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1939 pre-printed commercial envelope format A4 with multicolor franking Hlinka, i.a. stamp. 2,50 Koruna with line perforation 12½; : 10½;, Alb.31C, variant 9, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 27.VII.39, c.v.. Földes evaluates on letter in mixed franking 10.000SKK U:A4
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection of stmp, mostly used, i.a. 3.50K blue Opt mint never hinged, hinge out of stamp) and 4 Koruna -10K exp. by Gilbert., nice quality U:Z
1939 Alb.L1-9, Airmail, selection sheets, parts of sheets and blocks, c.v.. only stamps 2700Sk (without plate variety) U:A3v–
1939-44 comp. 15 pcs of airmail entires, from that 7x abroad as Italy, Germany, Hungary, other to Bohemia-Moravia, 3x card first flight BRATISLAVA - PREŠOV, interesting frankings with air stamp. both issues, part as Registered + Flight, mainly neprůkazná air transport, after all profitable offer U:A4
1940 philatelically influenced air-mail card to Königsbergu, franked with. 3 pcs of airmail stamps and stmp 2,50 Koruna Tiso, Alb.45, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 17.I.40, sent back with cancel. Retour and mounted label Insufficient Address; wrinkled corners card U:A5
1939 Alb.NV5PP, Newspaper stamp 10h, inverted overprint, good margins, nice, exp. by Müller + Šablatúra, rare, cat. Földes 8000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.NV6PP, Newspaper stamp 12h, pair with upper margin, inverted overprint, good margins, nice, exp. by Gilbert + Mahr, rare, cat. Földes 7000SKK U:A5
1939 Alb.NV10, Newspaper stamps 2h, block of four with L margin, horiz. grid in gum, machine offset, cat. Földes 3.000Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.NV11Xx, Newspaper stamp 5h, paper without watermark, horiz. grid, wide margins, on reverse thin/light offset printing color, specialist sought variant, mint never hinged U:A5
1939 NV14, NV17, NV21, Newspaper stamps, selection of 25 pcs of 100-stamps sheets, 19x 10h red, 5x 20h green, 1x 1Ks grey, c.v.. only stamps 9.900Sk (without plate variety) U:A3v–
1939 Alb.NV20x, Newspaper stamp 50h brown, horiz. lined gum, cat. Földes 20.000SKK U:A5
1943 Alb.NV23-28, Newspaper stamps, complete 100-stamps sheets, cat. Földes 2000SKK U:A3v–
1939-40 comp. 3 pcs of cuts from newspaper mails with address label, franking stamps Alb.NV10, 11, 12, 13, exact rate after/behind newspaper with insert (2x), and two inserts (ev.. Sunday issue with once insert), CDS PREŠOV, VEĹKÉ LEVÁRE and BRATISLAVA, good condition U:A5
194? part cover newspaper mailing with address label (for 29 pieces copies/imprints), with Alb.NV25 (2x) + 26 + 27 (2x), CDS BRATISLAVA/ ? (worse print), rare usage newspaper stmp issue 1943, good condition U:A5
1943 part cover newspaper mailing with address label (17 pieces copies/imprints), with Alb.NV14 + 17 (10 pieces stamps), č.NV14 with private perf, CDS KRUPINA/ 5.4.1943 (light imprint), rare usage stamps 20h, adequately preserved U:A5
1939 Alb.D1-12, Postage due stmp 5h - 20Ks, without watermark on paper with grid, superb U:A5
1939 Alb.D7Y, Postage due stmp 60h, complete 100-stamps. sheet with plate number 1, wmk 2, incl. plate variety, c.v.. ca. 1300Sk+ U:A3v–
1942 Alb.DL13-27, Postage due stmp, selection of 100-stamps. sheets with plate number, values 10h and 50h with plate number 2, 40h with plate number 3 and other with plate number 1, c.v.. 11300Sk, placed in flat box U:K
1939-42 preprinted commercial PC with mixed postage-due franking Czechosl. Postage due stamp 30h and Slovak postage stmp 20h Hlinka with mailing CDS MODRÝ KAMEŇ/ 2.VIII.39, card with hole from letter file/-s + returned court letter with mixed franking Slovak Postage due stamp 1Ks and postage stmp 30h Tatra on reverse, CDS LÚČKY/ 7.VII.42, good condition, rare franking U:A5
