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1859 Mi.10, Coat of arms 37½C, irregular margins, else preserved, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1906 Mi.82-83, Grand Duke Wilhelm, highest value 2½Fr and 5Fr, clear cancel., c.v.. 180€ U:A5
1878 p.stat obálková order card with printed stmp 30C, Mi.PAU1, CDS DOMMELDINGEN/ 13.3.78, redirected on reverse several postmarks and notices, sent back with note. by blue raddle; small tearing in upper margin, fold in lower margin U:A5
1938 airmail letter addressed to to Czechoslovakia, mixed franking lucemburských and French stamp., i.a. franked with. airmail stamp 1¼Fr, Mi.236, CDS VILLE 16.10.38, on/for postage francoutských stamp. 40C + 35C CDS STRASBOURG/ 16.10.38, on reverse arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT/ 17.X.38, Us Czechosl. censorship, blackened name addressee - otherwise good condition U:A5
1859-1939 [COLLECTIONS] nice semifinished basic collection on album sheets Stiburek with těžištěm in years 1925-35, contains set better stamp. and sets, for example. Mi.8, 39A, 213-17, 240-44, 245-49, 252-56, 259-64, 303-08, official Mi.5 II., suitable to continuation also to sale, incl. spring folders, c.v.. 2.570€ U:Z