1940-2000 [COLLECTIONS] BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., SLOVAKIA, FOREIGN COUNTRIES remaining comp. of entires, in cardboard box, total 9kg of material, suitable for next elaboration
1945-65[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires, contains interesting pieces, surtax, air-mail, monetary reform, ship post - Konkolski, provisional Reg label, returned mailing, good condition - suitable to other sale
1946-88[COLLECTIONS] selection air-mail letters and cards, mostly CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., first flights etc.., total 208 pieces, good condition also with hints postal transport, good offer, ca. 0,65kg
1947-51 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 60 pcs of FDC, first day sheets with special postmark (especially Kladno and surroundings), also with Pof.A408/412, placed in flat box
1960-90 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., FOREIGN COUNTRIES color comp. of entires, i.a. valuable letters, in cardboard box, total 9kg of material, suitable for next elaboration
1968 [COLLECTIONS] AEROPHILATELY collection 36 pcs of entires balloon flight, any other one, all Us, almost complete, signatures pilots, advertising labels with various shades, postmark with various distinctive characters, contains also rare flights for the benefit of SOS child's villages, in addition 2 special flights GDR–Praha; placed on exhibit sheets, exceptional offer
1968 [COLLECTIONS] EXHIBITION PRAGA cardboard box with material in relation to philatelic exhibition, entrance ticket, parkovací cards, advertising matter incl. gramodesky, invitation-cards, bulletiny, literature and oths.; placed on album sheets, absolutely exceptional offer
1970-85 [COLLECTIONS] selection 2200 pcs of big cuts parcel cards, 300 pcs of small cuts and letters with interesting frankings, in cardboard box, total 6kg of material, suitable for study purposes
1970-85 [COLLECTIONS] big selection of Reg letters, placed in 8 archivačních boxes, all in big cardboard box, total 32kg of material, suitable for study purposes
1945CDV VII, comp. 5 pcs of PC Hlinka with overprint Czechoslovakia, from that 2x Us with CDS URMÍN and BANSKÁ BYSTRICA, from clear 1x with hand-made violet overprint, other with red machine, c.v.. 1400CZK
1955 CDV123/1-15, Spartakiad 1955, whole set 15 pcs of pictorial post cards Zápotocký 30h, all with CDS ÚSTÍ N. L., uprated and sent by air mail to Germany, in this form extraordinary selection of
1982 CSO2, 60 y. of Air Transport in Czechoslovakia, c.v.. 2500CZK, also with free New Year-envelope 1985 and 4x PF (1983 and 2x 1984 and 1985); very fine
1975CPVPNÚ 2 BRATISLAVA, more/larger part post. order cards - Postal newspaper service - Office Bratislava, place stamps printed price 65h, red print on yellowy paper, CDS KOŠICE/ 1.VII.75, catalogue Pofis P.stat II. part this sample/specimen doesn't report, Slovak order card with contrary of Czech version liší sale price 65h instead 64h
1945-83[COLLECTIONS] big but incomplete collection of stationeries, Us also Un, contains i.a. complete files Defenders of Peace CDV100, Metallurgy CDV101, JZD CDV102, Labour Union Recreation CDV103, M. Aleš CDV108, Večerky CDV110, Zápotocký grey-green CDV112 (with wide cut and part/-s hirní picture dopisnice!!), Work reserve / advance CDV113, Public Transport CDV116, Restaurant CDV117, Areolinie CDV118 (only used), Beauty of homeland CDV120, Spartakiad CDV123, Peace Race CDV125, CDV127, Spartakiad CDV142, Towns CDV145, Spartakiad CDV152, Tourism CDV129, CDV133, Zoo Prague CDV130, Grand Prix CDV131, Vrátná valley CDV134, supplemented with several files CPH, and novějšími CDV and postal stationery cover, on album pages in 9 boxes, all in big cardboard box, c.v.. ca. 90.000CZK, total 21kg of material, very profitable offer!
1970-80 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 1500 pcs of PC mainly issue Prague (I) and Bratislava (I), incl. pictorial post cards, various variants, papers, plate variety etc.., in cardboard box, suitable as research material
1970-80 [COLLECTIONS] wide selection of PC issue Prague and Bratislava 30h, partial specialisation, various postmark, plate variety, private added-print etc.., placed in box from shoes, total 6kg of material
1978-96 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., SLOVAKIA big comp. of ca. 7 thousand PC mainly issue Prague and Bratislava, some uprated, forerunner and parallel PC, mixed franking and oths., in cardboard box, total 38kg of material, suitable as research material