1943 so-called. kyvadlový letter sent to tax office, underpaid burdened with postage-due with mailing CDS NOVÁ BAŇA/ 9.II.43, on reverse note. "content vybral" with postmark office and sent back for choice postage-due 2,60Sk, mixed franking postage-due stamp. I. and issue II (50h the first issue.), CDS SVÄTÝ BENEDIK/ 12.II.43; envelope vertical folded, exceptional franking postage-due stamps! U:A5
1942 underpaid letter stamp. 20f sent from Hungary to Slovakia, CDS BUDAPEST 42 VII.11., burdened with postage-due mounted pair stamp. 1Ks the first issue., Alb.D8Y, CDS DOBŠINÁ/ 27.VII.42, Us Hungarian and Slovak censorship, censor stick-on label, good condition U:A5
1944 underpaid letter stamp. 4f sent from Hungary to Slovakia, CDS BUDAPEST/ 44.Maj.23., burdened with postage-due, mounted stamp. 50h, Alb.D16, CDS DOBŠINÁ/ 3.VI.44, Slovak censorship, good condition U:A5
1939 off. without franking letter where porto paid by receiver, as postage-due used postage stmp 50h Hlinka pair, Alb.29A with provisory overprint "T", with CDS TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN/ 6.VIII.39; good condition, rare U:A5
1943 Alb.PD3-4, Postage due stamps 1Ks + 2 Koruna with overprint Paušalovaná potravná tax, nice, cat. Földes 700SKK U:A5
1939-44 selection of 24 pcs of stamps with perfins, from that 8 various, usual quality U:A5
1941 Russian PC 10k used as FP card with CDS FP 6/ 11.X.1941 supplemented with red censorship cancel., formation/section sender Berta 2, spojovací troop, perfect condition U:A5
1941-42 comp. 2 pcs of entires with postmarks FP, 1x letter with cancel. ÚSTREDŇA POLNÝCH POŠT/ 5.X.42 with red censorship cancel. (missing back flap), 1x franked letter, with funeral notification with censorship cancel. and on/for over stickon with CDS ÚSTREDŇA POLNÝCH POŠT/ 14.XII.41, tearing in margin U:A5
1941-44 comp. 3 pcs of FP cards, 1x sent to FP with CDS DOBŠINÁ/ 14.VI.41 with frame censorship postmark, 2 pcs of cards sent from Russian front with CDS FP 6 formation/section Kriváň and PP52 formation/section Fazula 2, censorship, good condition U:A5
1939 CUSTOMS CONTROL BRATISLAVA Reg letter with rich mixed frankturou parallel overprint and definitive issue, addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 12.VI.39, passed through censorship, on reverse stick-on label Foreign control with CDS BRATISLAVA 1, good condition U:A5
1941 FISCAL USAGE POSTAL STAMPS blank form Služebního letter ministry post in Bratislava, where is used postage stmp National Motives 2 Koruna, Alb.40, as payment pokuty employees post in/at PARCHVIANÁCH after/behind opomenutí near/in/at account postal service, stmp cancelled CDS PARCHVIANY/ 18.V.41, interesting contemporary text, rare usage post. stamps in time Slovak Rep., small tearing in/at folds U:A4
1941-42 JUDAICA comp. 5 pcs of entires with marking Jewish star before/(in front of) name sender, various condition U:A5
1943 JUDAICA money deposit order segment, receiver Interior Ministry, work duty of the Jews Bratislava, plátce Jewish religious community Veľká Bytča, CDS VEĽKÁ BYTČA/ 21.VI.43, good condition U:A5
