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1852-67 selection of 40 pcs of stamps, Papal States, Modena, Sardinia, Tuscany, Parma, various quality, mostly but good, profitable, cat. Sassone 7765€ U:A5
1852 letter to Rome with Mi.2; Sas.2B, Papal Emblem 1Baj green-blue, pair, rarer plate 2, "walking line", cat. min. 500€ U:A5
1852 comp. 3 pcs of letters with Mi.2, 3, 4; Sas.2, 3, 4A, Papal Emblem 1Baj, 2Baj and 3Baj, two letters with interesting postmarks LORO (on reverse), COMMACCHIO, the third letter exp. Diena with mark rarer color, c.v.. 1035€ U:A5
1866 folded letter to Marseille with Mi.5, Papal Emblem 4Baj - str-of-5 (!), lozenge pmk, next to CDS ROMA/ 14/SET/66, red CDS E.PONT, on reverse transit pmk., horiz. fold through/over 4 stamp., on reverse hints after sticking in album, certificate Calves, cat. Sassone 30.000€, rare U:DR
1852 Mi.1; Sas.7, Eagle with crown 5C with dot, marginal strip-of-3, superb, c.v.. as single stamps 420€ U:A5
1852 Mi.2; Sas.9, Eagle with crown 10 C with dot, corner stmp, c.v.. 200€ ++ U:A5
1855 Mi.3; Sas.3, unissued newspaper stmp 9C, corner 19-blok, cheap stmp, after all interesting multiple, very fine U:A5
1859 Mi.4; Sas.5, Eagle in circle 10C, Newspaper stamp, Tassa Gazzette, original gum, small thin place lower, c.v.. 1600€ U:A5
1859 Mi.7-11, Coat of arms 5C-80C, nominal complete set, Sas.12, 13 (without gum), 16, 17, 18 (without gum), value 5C exp. Bolaffi, except values 20C all with certificates RPHS London, c.v.. 3832€ U:A5
1859 Mi.7b; Sas.12a, Coat of arms 5c, emerald green, wide margins, photo-certificate Sorani, c.v.. Michel 1.200€, Sasone 2.400€ U:A5
1859 Mi.11; Sas.18, Coat of arms 80C brown-orange, interesting smudged print, without dots after/behind 80, certificate RPHS London, c.v.. 260€ U:A5
1852 comp. 2 pcs of letters to Tuscany with Mi.3, 4; Sas.3, 4, Eagle with crown 15C and 25C, line postmark and CDS CARRARA, perfect condition and wide margins, small format, c.v.. 625€ U:A5
1855 printed matter to Padua with Mi.4II; Sas.4, Eagle with crown 25C, CDS MODENA, blue postmark; wide margins and overall perfect condition, c.v.. 375€ U:A5
1858 Mi.1-7; Sas.1, 3, 5, 8, 11 printing plate No.2, 12, 14, Coat of Arms ½Gr - 50Gr, generálně complete set, stamps 5Gr, 20Gr, 50Gr light places, 50Gr in addition close margin, 10Gr rarer plate (600€) exp. Sorrani, total cat. min. 7400€, profitable U:A5
1853 Mi.6b, Coat of arms 5C, irregular margins, unresolved postmark, overall good, c.v.. 850€ U:A5
1859 Mi.12b, provisory 5C, in margin more/larger thin place (thin place), on reverse brown margin, owner mark, examination recommended, c.v.. 4000€ U:A5
1859 Mi.14, provisory 20C, worse readable postmark, good margins, good condition, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1852 letter to Monzy with Mi.3; Sas.3, Coat of arms 15C, straight line postmark PARMA, superb condition, by hand marked other rate 6c, c.v.. 400€ U:A5
1852-59 [COLLECTIONS] collection 38 pcs of classical stamp, i.a. 3x 40c 1852, 2x 5c 1854, mixed franking 1852 / 1854 on cut-square and very rare newspaper Sass. 2 "small nine" (21.500€), as used stamp. missing in all square known collections, here indeed mainly damaged, quality other stamp. mostly rather supernormal, some damaged pieces excluded from sum, cat. Sassone 19.770€ (+ 21.500€ after/behind newspaper zn.), interesting price U:Z
