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1933 Mi.551-554, FIS, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1933 Mi.555A, WIPA, white paper, mint never hinged, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1934 Mi.567-584, National costumes, values 1g-2S blue-green, c.v.. more than 110€ U:A5
1935 Mi.598-612, Airmail, c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1936 Mi.623-626, FIS, c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1936-37 Mi.632-637, Inventors, 649-657, Physicians, c.v.. 95€ U:A5
1937 Mi.639-641, 642-645, 646-648, 3 set in blocks of four, c.v.. 100€ U:A5
1920 comp. 2 pcs of letters with Republic Deutsch-Österreich, from that 1x censored Registered and Express letter, rich frankings, usual quality U:A5
1939 SHIP MAIL / SHIP/ 20.8.1939/ AUGSBURG framed pmk on Ppc to Bohemia-Moravia, with Hindenburg 15pf, CDS HOHENEMS/ 21.VIII.39; nice ship postmark U:A5
1948 Mi.878-884, Umělci, complete set in blocks of four, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1948-52 Mi.928, 933, 970, 973, 974, 975, comp. 6 pcs of bloks of four with margin, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1962-63 comp. 8 pcs of stamps Mi.969, 976 4x, 977, 982 2x, c.v.. 115€ U:A5
1953 Mi.985-988, Birds, c.v.. 240€ U:A5
1850 Mi.1, 1 Kr light brown-orange, type Ia, str-of-3 with CDS BASSANO, wide margins, rare, in/at this color str-of-3 used in Austria have/has cat. Ferchenbauer 2750€, for usage in Italy we estimate c.v.. 5500€ U:DR
1850 Mi.1, the first issue., 5Cmi orange, CDS LEGNAGO, short tear in R margin U:A5
1863 complete Italian newspaper "Il Contemporaneo" with pseudosmíšenou franking of Revenues Mi.2, 2 Kreuzer red, and Austrian revenue Mi.3, 2 Kreuzer brown, 1x oval pmk VENICE, arrival WIEN, cat. Ferchenbauer 2500€ U:A5
1863 complete Italian newspaper "Il Contemporaneo" with mounted revenue 2 Kreuzer red, Mi.2, oval pmk VENICE, address tie-on label detached, cat. Ferchenbauer 450€ U:A4
1872 folded cover of letter to Genoa, with VI. issue Mi.2I, 4I 2x, CDS LLOYD AGENZIE/ SMIRNE/ 2/3 supplemented with black cancel. P.D.; good condition, decorative U:A5
1867 LEVANT Mi.3I, 5I, Franz Joseph 5Sld (pair) and 15Sls (str-of-3), rough print with whole CDS blue color RETTIMO and FILIPOPOLI, 15Sld with whole wmk "K", c.v.. total min. 485€ U:A5
1879 LEVANT Mi.3I, Franz Joseph 5Sld red, str-of-5, rough print on cut-square with CDS CANEA (Crete), c.v.. ca. 400€, very nice multiple to specialized collection U:A5
1908 PLATE PROOF LEVANT, CRETE comp. 8 pcs of imperforated plate proofs in original colors, from that 1x 30Pia Postage due stmp on original paper without gum U:A5
1864 comp. 2 pcs of letters to Vienna with Mi.23, Double-headed Eagle 15Sld brown, perf 9½;, CDS BUCAREST and CDS ALEXANDRIEN, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1906 Mi.29-31, 33-41, Landscape, incomplete set 12 pcs of stamps with perf 4441, sought U:A5
1906 Mi.33, 38, 40 2x, 44, Landscape, comp. 5 pcs of stamps with various perf - identified, marked U:A5
1906 comp. 15 pcs of stamps issue Landscape with various perf - identified, marked U:A5
1906 PLATE PROOF Mi.44, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer, comp. 2 pcs of complete sheets in/at black and blue color, copper print on original paper without gum, on/for black sheet approving signature Th. Hrnčíř 6.11.1906, toned - spots, otherwise very fine, quite extraordinary offer, decoration every specialized collection U:A3v–
