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1933 Mi.282-283, comp. 2 pcs of marginal stmp, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1954-58 Mi.Bl.13, Bl.15, Bl.16 and Bl.22, comp. 4 pcs of miniature sheets, mint never hinged, c.v.. 122€ U:A5
1953-66 selection of 19 complete issues + miniature sheet Mi.Bl.38, all with motive of Sport, only 1 set used, other mint never hinged, nice quality, on/for plate A4, c.v.. 100€ U:A4
1949 international reply coupon - London Design 2x, 1x clear with value 15Zl přepsanou on/for 45Zl, 1x value 45Zl with one CDS BYTOM/ 4.2.49, good condition U:A5
1918 TARNÓW Letter franked with. Austrian Postage due stamps 5h, 15h, 30h and express stamp. 2h, all with hand-made overprint "Eagle without crowns" (c.v.. Michel type II.) in black color, CDS TARNÓW 1/ 28.XII.18, local issue, evidently additionally additionally written address, small format, sound condition U:A5
1935 philatelically influenced Reg letter to Cracow with Mi.287, 299 2x, Piłsudski, special postmark SOWINIEC 28.V.1935, nice U:A5
1937 letter to Germany, with Mi.301, 303, 315, 316 and 318, CDS LUBIANKA/ 2.IV.37, burdened with postage-due, missing payment, on reverse torn lapel, exp. Vaumund FP, in front good condition U:A5
1946 Reg letter with Mi.415 and 418; provisional postmark and Reg label POLSKA CEREKIEW, addressed to to internment camp in Nove Benatky, military censorship, redirected U:A5
1948-50 comp. 7 pcs of various entires addressed to Czechoslovakia, i.a. contains 2x picture PC from that 1x overprint sent as express, p.stat envelope, Reg letter, Express letter with interesting frankings, good condition, valuable selection of U:A5
1935 comp. 2 pcs of airmail letters addressed to Austria, both with multicolor franking airmail stamps Mi.227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 301, porto in value 70Gr, CDS CHORZOW/ 23.X.35 and SEMIANOWICE/ 23.XII.35, on reverse both air-mail cancel. WARSAW PORT LOTNICZY and WIEN FLUGPOST, interesting air-mail entires with patina age U:A5
1918-65 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, various perf, color etc.., Exile issue Mi.360-367, value 1,50Zl short tooth, placed in 8-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 2.570MiM (from that from y. 1945 1.420MiM), stmp with overprint POCZTA POLSKA excluded from sum U:Z
1918-80 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection on album sheets, cat. over 1300€ (stamps hinged and incomplete set from y. 1945 excluded from sum) U:Z
1918-89 [COLLECTIONS] very incomplete collection mainly used stamps, placed on album sheets in spring folder and notebooks, also with duplication in stockbook, cat. over 1000€, souvenir sheets in photo-corners included to sum as stamps, cheap postwar stamps excluded from sum U:Z
1919-20 [COLLECTIONS] SO1920 (overprint) postage stmp with overprint SO1920 (overprint), Mi.3-10, blocks and parts of sheets, i.a. Mi.3 - 90-blok with margin, also with parts of sheets postage and postage-due stamps without overprint U:Z
1919-38 [COLLECTIONS] remaining collection on album sheets Stiburek, it contains e.g. Mi.75-76, 99-100, 201-11, 212, 290, 293, 294-98, 301-11, East Silesia Mi.3-16, 18 and other, good quality, incl. older spring folders, c.v.. 250€ U:Z
1920-60 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 29 pcs of entires, mainly 20.-40. years U:O5