1859 Mi.1-9; Sas.1-9, Numerals, complete set, very wide margins, all expertized, c.v.. 1500€, cat. Sassone 2500€ U:A5
1859 Mi.6, King Ferdinand II. 20Gr, R cut otherwise good, illegible postmark, overall good condition, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1859 Mi.1-6, King Ferdinand II., values ½Gr - 20Gr, 5 pcs of close margin, c.v.. 2215€ U:A5
1859 letter to Palerma with Mi.2; Sas.6, Ferdinand II. 2Gr blue, CDS GIRGENTI, usual folds out of stmp, otherwise good, wide margins, color etc.., cat. min. 500€ U:A5
1851-57 comp. 14 pcs of cut-squares with stamps the first issue "Lion", in addition 2 + 2Cr issue 1857, various color shades, papers, plate defects, color postmark (1x blue), i.a. rarer CDS BORGO S. LORENZO, multiple franking etc.., included to sum only cheapest variants and types, except one stamps 6Cr all wide margins, extraordinary offer from specialized collection, cat. Sassone min. 6100€ U:A5
1860 Mi.20, 21; Sas.20, 21, Coat of arms 20C and 40C on cut-square with CDS LIVORNO, value 20C in rarer grey shade, wide margins, c.v.. 900€ ++ U:A5
1860 Mi.20, 22; Sas.20, 22, Coat of arms, comp. 2 pcs of stamps 20C and 80C (!), issue provisional governance, both stamps originally patřící to sequence as franking, 20C R close margin, rarer 80C in upper corner close, but overall very wide margins, relatively rare red CDS BAGNI DI LUCCA, exp. Bolaffi, c.v.. 2250€ ++ U:A5
1860 Mi.22, Savoy emblem 80C, inexact margins, worse print CDS, overall good condition, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1851 letter to Naples (Napoli) with Mi.4, 7, 8 2x; Sas.4, 7, 8 2x, Lion 1Cr + 6Cr + 9Cr + 9Cr, CDS LIVORNO, signs of age, fold, probably missing stmp, but also only as tricolour franking on cut-square rare, exp. Diena U:A5
1851 comp. 2 pcs of letters to Modena with Mi.6; Sas.6, Lion 6Cr green, CDS LIVORNO, various shades, paper grey and blue, one letter superb, other letter with patina and hints after sticking on reverse, cat. Sassone min. 2000€ U:A5
1860 letter in the place with Mi.17; Sas.17, pair Coat of arms 1C brownlila, CDS LIVORNO, stamp. L very fine, stamp. R lower damaged corner, cat. Sassone min. 5600€, only as 1 piece on cut-square 1600€ U:A5
1861 letter to Piacenza with Mi.20, Coat of arms 20C blue, CDS LIVORNO, on reverse transit postmarks, damaged on face-side (tearing) U:A5
1863-1951 selection of more than 110 pcs of stamps, mostly used, only 3 Un, classic stamps also with color shades, contains also several better values, for example. Mi.827, good quality, on sheet A4, c.v.. 320€ U:A4
1861-62 comp. 3 pcs of cut-squares and letter with parallel franking (from period of transitional Italian sjednocovacího operation) sardinskými stamps used in/at Toskánsku, Sas.14Ca, 14C 2x, 15E, nice quality, CDS PISA, PONTREMOLI and MONTEPULCIANO, postally - historically favourite period getting nadvlády Victor Emanuel II., cat. Sassone 745€ U:A5
1862 letter to Tuscany with Sardinia Mi.11 2x; Sas.14Cp, Victor Emmanuel II. 10C brown, issue 1861, IITD, used in y 1862 in/at Palermu, small/rare nice letter, exp. Diena, cat. min. 1250€ U:A5
1863 comp. 2 pcs of letters to Marseilles with Sardinia Sas.16Ea, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C light red issue 1862 and Sas.16F, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C red issue 1863, CDS NAPOLI, GENOVA, small formats, very fine, sign. Diena, Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 1860€ U:A5