1908 PC 5h uprated with stamp Mi.31-32 to Saigon (!), CDS K.u.K.. MILIT.POST SARAJEVO/ 22/2/08, very unusual destination U:A5
1917 letter with multicolor franking overprint Surtax stamp. Mi.89 2x, 93, 94 3x, 117, CDS SARAJEVO 6.I.17, small tearing in margins envelope/-s U:A5
1918 Reg letter to Prague, franked with. i.a. Surtax stamp. Mi.142 2x, Aid to War Crippled, and block of four stamp. Mi.125, Charles 5h, CDS DOBRLJIN/ 10.IV.18 + print line FP cachet postmark, good condition U:A5
1895-1918 [COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of stamps on album sheets in spring folder, cat. over 600€ U:Z
1900-18 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, partial specialisation, various perf, shades and oths., placed in 20-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 2200€ U:Z
1906-10 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, placed on free album sheets, heterogeneous material, various perf, interesting, suitable for next elaboration U:Z
1872 postal stationery cover Mi.U60, VI. issue 5 Kreuzer, sent as Reg to Prague, on reverse uprated with stamp Mi.38 I, arrival PRAG, torn flap, cat. Ferchenbauer 650€ U:A5
1868 Mi.U55, 5 Kreuzer red, uprated with stamp Mi.37 2x, Reg, CDS WOLFRAMITZ 7/3, rare, superb U:A5
1882-1913 comp. 6 pcs of PC: Mi.P26, German-Czech text; P75, German-Czech text; P84A, German-Czech text, answer part; P216, sent to Feldpost (Field-Post) č.114 already 25.VIII.14; P216 uprated with stamp Mi.139 and 140; P217 addressed to to Paris; all postally used in Bohemia, well preserved U:A5
1896 Mi.K22, letter-card 5 Kreuzer red, German text, uprated with stamp 2x 5 Kreuzer Franz Joseph., lined postmark FRANZENSBAD/ 20.9.96, sent as Reg to Prague (originally as Express with tím, that 5 Kreuzer doplatí recipient wasn't akceptováno), arrival postmark PRAG/ 20.9.96 on reverse, well preserved U:A5
1897 letter-card Mi.K15, 3 Kreuzer green, to Rumania, uprated with stamp Mi.50 3x, 51 2x, CDS PRAGUE 2/ 11/4/97, nice U:A5
1901 Mi.P130 uprated with stamp 5h Franz Joseph., CDS KARLSBAD/ STATION/ 4.4.01, addressed to to New York, more times redirected (3 cancel. in front and 2 on reverse) and returned sender, in front cancel. RETOUR and arrival postmark KARLSBAD/ 17.6.01, sought by specialists, light dusky margins, after all interesting U:A5
1903 Mi.K44, letter-card 6h orange, sent as Reg in the place, uprated with stamp 25h Franz Joseph., CDS PRAG/ 20.10.03, arrival postmark PRAG 1/ 20.10.03 on reverse, well preserved U:A5
1904 Mi.K41, letter-card 6h orange, uprated by. on reverse 4x 1h Franz Joseph., CDS HABRY/ 8.3.04, all margins (!), arrival postmark ČÁSLAV/ 9.3.04 on reverse, nice piece U:A5
1904 private commercial postal stationery cover with printed stamp. 6h Franz Joseph. yellow, CDS SMÍCHOV 1/ 8.1.04, addressed to Escomptní bance in Prague, sound condition U:A5
1907 Mi.K45b, letter-card 10h red, inside paper yellow, sought variant, sent as Reg to Brno, uprated with stamp 5h + 20h Franz Joseph., CDS ŠLAPANICE/ 26.II.07, on reverse arrival postmark BRNO 2/ 26.2.07, well preserved U:A5
1908 Mi.P208, Jubilee pictorial PC 5h Franz Joseph. sent as Reg in the place, uprated by. 1 + 12 + 12h, red special postmark PRAGUE/ ? ,1908 + CDS PRAGUE 1/ 2.12.08 + Mi.P215, ditto with printed stmp in the middle, red special postmark PRAGUE 2.XII.1908, good condition U:A5
