1952 Pof.638, International Week of Youth 2Kčs grey-green, horizontal strip of 4 with upper margin, omitted perforation hole 3x between pane position, partly detached in perforation
1952 Pof.651, May Day 3Kčs, plate variety 1/40, "desetinná" dot after/behind "3" and corner piece with 8. omitted perforation hole from above in R margin
1952 Pof.A691/692, souvenir sheets BRATISLAVA, comp. 5 pcs of miniature sheets with exhibition cancel. (3 pcs of miniature sheets without gum, 2 pcs of miniature sheets with gum, minor gum fault), on/for all various smaller shifts one or both stamp., any other one
1946comp. 5 pcs of philatelically influenced R letters franked with. i.a. stamps cut from Partisan miniature sheet Pof.A408/412, always supplemented with same stamp. sheet issue; good condition, unusual
1950Reg and Express letter with unusual franking stamp. from special joined printing stamp. PRAGUE 1950, Pof.559-561, and stamp. vystřižené from exhibition miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, Pof.562A, right franking incl. certificate of mailing; good condition
1945-52 [COLLECTIONS] gift album for ViliamaŠirokého, future komunistického chairman governance, signature Alois NEUMAN, Postmaster General and communications, complete volumes in blocks of four incl. air-mail issues, souvenir sheets, interesting, very good condition
1945-53 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of more than 190 complete issues in "old" currency, all mint never hinged, on/for plate A4 + in/at envelopes, index inserted, c.v.. more than 1000CZK
1945[COLLECTIONS] Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, selection of 60 pcs of miniature sheets, various MS pos., 2x complete set MS pos. 1-9, 1x selection of without MS pos. 1, 27 pcs of MS pos. 2-8, c.v.. 15.000CZK, suitable for examining
1957 Pof.957, Tatra National Park 60h, right marginal vertical pair, green, orange-yellow, production flaw - in 5 column significant incomplete-printing green color R, on request exp. by Arbeit
1957 Pof.A967II, miniature sheet Zápotocký, type II - berry, luxury piece with original minimum minor gum fault at top, c.v.. 2.800CZK, profitable price
1957-58 comp. of 10 various catalogued flaws, contains Pof.948 DV1/17 as blk-of-4 with date, 959 1/43, 982 2/20 corner Pr, 983 2/11, 992 2/10, 1050 1/12, 1069/ 1/29 and 1/30, 1075 1/28 and 2/23 + Pof.983TV, 1x shift red downward and 1x shift red R; cat. only plate variety min. 1.440Kč
1960Pof.1105c, Castles 40h black-brown, corner blk-of-4 with date 24.IX.62, rare surplus print, other then from year 1964, also with common printing with date 16.II.60, on request exp. by Arbeit., exceptional offer
1960Pof.1107c, Castles 1Kčs, corner blk-of-4 with date 15.12.60, in lower margin signature of author AntonaHollého, also with vertical pair with date 18.3.60; still nenabízený surplus print with sought color shade
1961 Pof.A1216, miniature sheet PRAGA 1962, so-called. "linen", plate A without dots on pos. 1 R from numeral(s) "1", cancel. FDC, with original gum, the first known piece
1965 comp. of 6 plate variety and 1x plate variety, contains Pof.1451 2/7 (red line below 1965), 2/8 (pair with margin), 2/13, 1482 1/21 (corner. str-of-3), 1/84 (significant also less significant) and 1487DO 2/47 ("hřebínek")
1965 Pof.1487, Bratislava, selection of nepřesných roll embossing, corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 41/1 + 47/1, corner Pr with plate variety 41/1, various dates of print, nice, c.v.. 750CZK
1966 Pof.1519ST, Fishes, block of four with upper margin and register point in margin, 2x ST I. + II.., in addition nezapočítaná stmp with plate variety 59/1 (cut 1), used, c.v.. 900CZK