1910-80 [COLLECTIONS] BRATISLAVA big collection of ca. 2000 pcs of entires with relation to Bratislava - commemorative postmarks, Reg labels, souvenir sheets and stamps with motive of Bratislava as franking, machine postmark, commercial added-print etc.., placed in 2 boxes, total 6kg of material U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection, placed on 17 hingeless album pages Leuchtturm, contains Overprint issue (all expertized and zaručené right), Hlinka - various perf Alb.23B+C; 24C expertized; 32C expertized; 33B+C expertized; miniature sheet For Children-issue with plate variety "mráček", Postage due stmp - complete set with vertical grid also with wmk etc..; high catalogue value U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] box waste prints and cut-squares, total 3kg of material, suitable for collector postmarks U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps and sets, Overprint issue only to values 3CZK, miniature sheet For Children-issue, Postage due stmp and oths., in 12-sheet stockbook U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete basic collection, for example. overprint issue only Alb.2-18, also with 2 small stockbooks A5, c.v.. uncounted U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection 50 pcs of newspaper wrappers, cut-squares with newspaper stmp, interesting, suitable for next elaboration U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 150 pcs of entires, cut-squares, commemorative sheets with special postmark, also mobile post office on a bus and oths. U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] SLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. of stamps in 12-sheet stockbook, contains i.a. incomplete Slovak Overprint issue with stamp. Alb.15 U:Z
1939 CDV34, part II., CDS TRNAVA/ 1.VI.39, addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, sound condition U:A5
1939 CDV4/1-36, Promotional, complete collection, No.18 - tree R, cat. Földes 11.000SKK U:A5
1939 CDV4/3, 11 2x, 15, 18a, 26, 32, 36, Promotional postcards, collection 8 pcs of PC, censorship, 2x filling holes U:A5
1939-43 CDV4, comp. 8 pcs of pictorial post cards, 7x Hlinka 1,20 Koruna and 1x uprated PC Hlinka 50h, all to Prague, various CDS, censorship etc.. U:A5
1939-44 CDV4/4, 7, comp. 2 pcs of clear pictorial post cards Hlinka 1,20 Koruna brown, High Tatras and Štrbské lake here flaw print white line on forehead Hlinky + CDV13/1, 16, 2 pcs of pictorial post cards Rázus 1Ks, Štrbské Pleso and Kremnica, only slightly wrinkled corners U:A5
1939 CDV5X, double PC Hlinka - color printing error, cat. Földes 4000SKK U:A5
1941 CDV8, CDV10/1, Tiso 50h sent as Reg, uprated with stamp 2 Koruna, CDS HÁJNIKY 1.VII.41 then Us p.stat Memorandum, CDS TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN, redirection with other CDS TRENČIANSKE TEPLICE 25.VII.41, good condition U:A5
1941 CDV10/2, pictorial PC to Bohemia-Moravia, uprated with stamp 20h + 50h, CDS PIEŠŤANY/ 24.VII.41, multiple censorship, well preserved U:A5
1944 CDV13/1-18, Promotional, complete collection, cat. Földes 6000SKK U:A5
1944 CPL2, comp. 2 pcs of certificates of mailing for telegram 50h Hlinka yellow-green 1x without uprating, 1x uprated with stamp Princes 50h, CDS TRENČIANSKÁ TEPLÁ 24.I. and 21.IV.44; very fine U:A5
1939-40 CAZ1, 2, comp. 2 pcs of Un address labels, from that card Tiso with plate variety interrupted "N" in/at záznamný, good condition U:A5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of stamps, in 16-sheet stockbook, only Overprint issue ca. 12.000SKK, then 4 pcs of 4-stamp gutter Tiso (+ c.v.. 1,500Sk), full stockbook used stamps U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] business supply ca. 2.000 pcs of stamps in/at hezkém stockbook A4 (8 sheets), also with 3 album sheets cut-squares and 5 pcs of entires, from that 2x Reg letter, profitable price U:Z
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 600 pcs of entires, various franking, postmark and oths., placed in box from shoes U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 78 pcs of airmail entires, mostly first flights Bratislava–Prešov and back, various franking, censorship, interesting U:O5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires with Postage due stamps, interesting U:O4