1863 Tuscan newspaper L'INGENUO sent to Austria, pseudo mixed franking originally str-of-5 (part odtrženo) Sardinian newspaper stmp 1C, Mi.16 in Austria franked with. newspaper stamp. 3 Kreuzer brown, Mi.3, CDS LIVORNO 9.Mar.63, stripped address strip U:A5
1923 Mi.183-185, Fund of the National Militia, complete set, mint never hinged, only at value 30c small fold in paper, otherwise nice, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1941-82 comp. of 15 complete sets and other single values + 4 set Vatican, good quality U:A4
1932-35 comp. 2 pcs of airmail letters to Czechoslovakia I., transit pmk on reverse, very interesting U:A5
1919 DALMATIA PC 10C/10C to Switzerland, uprated with stamp Mi.1-5, overprint issue, CDS ZARA, already from January (!) 1919, decorative U:A5
1929 TRIPOLITANIA Mi.80-85; Sas.81-86, 3. sample fair, cat. Sassone 450€ U:A5
od 1874 [COLLECTIONS] COLONIES, OCCUPIED TERRITORIES collection of stamps on album sheets in spring folder Schaubek, 20. - 30. years, Somalia, Eritrea, Libye, Aegean islands Mi.121, 122, Flight Rome–Chicago, Mi. 141, 176-189, then Trieste and Fiume, much middle values and for collectors popular sets, high catalogue value U:Z
1892-1919 comp. 5 pcs of letter cards from that 2x uprated, supplemented with double PC 5+10c, Mi.P42 addressed to to Austria with mounted decorative advertising label STRESA, good condition, all philatelically motivated, but Us mailing U:A5
1895-1915 LEVANT, ALBANIA, CRETE selection of 16 pcs of philatelically influenced but Us PC, contains 6 pcs of double PC mainly LA CANEA (Crete), from that 1x with uprating overprint stamp., then 10 pcs of single PC from that 4x with overprint ALBANIA or SCUTARI DI ALBANIA and DURAZO, 3 pcs of with overprint LA CANEA (Crete), 2x Levant, 1x pictorial PC with cancel. ALEXANDRIA, various postmark; mainly good condition U:A4
1926-33 ITALY + SPAIN label for zeppelinové flights, corner Pr Italian labels for transpolar flight, in perforation partly detached, on reverse oval cachet; Spanish overprint label (postage stmp Mi.625) for first flight, interesting U:A5
1940-42 comp. 4 pcs of special delivery letters to Bohemia-Moravia, sender conductor Dr. Wenceslas Talich, sent to manželku, color franking, Italian or German censorship, signs of usage, otherwise interesting U:A5
1860-1988 [COLLECTIONS] collection with duplication, placed in 4 stockbooks and in album, all in cardboard box, contains stamp countries - Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Trieste, from classic issue, a lot of of material from 20.-30. years, from y. 1945 for example also blocks of four, all sets etc.., incl. some better values, high catalogue value after/behind low price; total 9kg of material U:K
1861-1988 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps on album sheets Schaubek in spring folder, c.v.. more than 5500€ U:Z
1863-1938 [COLLECTIONS] semifinished collection, contains set good stamps and sets, for example. Mi.15 I., 16-22, 49, 61-66, 96, 100-03, 177-82, 206-11, 234-39, 391-400, 505-11, Official 6-8, parcel stamp 3-6, etc., Staroitalské states lightly obsazeny, on album sheets Stiburek incl. spring folders, cat. min. 3400€ U:Z