134820 - 2000 CATALOGUES  Beneš Fr.: Protectorate Bohemia and Moravi
2000 CATALOGUES Beneš Fr.: Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia, issue 2000, new, Un, sought catalogue, after/around rozebrání printing nedostupný
Starting price: CZK
134108 - 196 Beneš, Tošnerová: Post in ghetto Terezín 1941–1945
196 Beneš, Tošnerová: Post in ghetto Terezín 1941–1945, issued PROFIL, Prague, 343 sides, perfect condition, in protective box, without insert
Starting price: CZK
135305 - 1968 Kvasnička, Kubát: Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 1. pa
1968 Kvasnička, Kubát: Monograph of Czechosl. stamps 1. part, without cover, preserved
Starting price: CZK
134085 - 1975-2002 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 3., 4., 5., 13., 14
1975-2002 Monograph of Czechosl. stamps, 3., 4., 5., 13., 14., 17. (pack I. and II.) and 20. part; good condition
Starting price: CZK
135030 - 1935-82 comp. of 7 expert publications: Kaufmann: Slovak Rep
1935-82 comp. of 7 expert publications: Kaufmann: Slovak Rep. (stamp catalogue of - Overprint issue); Novotný: Special catalogue 1949; Karásek: Hradčany; Grác: O olomouckých stmp; Herout and kol.: Co is what in philately; Hirsch-Franěk: Czechoslovak stamps; LIPSIA, Philatelic color scale tables
Starting price: CZK
135029 - 1944-2007 comp. of 7 Slovak populárně-naučných and exper
1944-2007 comp. of 7 Slovak populárně-naučných and expert publications: Földes: Slovakia 1939–1945, stamp catalogue of and p.stat (just new); Šablatúra: Falošné Hradčany, just new); 2x Novotný: catalogues 1944 and 1946; Výkladový dictionary expert postal výrazů, Slovakian - English - French - German (just new); Post pravidlá, Slovak post; Švarc: Filatelia, zbierame post stamps (just new)
Starting price: CZK
137915 - 1951-80 comp. 9 pcs of bulletins, Novotný: Special manual f
1951-80 comp. 9 pcs of bulletins, Novotný: Special manual for collector Czechoslovak stamps; Hirsch: Trial about/by philatelic collections Postal museum; Ptačovský: Stmp Austria 1850-1918; Hirsch, Franěk: Tribuna stamp collectors; Holoubek: Porevoluční postmark; philatelic handbooks No. 10, 22, 30 and 50a (Austria 1850, Austrian post in Levant, Austria 1858-1864, Austria from y. 1908)
Starting price: CZK
136235 - 1910 Jaroslav Lešetický: Philatelic rozpravy, notebooks 8-
1910 Jaroslav Lešetický: Philatelic rozpravy, notebooks 8-10, 12-14, good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
134993 - 1946-57 PHILATELY, special journal, year/volume I-VII., unbo
1946-57 PHILATELY, special journal, year/volume I-VII., unbounded, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
134988 - 1991 MICHEL  Handbuch-Katalog Deutsche Feldpost (Field-Post)
1991 MICHEL Handbuch-Katalog Deutsche Feldpost (Field-Post) 1937-1945, hard cover, in good condition
Starting price: CZK
137912 - 2002 comp. 2 pcs of catalogues MICHEL Übersee-Katalog 5 Wes
2002 comp. 2 pcs of catalogues MICHEL Übersee-Katalog 5 Westafrika 2001/2002, Übersee-Katalog 6 Süd- and Zentralafrika 2002; stamp catalogue of West Africa and stamp catalogue of South and Central Africa; good condition
Starting price: CZK
137913 - 2002-04 comp. 4 pcs of catalogues MICHEL Europa-Katalog 2-4,
2002-04 comp. 4 pcs of catalogues MICHEL Europa-Katalog 2-4, Deutschland-Katalog 2004/2005, good condition
Starting price: CZK
137738 - 2000 AUSTRIA  Ferchenbauer: Österreich (Austria) 1850–191
2000 AUSTRIA Ferchenbauer: Österreich (Austria) 1850–1918, Guide and Special catalogue, within self-publishing, Wien, 1428 page., German text, color pictures, good condition
Starting price: CZK
135027 - 1902 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  Kropf, H.: Die Postwertzeichen (stamps
1902 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Kropf, H.: Die Postwertzeichen (stamps) der Osterr.-ungar. Monarchy, issued Deutscher (German) association für Briefmarkenkunde (philately), Prague; detailed Monograph Austrian also Hungarian stamps and p.stat, have/has signs of usage
Starting price: CZK
137909 - 1967-73 AUSTRIA  Klein, Wilhelm:  DIE POSTALISCHEN ABSTEMPEL
1967-73 AUSTRIA Klein, Wilhelm: DIE POSTALISCHEN ABSTEMPELUNGEN UND ANDERE ENTWERTUNGSARTEN AUF DEN OSTERREICHISCHEN POSTWERTZEICHEN-AUSGABEN 1867, 1883 & 1890, within self-publishing, Wien, 2 volumes, postmarks on issue 1867, 1883 and 1890; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
134987 - 1988 HUNGARY  Ryan, Gary S.: Die Abstempelungen (cancellatio
1988 HUNGARY Ryan, Gary S.: Die Abstempelungen (cancellation) der Ungarischen Postämter auf der Ausgabe von Ungarn 1867-1871, volume I. + II., issued The Royal Philatelic Society London; numbered pack 149, incl. protective box, as new
Starting price: CZK
135028 - 1973-98 HUNGARY  comp. of 3 expert publications: Lelkes, Gy
1973-98 HUNGARY comp. of 3 expert publications: Lelkes, György: Magyar Helységnév-Azonosító Szótár; A Magyar Bélyegek Monográfiája VI.; A Magyar Postahivatalok 1867-1871 Években Használt Hely-Keletbélyegzései
Starting price: CZK
134086 - 1998 KUWAIT  Mohammed Abdul-Hadi Jamal: History of Postal Se
1998 KUWAIT Mohammed Abdul-Hadi Jamal: History of Postal Services in Kuwait, issued Center for Research and Studies on Kuwait; 258 page., good condition
Starting price: CZK

Mail Auction 35 / Collector`s Literature - Information

Sběratelská literatura

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