1917 Mi.P229, PC 8h Franz Joseph. sent as Reg, uprated with stamp 25h same issue, CDS BRNO 7/ 15.10.17, official correspondence, interesting sender, good condition U:A5
1874 larger part of postal order with additional-printed red 5 Kreuzer stamp. VI. issue, Mi.A3, uprated by. 5 Kreuzer stamp. same issue rough print with CDS GISTERNITZ, vertical fold and punch cancelled U:A5
1912-15 Mi.RP29, 2 pcs of PC for pneumatic-tube post 25h Franz Joseph, Us Prague pneumatic-tube post incl. arrival postmarks U:A5
1903 letter-card Mi.K44, 6h orange, sent as express in the place, uprated with stamp Mi.77, CDS PRAGUE, tete-beche/opposite bilingual straight line postmark; very rare U:A5
1900 Mi.P131, PC 5h Franz Joseph uprated with stamp 1+1+3h Franz Joseph, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 24.5.00, addressed to to Switzerland, arrival postmark ZÜRICH and ALTSTETTEN (Zürich)/ 26.V.00 in front, in the middle thin/light browny spots, otherwise good condition U:A5
1917 Mi.P229, PC 8h F.J. sent as Reg, uprated with stamp 25h, Mi.192, CDS LIBĚJICE/ 2/1 17, commercial correspondence, good condition U:A5
1869-1918 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 930 pcs of p.stat, from that 138 pcs of "yellow", major-part Us p.stat is from Czech region, placed in box U:K
1844 AVISO - advice about arrival of mailing, BŘECLAV, fee for transport 12Fl and 15 Kreuzer, very interesting U:A4
1860 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE handwritten parcel card, sent on/for aristocratic address from Wien (Vienna) to Brno, also with part cover from same parcel, interesting U:A4
1871 parcel card with C.O.D. 4Fl as folded letter, cash paid post. fee 18Kr, tax fee 5 Kreuzer as revenue issue 1870, CDS CHRUDIM 11/4 and parcel label Von CHRUDIM, arrival SWRATKA; very interesting, sought by specialists U:A5
1878 bilingual French - German international dispatch note (?) to Germany, on yellow paper, sent with balíčkem in value 1100Fl, CDS WIEN/ 1/2/78, big red seal U:A3s|
1896 request reklamační 3-lingual sheet (issue 1892) on/for mailing to USA, mounted stamp. VIII. issue 10Kr, Mi.54, CDS TETSCHEN A. D. ELBE/ 25.5.96, older blank form used with later issues value zvyšuje (see cat. Ferchenbauer page. 852), cat. min. 2.500€ U:A3v–
1900-18 POSTAL-AGENCIES comp. 4 pcs of Ppc with postal agency pmk, BORAČ, MEDLOVICE, RONOV and TRNAVA (TŘEBÍČ); nice imprints U:A5
1899 SHIP MAIL / LLOYD AUSTRIACO XVII / 19.7.99, blue single circle cancel. on Ppc (Makarska), with Mi.51, addressed to to Zagreb, arrival ZÁGRÁB/ ZAGREB/ 21.JUL.899 in front, sound condition U:A5
1918 FIELD POST / ITALY Mi.1-19, Charles I. with overprint new values in/at Italian currency, 4 complete set + Mi.1A-7A Postage due stmp stamp. with overprint new values, 4 complete set; all used on free sheets paper with CDS FP 293/ 28.X.18, cat. min. 260€ U:A5
1866 BAVARIA completely in good condition parcel wrapping, sent from Regensburg, straight line postmark REGENSBURG, to Brno via Wien, parcel label WIEN, off. data, rests of seals 1871 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS parcel card as folded letter f. SOLFINGER, Chrudim, with documentary stamp 5 Kreuzer (1870), CDS CHRUDIM 16/1, blue arrival postmark SWRATKA, very interesting U:A4